NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

your fascist wet dreams are unconstitutional . and it shows you are a low wattage dullard. Criminals are exempt from licensing. I wonder if you have the intellectual ammunition to understand why. I sort of doubt it. You have been proven dumber than a toad on this issue

Scalia takes a dirt nap.
Hillary appoints his replacement as Lawrence Tribe.
The Second Amendment becomes about Militias and Militias only.

The problem with guns is NOT "criminals". The problem with guns are suicides, kids who find daddy's revolver in the nightstand, and the couple that ends an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best with a gunshot.

Tribe has now adopted the individual rights position. Tribe is too Old.

Amar is more likely as is Karlan

If fire extinguishers burned down 43 homes for every home they saved, then they would be pretty useless.

If THAT is your view, then you should be for outlawing swimming. It serves no purpose and kills WAY more people than guns every year. You are afraid and obviously live in fear. What a pathetic excuse for a man you must be.

I don't know why people would deny the real intent of the 2nd amendment and why they are so fearful, or why they think that guns would just disappear. Of course, they MUST know that banning guns would have disastrous consequences, and crime related to guns would be even worse. NONE of them would be kept track of, and there would be no licensing or other procedures to follow. It would move them to the underground market where such regulations are not required.

I couldn't care less what the Founding Slave Rapists thought or what their intents were.

And your logic is that banning guns would have disasterous results or cause worse crime ignores the fact that countries that have banned guns have LESS crime than we have.

Those same countries have less violent crime that does not involve guns. Why do you think that is?

Whole lot of reasons. The primary one being that they are social democracies that don't let people starve or children die of treatable diseases, because they don't have fucking retards who say shit like "Well, the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put that in the constitution."

What a POS you are.
1) The Marshals identified themselves.

No, they sure didn't.

Degan and his hit squad were using stealth to assault weaver and his family. A dog found them and began to bark. Degan murdered the dog. The Weaver boy Sammy saw Degan murder his dog and took a wild shot in the direction of the intruders. Degan then murdered Sammy. Kevin Harris saw Degan murder the young boy and shot, killing Degan.

2) It wasn't like he didn't know who was after him.

The young boy had no idea who the armed invaders were, he knew that a man with a gun slaughtered his dog. He had every reason to believe that man would murder him - which in fact he did.

3) Do we know this happened at night?

It was 6:34 AM according to official records, when Marshall Michael Degan murdered Sammy Weaver.
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1) They identified themselves to Randy Weaver. The stories differ as to whether they did to Sammy Weaver and Kevin Harris. It is known that their camo clothing had no badges or other markings identifying them as federal agents.
2) No one was after Sammy Weaver. And this was the first incursion by the feds.

The ATF and Marshalls task force reported that the first contact was when Degan shot and killed the family dog. Sammy returned a single shot, when Degan murdered him. Harris reacted to the murder of the boy by shooting and killing Degan. ATF troopers wounded Harris as he retreated to the cabin in a hail of gun fire.

No words were spoken.

Fata Decisions mdash All about Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge by David Lohr mdash Crime Library

No, that won't happen either.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say it does. How do you propose the state conservation agencies replace the money in their budgets that hunters put there?? Often it is the lion's share of the budget. Going to replace that with federal money?

And how would you propose the animal populations be controlled?

Oh, and will you and the other anti-gun nuts be donating hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat to various food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters?

Yeah, guy, please try to convince us your cruelty to animals has redeeming social value.
Your arguments throughout this thread have been typical of your ilk.

You formed an idea based on emotions and kneejerk reactions. You then proclaim it to be a solution. You ignore the fact that your "solution" doesn't solve the problem, and that it cause a plethora of other problems.

When confronted with facts you either try to divert the topic in another direction or you attack the other person. Neither of which helps your argument.

You come into the argument woefully unprepared and lacking knowledge on the topic, but claim expertise. So you lie.

It solves the exact problem I want solved.

Punishing the fuck out of gun nuts for being assholes.

It'll probably reduce the murder rate, too. Because every other country that has banned guns has seen a drop in the murder and suicide rates.
1) The Marshals identified themselves.

No, they sure didn't.

Degan and his hit squad were using stealth to assault weaver and his family. A dog found them and began to bark. Degan murdered the dog. The Weaver boy Sammy saw Degan murder his dog and took a wild shot in the direction of the intruders. Degan then murdered Sammy. Kevin Harris saw Degan murder the young boy and shot, killing Degan.

