NRA to party in Houston

The police testimony before the parliamentary committees brought forward the fact that without gun registration, it was hard to in force the law on the acquisition licence or safe storage. They asked for renewable possession licence and the registration of all weapons owned in order to improve accountability and to reduce the hijacking to unqualified individuals. Under the system, a person could buy an unlimited number of weapons with little to no liability because there was no record linking the weapon to its owner. These weaknesses have created huge potential for acquisition via nominee and illegal trade. There was also little motivation for owners to report the theft of their weapons.

Consequently, an extraordinary alliance of over 350 organizations including the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Public Health Association, the Canadian Criminal Justice Association, Victims of Violence International, YWCA Canada and others have encouraged the government to pass a Bill to strengthen controls on firearms. In addition, a series of public inquiries had recommended the issuance of licences for all gun owners and the registration of all weapons.

The Firearms Act was adopted on December, 5, 1995 and contains the following:

  • All firearms must be registered since 2003
  • All firearm owners must have a licence since 2001 (renewable every five years)
  • A national registry
  • A rigorous evaluation, background check and verification process
  • A ban on military assault weapons and semi-automatic short-barrelled handguns
  • Controls on the sale of ammunition
  • Tougher penalties for misuse of firearms
I posted a link. 1995 after the registry. Was later repealed.

The guy had HIS LONG RIGLES TAKEN after they kicked in his door. Was in the 90s. Right after he registered them.
SO, they had a registry for guns.
WHEN did they ban them?

Before 1892, Canadians were prohibited from carrying a handgun unless they had reasonable cause to fear assault against their life or property. Additionally, vendors could sell a pistol to anyone under 16 years old.

After the first Criminal Code in 1892, an individual was only allowed to carry a pistol if they had a basic permit. However, if a person had cause to fear assault or injury, they were allowed to carry a pistol without the basic permit, known as a certificate of exception. Justices of the Peace could impose a six-month jail term to anyone carrying a handgun without cause.

1930s Gun Control Restrictions Canada​

Multiple restrictions and regulations on gun control laws in the 1930’s made it more difficult to possess or carry a handgun.

1951 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Creates First Central Registry of Handguns​

Prior to 1951, the registration system for handguns was not centralized. That changed in 1951, when under the Commissioner of the RCMP, the registry system for handguns became centralized.

1977 Criminal Code Update Firearm Acquisition Update​

Firearms legislation was amended again in 1977. The following changes were made to the Criminal Code:

In 1977- If an individual wanted to own a rifle or shotgun, a Firearm Acquisition Certificate (FAC) is required;
- Before receiving the FAC, individuals were required to pass a basic criminal record check;
- Fully automatic firearms are banned, unless they were registered as restricted weapons before January 1, 1978.

1991 Bill C-17 Canada​

Bill C-17 made changes to the Firearms Acquisition Certificate system, which included:

In 1991- Requiring applicants to provide two references and a photograph of themselves;
- A mandatory 28-day waiting period for an FAC;
- Requiring mandatory safety training for applicants;
- Expanding the FAC application process to obtain more background information on the applicant; and

2012 Bill C-19 Canada​

Bill C-19 abolished the long-gun registry. This meant that rifles and shotguns, which are considered non-restricted firearms, do not have to be registered unless you live in Quebec, and approximately six million records of firearm ownership were destroyed. It is still illegal to possess them without a possession and acquisition licence.

2020 Federal Firearms Ban​

On May 1, 2020, the federal government banned more that 1,500 models and variants of “assault-style” weapons. Although the term “assault-style” is not defined in Canadian law, all models of semi-automatic guns were immediately prohibited. A two-year amnesty is in effect until April 30, 2022, and applies to Canadians who currently own assault-style weapons to dispose, export, register, or sell them under a buy-back program.

2021 Bill C-21 Canada​

Bill C-21 was introduced by the federal government in February, 2021. The bill aims to amend both the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act and proposes a buyback of the assault-style weapons introduced on May 1, 2020.

