NPR is pure propaganda

Yeppers. Not is no worse biased than sludge like Fox spews ie msnbc or CNN. I'm fact all three of those are terrible. Fake news all 3 are.
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.
What is the truth?

I don't think NPR denies that the person in question was a mass murdering abortion doctor.

They just don't like advertising it as such.

They are attempting to manipulate public opinion via the psychology of words and withholding information.
I am 100% confident NPR would never call an abortion doctor a mass murderer, seeing that no one knows what that is.
What's the big deal? Some great programs, some I have no interest in, just like every other radio or TV station, watch what I like skip what I don't.
What is pure propaganda about D Abby, the antique road show, baking shows, nature shows, travel shows. consider the possibility that you get to choice,
don't let your anger make you miss out on the stuff well worth watching. or hearing.
But we’re all forced to subsidize it whether we change the station or not.
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.

Got it. You call anything that doesn't praise Trump "fake news" just like that obese orange fool that's camped out in our oval office.
The OP is a dumbass. NPR is the gold standard
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.

Got it. You call anything that doesn't praise Trump "fake news" just like that obese orange fool that's camped out in our oval office.
The OP is a dumbass. NPR is the gold standard

Sounds to me like you are dyslexic.

Here, let me help. Just switch the words dumbass and gold standard around and you will be good as gold.
I used to donate to NPR, and PBS many years ago. Then I woke up, and began to realize their programming mostly pushes the Far Left, Progressive agenda. I stopped donating, and turned it off. However, my tax dollars still go there against my will.
Thoughts and prayers. You have cable tv?
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.

Got it. You call anything that doesn't praise Trump "fake news" just like that obese orange fool that's camped out in our oval office.
The OP is a dumbass. NPR is the gold standard

Sounds to me like you are dyslexic.

Here, let me help. Just switch the words dumbass and gold standard around and you will be good as gold.

Your unhinged hatred pleases me
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.
Predictable, Everyone knows this guy was Americas preeminent abortion doctor. It’s the only way to describe him… But then again that’s not politically correct.

All progressives are pussy whipped bitches and should be treated as such.
The Blaze?


NPR is anti-white big time
I used to listen to them a lot because it was all I could get at work
anti-white stories all the time after about 2 years of not listening to them, I turned them on and guess what's on?:--an anti-white story
and they are funded by the government???!!
A extremist left wing organization funded by the federal government???
That is beyond fucked up always has been.... Just another part of the swamp
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.

Got it. You call anything that doesn't praise Trump "fake news" just like that obese orange fool that's camped out in our oval office.
The OP is a dumbass. NPR is the gold standard
Heard the most detailed story about how the government & insurance co handled the flooding in Texas, from NPR. Masterpiece theater on PBS holds its own against any network programs. don't know anyone who likes or agrees with all the programing on any station. we pay some of its cost because commercial stations wont fund much educational programs. news programs use to make zero money until the circus came to town.
NPR is a Progressive Socialist propaganda station and strictly screaming far left Liberal.
NPR reportedly nixes ad calling Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ The reason is sadly comical.

Why? Because they refuse to use the term "Abortion Doctor" when describing the movie coming out about Dr. Gosnell who has been described as America's #1 mass murderer.

The truth hurts, doesn't it Dims.

FFS!? I rather pay $750 for an abortion than 375K plus if living on gobmint dimes. For doing the nasty. And MORE, 2M Plus if locked up for life. As Conservative with rational brain issues, and can add the numbers. We need laws to make people pay for own spawns fully over 18 free schooling. Or work camp labor to start.

Which depends on what state living, can be 155k-275K free benefits till 18 years old.
As most pay little or no taxes to cover 375K. To cover this cost.
There are more red state Whitey sucking on/off gobmint dimes than colored btw.

The military is a social welfare program DOPers!


And you as a conservative, still won't pay for this life to live after birth. Why?
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Once again, I am confronted by people who have not only never listened to public radio, abut are absolutely clueless about how it works. No one listens to NPR because in essence, such a radio station does NOT exist. I listen to WPR or Wisconsin Public Radio. South of me, there is IPR or Illinois Public Radio. Each state has their own public radio which is by congressional mandate, part of the NPR system.

Each state does their own programming and picks up feeds from NPR or "programs and podcasts." All of them pick up their news feeds, usually headline news, on the hour and half. Specialty news such as "On Point" or "Fresh Air" are picked up individually or not at all. WPR, like all state public radio stations, also do their own shows that are of interest to the local population. This could include gardening, farming, music, cultural events, local news, etc.

Ask someone who whines about NPR about the name of the program that annoyed them and why, and you'll be met by double talk and babble. That is because they mindlessly repeat some ideological right wing mantra without ever actually listening to a program. It gets silly, if not just downright stupid, after awhile.
FFS!? I rather pay $750 for an abortion than 375K plus if living on gobmint dimes.
And MORE, 2M Plus if locked up for life. As Conservative with a rational brain issues, and can add the numbers. We need laws to make people pay for spawns fully over 18 schooling.
Or work camps to start.

Which depends on what state living, can be 155k-275K free benefits till 18 years old.
As most pay little or no taxes to cover 375K. To cover this cost.

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And you as a conservative, still won't pay for this life to live after birth. Why?


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