2) It wasn't like he didn't know who was after him.

The young boy had no idea who the armed invaders were, he knew that a man with a gun slaughtered his dog. He had every reason to believe that man would murder him - which in fact he did.

3) Do we know this happened at night?

It was 6:34 AM according to official records, when Marshall Michael Degan murdered Sammy Weaver.

Which means the sun was already up. 6:34 was the MORNING, last time I checked.

If fire extinguishers burned down 43 homes for every home they saved, then they would be pretty useless.

If THAT is your view, then you should be for outlawing swimming. It serves no purpose and kills WAY more people than guns every year. You are afraid and obviously live in fear. What a pathetic excuse for a man you must be.

Swimming doesn't kill anyone.

NOT knowing how to swim kills people.

You aren't very bright, are you?
Before Heller, I don't know that we can say the Court ever has addressed the nature of the right declared by the Second Amendment. The Court's decisions always have been about what guns a person may possess and have associated that right with the militia. The Court, however, has misinterpreted the word "militia."

The militia of the Second Amendment is not a bunch of guys who show-up in the town square with their own guns. It is the portion of the People who can act as a army. Thus, the Second Amendment declares the People's right to determine and control who may act in a military capacity.

No, the framers were clear in their intent, at least those who wrote about it in other papers. They wanted the population to have the means to defend the country against foreign armies or our own gov't. The idea that the population is armed makes the freedoms much more difficult to take away.

That's not right. The Founders feared a "standing," or professional, army. They wanted a civilian military which they thought couldn't be used to oppress the citizens the way the English army did. The Second Amendment guarantees control of the military to the People not the government.

No, that won't happen either.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say it does. How do you propose the state conservation agencies replace the money in their budgets that hunters put there?? Often it is the lion's share of the budget. Going to replace that with federal money?

And how would you propose the animal populations be controlled?

Oh, and will you and the other anti-gun nuts be donating hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat to various food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters?

Yeah, guy, please try to convince us your cruelty to animals has redeeming social value.

My hunting is far less cruel than death by starvation or disease. But I see you have no answers for the questions I asked.
Your arguments throughout this thread have been typical of your ilk.

You formed an idea based on emotions and kneejerk reactions. You then proclaim it to be a solution. You ignore the fact that your "solution" doesn't solve the problem, and that it cause a plethora of other problems.

When confronted with facts you either try to divert the topic in another direction or you attack the other person. Neither of which helps your argument.

You come into the argument woefully unprepared and lacking knowledge on the topic, but claim expertise. So you lie.

It solves the exact problem I want solved.

Punishing the fuck out of gun nuts for being assholes.

It'll probably reduce the murder rate, too. Because every other country that has banned guns has seen a drop in the murder and suicide rates.

Solves the problem of how you can punish gun owners? lol Figures.
1) The Marshals identified themselves.

No, they sure didn't.

Degan and his hit squad were using stealth to assault weaver and his family. A dog found them and began to bark. Degan murdered the dog. The Weaver boy Sammy saw Degan murder his dog and took a wild shot in the direction of the intruders. Degan then murdered Sammy. Kevin Harris saw Degan murder the young boy and shot, killing Degan.

2) It wasn't like he didn't know who was after him.

The young boy had no idea who the armed invaders were, he knew that a man with a gun slaughtered his dog. He had every reason to believe that man would murder him - which in fact he did.

3) Do we know this happened at night?

It was 6:34 AM according to official records, when Marshall Michael Degan murdered Sammy Weaver.

Which means the sun was already up. 6:34 was the MORNING, last time I checked.

If the shooting happened just after sunrise, the agents were prowling around the property at night.

It does not change any of the facts. Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents who did not identify themselves and wore no identifying badges or insignia.
Before Heller, I don't know that we can say the Court ever has addressed the nature of the right declared by the Second Amendment. The Court's decisions always have been about what guns a person may possess and have associated that right with the militia. The Court, however, has misinterpreted the word "militia."

The militia of the Second Amendment is not a bunch of guys who show-up in the town square with their own guns. It is the portion of the People who can act as a army. Thus, the Second Amendment declares the People's right to determine and control who may act in a military capacity.

No, the framers were clear in their intent, at least those who wrote about it in other papers. They wanted the population to have the means to defend the country against foreign armies or our own gov't. The idea that the population is armed makes the freedoms much more difficult to take away.