STILL.................................NO BAN...........130 years later.

Canada has banned 90000 guns to

But leave it to the anti gun TROLL HERE TO DENY IT.

They WANT A FEDERAL REGISTRY...........they have to know who has them THEN BAN GUNS...........This happened in Canada.

The police testimony before the parliamentary committees brought forward the fact that without gun registration, it was hard to in force the law on the acquisition licence or safe storage. They asked for renewable possession licence and the registration of all weapons owned in order to improve accountability and to reduce the hijacking to unqualified individuals. Under the system, a person could buy an unlimited number of weapons with little to no liability because there was no record linking the weapon to its owner. These weaknesses have created huge potential for acquisition via nominee and illegal trade. There was also little motivation for owners to report the theft of their weapons.

Consequently, an extraordinary alliance of over 350 organizations including the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Public Health Association, the Canadian Criminal Justice Association, Victims of Violence International, YWCA Canada and others have encouraged the government to pass a Bill to strengthen controls on firearms. In addition, a series of public inquiries had recommended the issuance of licences for all gun owners and the registration of all weapons.

The Firearms Act was adopted on December, 5, 1995 and contains the following:

  • All firearms must be registered since 2003
  • All firearm owners must have a licence since 2001 (renewable every five years)
  • A national registry
  • A rigorous evaluation, background check and verification process
  • A ban on military assault weapons and semi-automatic short-barrelled handguns
  • Controls on the sale of ammunition
  • Tougher penalties for misuse of firearms
STILL, NO ban.
SO, they had a registry for guns.
WHEN did they ban them?

Before 1892, Canadians were prohibited from carrying a handgun unless they had reasonable cause to fear assault against their life or property. Additionally, vendors could sell a pistol to anyone under 16 years old.

After the first Criminal Code in 1892, an individual was only allowed to carry a pistol if they had a basic permit. However, if a person had cause to fear assault or injury, they were allowed to carry a pistol without the basic permit, known as a certificate of exception. Justices of the Peace could impose a six-month jail term to anyone carrying a handgun without cause.

1930s Gun Control Restrictions Canada​

Multiple restrictions and regulations on gun control laws in the 1930’s made it more difficult to possess or carry a handgun.

1951 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Creates First Central Registry of Handguns​

Prior to 1951, the registration system for handguns was not centralized. That changed in 1951, when under the Commissioner of the RCMP, the registry system for handguns became centralized.

1977 Criminal Code Update Firearm Acquisition Update​

Firearms legislation was amended again in 1977. The following changes were made to the Criminal Code:

In 1977- If an individual wanted to own a rifle or shotgun, a Firearm Acquisition Certificate (FAC) is required;
- Before receiving the FAC, individuals were required to pass a basic criminal record check;
- Fully automatic firearms are banned, unless they were registered as restricted weapons before January 1, 1978.

1991 Bill C-17 Canada​

Bill C-17 made changes to the Firearms Acquisition Certificate system, which included:

In 1991- Requiring applicants to provide two references and a photograph of themselves;
- A mandatory 28-day waiting period for an FAC;
- Requiring mandatory safety training for applicants;
- Expanding the FAC application process to obtain more background information on the applicant; and

2012 Bill C-19 Canada​

Bill C-19 abolished the long-gun registry. This meant that rifles and shotguns, which are considered non-restricted firearms, do not have to be registered unless you live in Quebec, and approximately six million records of firearm ownership were destroyed. It is still illegal to possess them without a possession and acquisition licence.

2020 Federal Firearms Ban​

On May 1, 2020, the federal government banned more that 1,500 models and variants of “assault-style” weapons. Although the term “assault-style” is not defined in Canadian law, all models of semi-automatic guns were immediately prohibited. A two-year amnesty is in effect until April 30, 2022, and applies to Canadians who currently own assault-style weapons to dispose, export, register, or sell them under a buy-back program.

2021 Bill C-21 Canada​

Bill C-21 was introduced by the federal government in February, 2021. The bill aims to amend both the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act and proposes a buyback of the assault-style weapons introduced on May 1, 2020.

STILL.................................NO BAN...........130 years later.
I gave you the laws MOONBAT..........the issue was C17 ON LONG RIFLES. They kicked in his door for LONG HUNTING RIFLES. He had to pay fines..........fix his front door.......then put them in a ARMORY owned by the Gov't and get a permission slip to get them out to go hunting.
STILL, NO ban.

They couldn't keep hunting rifles in their home nitwit...........They were forced to put them into armories.......Since they registered the guns and didn't turn them in the police kicked in his door and took them.

He had to pay fines and got them back but had to pay to keep them in an armory. Then pay for a PERMIT TO HUNT and get a permission slip to borrow his OWN GUNS BACK to go hunting.
I gave you the laws MOONBAT..........the issue was C17 ON LONG RIFLES. They kicked in his door for LONG HUNTING RIFLES. He had to pay fines..........fix his front door.......then put them in a ARMORY owned by the Gov't and get a permission slip to get them out to go hunting.
SO, the person had to get permission to get them out to go hunting?

IF, they were BANNED, then why did they give him "permission" to use them?

They couldn't keep hunting rifles in their home nitwit...........They were forced to put them into armories.......Since they registered the guns and didn't turn them in the police kicked in his door and took them.

He had to pay fines and got them back but had to pay to keep them in an armory. Then pay for a PERMIT TO HUNT and get a permission slip to borrow his OWN GUNS BACK to go hunting.
IF there were a "BAN" the person would have never got permission or a permit to go hunting.
IF there were a "BAN" the person would have never got permission or a permit to go hunting.

They kicked in his fucking door. Because the law FORCED HIM TO STORE THEM MOONBAT.

Then you had to pay them to store it. and get a PERMISSION SLIP from the gov't to BORROW THEM TO HUNT.


We OPPOSE REGISTRY BECAUSE this is what happens next.........they have to know who owns guns to ORDER YOU TO TURN THEM IN. This shit DID HAPPEN IN CANADA.

Pellet gun being carried in a neighborhood near a school. Lock down of schools. Police SHOOT HIM DEAD.


When I was a kid we carried rifles and guns through the neighborhood and no one gave a damn except telling us to be dang careful with them in the woods or we will tell your parents who would whoop our butts.

Our countries have been LIBERALIZED TO HELL...........And now in Canada. Liberal shithole now.............They shoot a pellet gun owner for carrying a LONG RIFLE PELLET GUN.

The world is FUCKED NOW.
I gave you the laws M
..........the issue was C17 ON LONG RIFLES. They kicked in his door for LONG HUNTING RIFLES. He had to pay fines..........fix his front door.......then put them in a ARMORY owned by the Gov't and get a permission slip to get them out to go hunting.


They kicked in his fucking door. Because the law FORCED HIM TO STORE THEM MOONBAT.

Then you had to pay them to store it. and get a PERMISSION SLIP from the gov't to BORROW THEM TO HUNT.


We OPPOSE REGISTRY BECAUSE this is what happens next.........they have to know who owns guns to ORDER YOU TO TURN THEM IN. This shit DID HAPPEN IN CANADA.
SO, Trumphumping moron, legally, people have to register their vehicles, is that a BAN?

Did Canada ban ALL the weapons that were registered?

But the point of universal background checks is really to create a federal gun registry. That way the government knows who has the guns and where. When you recognize that, it’s easy to understand why Democrats love the idea so much despite its obvious ineffectiveness.