That's not right. The Founders feared a "standing," or professional, army. They wanted a civilian military which they thought couldn't be used to oppress the citizens the way the English army did. The Second Amendment guarantees control of the military to the People not the government.

And maintaining an armed population still accomplishes that.

No, that won't happen either.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say it does. How do you propose the state conservation agencies replace the money in their budgets that hunters put there?? Often it is the lion's share of the budget. Going to replace that with federal money?

And how would you propose the animal populations be controlled?

Oh, and will you and the other anti-gun nuts be donating hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat to various food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters?

Yeah, guy, please try to convince us your cruelty to animals has redeeming social value.

My hunting is far less cruel than death by starvation or disease. But I see you have no answers for the questions I asked.

Gee, however did those poor animals get by without you?

If the shooting happened just after sunrise, the agents were prowling around the property at night.

It does not change any of the facts. Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents who did not identify themselves and wore no identifying badges or insignia.

6:45, the sun was up, and everyone could see who everyone was.

Sammy the Nazi was told they were federal agents and shot at them anyway. But that kid probably had more balls than you do. YOu just talk smack about shooting the government.

If the shooting happened just after sunrise, the agents were prowling around the property at night.

It does not change any of the facts. Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents who did not identify themselves and wore no identifying badges or insignia.

6:45, the sun was up, and everyone could see who everyone was.

Sammy the Nazi was told they were federal agents and shot at them anyway. But that kid probably had more balls than you do. YOu just talk smack about shooting the government.

Who told him they were federal agents?? Or did they tell him AFTER they shot him in the back?

More lies and attempts at distraction? Where have I talked smack about shooting the gov't?? Come on, Sparky, show us all?? Or admit you are lying again. I'm challenging you to show where I have talked smack about shooting the gov't.

No, that won't happen either.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say it does. How do you propose the state conservation agencies replace the money in their budgets that hunters put there?? Often it is the lion's share of the budget. Going to replace that with federal money?

And how would you propose the animal populations be controlled?

Oh, and will you and the other anti-gun nuts be donating hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat to various food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters?

Yeah, guy, please try to convince us your cruelty to animals has redeeming social value.

My hunting is far less cruel than death by starvation or disease. But I see you have no answers for the questions I asked.

Gee, however did those poor animals get by without you?

Awww look, someone is clueless and trying to be sarcastic.

Those animals got by without us when there were predators to keep their number in check. Not many big predators in the lower states.

Feel free to counter any point I made concerning hunting and hunters. My guess is that you cannot, so you are sticking with petty remarks. Typical.

If the shooting happened just after sunrise, the agents were prowling around the property at night.

It does not change any of the facts. Sammy Weaver was murdered by federal agents who did not identify themselves and wore no identifying badges or insignia.

6:45, the sun was up, and everyone could see who everyone was.

Sammy the Nazi was told they were federal agents and shot at them anyway. But that kid probably had more balls than you do. YOu just talk smack about shooting the government.

Who told him they were federal agents?? Or did they tell him AFTER they shot him in the back?

More lies and attempts at distraction? Where have I talked smack about shooting the gov't?? Come on, Sparky, show us all?? Or admit you are lying again. I'm challenging you to show where I have talked smack about shooting the gov't.

You the one who thinks Nancy needed to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse because we needs to fight us the gummit. Come one, why don't you spineless asshole own your bullshit rhetoric.

The federal agents identified themselves. And they had been after these Nazis for months. But there were crazy Nazi fucks who took pot shots at anyone who got too close.

No, that won't happen either.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say it does. How do you propose the state conservation agencies replace the money in their budgets that hunters put there?? Often it is the lion's share of the budget. Going to replace that with federal money?

And how would you propose the animal populations be controlled?

Oh, and will you and the other anti-gun nuts be donating hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat to various food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters?

Yeah, guy, please try to convince us your cruelty to animals has redeeming social value.

My hunting is far less cruel than death by starvation or disease. But I see you have no answers for the questions I asked.

Gee, however did those poor animals get by without you?

Awww look, someone is clueless and trying to be sarcastic.

Those animals got by without us when there were predators to keep their number in check. Not many big predators in the lower states.

Feel free to counter any point I made concerning hunting and hunters. My guess is that you cannot, so you are sticking with petty remarks. Typical.

Naw, man, I'm just having fun watching you try to spin your sadism as a public service.

Let's be honest, you just get off on killing things, don't you?

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