Lastly, it appears “red flag” laws will be the major concession by Republicans going forward. Yet, putting aside the constitutional issues at play (due process), my primary aversion to the idea is simply that they don’t seem to work, at least in regards to mass shooters. New York has an extremely broad red flag law. It didn’t stop the Buffalo grocery store shooter just a few weeks ago. From my view, it seems like trying to stop an army of ants with a magnifying glass. And while I’ll concede red flag laws might be effective in regards to suicide prevention, that’s not the discussion here, right?

Pellet gun being carried in a neighborhood near a school. Lock down of schools. Police SHOOT HIM DEAD.


When I was a kid we carried rifles and guns through the neighborhood and no one gave a damn except telling us to be dang careful with them in the woods or we will tell your parents who would whoop our butts.

Our countries have been LIBERALIZED TO HELL...........And now in Canada. Liberal shithole now.............They shoot a pellet gun owner for carrying a LONG RIFLE PELLET GUN.

The world is FUCKED NOW.

Fucking RWNJ's.

Pellet gun being carried in a neighborhood near a school. Lock down of schools. Police SHOOT HIM DEAD.


When I was a kid we carried rifles and guns through the neighborhood and no one gave a damn except telling us to be dang careful with them in the woods or we will tell your parents who would whoop our butts.

Our countries have been LIBERALIZED TO HELL...........And now in Canada. Liberal shithole now.............They shoot a pellet gun owner for carrying a LONG RIFLE PELLET GUN.

The world is FUCKED NOW.

A man shot dead by police after reports of a person with a rifle forced several schools into lockdown in Toronto Thursday in fact had a pellet gun, Ontario's police watchdog says.

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) also says the man was 27.

The watchdog agency said Friday that police were called to the scene just before 1 p.m. and located the man about 20 minutes later.

He was pronounced dead at about 1:40 p.m.

Toronto Police Chief James Ramer said officers were called to the Port Union area of Scarborough for reports of a person with a gun.

At a news conference late Thursday afternoon, Ramer said officers were "confronted" by the man.
On Friday morning, the SIU confirmed to CBC News that a pellet gun was recovered at the scene.

The police didn't just shoot the idiot because he had a weapon, evidently there was a threat.
Fucking RWNJ's.

A man shot dead by police after reports of a person with a rifle forced several schools into lockdown in Toronto Thursday in fact had a pellet gun, Ontario's police watchdog says.

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) also says the man was 27.

The watchdog agency said Friday that police were called to the scene just before 1 p.m. and located the man about 20 minutes later.

He was pronounced dead at about 1:40 p.m.

Toronto Police Chief James Ramer said officers were called to the Port Union area of Scarborough for reports of a person with a gun.

At a news conference late Thursday afternoon, Ramer said officers were "confronted" by the man.
On Friday morning, the SIU confirmed to CBC News that a pellet gun was recovered at the scene.

The police didn't just shoot the idiot because he had a weapon, evidently there was a threat.

Pellet gun. We only used them on rabbits and squirrels as a kid. Wasn't charging at the school. They SWARMED INTO ACTION and shot dead someone with a pellet gun.

Bunch of fucking morons...........just like you.

I miss the Leave it to Beaver days when your side had almost no power..............You are a bunch of LUNATICS.
To the OP:

Link to any mass shootings done by an NRA member?
FOS Trumphumping troll.
Was in the NRA article. Here's another.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will order hunters, farmers and sport shooters to surrender about 200,000 of their firearms if re-elected, Global News reportedtoday, citing Bill Blair, the minster for confiscation.

The estimate covers what Blair called “assault-style weapons,” Global said, citing Blair speaking to reporters this morning. It would be the biggest single firearm seizure in Canadian history.

It means at least some 90,000 so-called “Non-restricted” rifles and shotguns will be forced away from their owners in case of a Trudeau election victory.
We have every right to challenge abortion when there is a life there. That life has no voice.
That "life" (within the womb of someone you try to dictate to) has no voice because it is a microscopic, mindless entity like a scraping of skin cells.

Your putting your words in its imaginary mouth does not allow you to control other folks.

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