NRA to party in Houston

Abortion bingo. When you have lost the argument.
The ideologues lie about a woman's right to make personal, apolitical decisions concerning their pregnancies (conservative women included) and Americans' opposition to their authoritarian alternative, because they are incapable of contriving excused for perpetuating extreme firearm permissiveness. They bleat, in essence, "We are impotent in reducing the horrific slaughter by sensible regulation of our shooties!", yet we have empirical evidence to the contrary

The shooting, in a café in the Tasmanian town of Port Arthur in April 1996, resulted in 35 people killed, and another 23 wounded....
[Australian Prime Minister John Howard], a conservative politician and close friend of George W. Bush, pushed through sweeping gun control legislation just 12 days after the shooting.
"The hardest things to do in politics often involve taking away rights and privileges from your own supporters," Howard said.
The tough new laws banned the sale and importation of all automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns; forced people to present a legitimate reason, and wait 28 days, to buy a firearm; and – perhaps most significantly – called for a massive, mandatory gun-buyback. Australia's government confiscated and destroyed nearly 700,000 firearms, reducing the number of gun-owning households by half.
Howard: "People used to say to me, 'You violated my human rights by taking away my gun.' And I'd tell them, 'I understand that. Will you please understand the argument, the greatest human right of all is to live a safe life without fear of random murder?'"
If we tally mass shootings that have killed four or more people, in the United States there have been well over 100 since the Port Arthur tragedy. But in Australia, there has been just one in the 26 years since their gun laws were passed. Plus, gun homicides have decreased by 60%.
Howard said, "It is incontestable that gun-related homicides have fallen quite significantly in Australia, incontestable."
Because many leftists admit they want to. Beto stated he would be taking our guns, and if you read posts here you can see that same desire and support. That is not a lie, but a fact.
You're FOS.

September 13 2019
Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

“We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” the former Texas congressman said during the third Democratic presidential debate, hosted by ABC News.

When the "Tommy gun" was taken off the market, did they take ALL guns off the civilian market?

If that's all you possess are AR's and AK's, then yes, say bye-bye to those training wheel weapons.
NO ARGUMENT LOST LIB. you claim to give a shit about people only killed with guns, if its a white person shooting. dont care about the thousands every year in gang bang black on black crime or million per year aborted babies. total hypocrite.
He did not say that. You seem very confused.

Respect the American public, even if you harbor aberrant views:

... and the common sense, no nonsense position of this guy in the face of the lethal, permissive extremism that produces such horrific results in the U.S.:

You're FOS.

September 13 2019
Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

“We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” the former Texas congressman said during the third Democratic presidential debate, hosted by ABC News.

When the "Tommy gun" was taken off the market, did they take ALL guns off the civilian market?

If that's all you possess are AR's and AK's, then yes, say bye-bye to those training wheel weapons.
You shall be challenged at every step. We know your purpose........We know your goal........And the 2nd will be defended.

You have no right to kill the 2nd Amendment. You have tried by every means you can to take them. You have tried to stop the ammunition as well. Some cities have in blue have banned weapons..............Those bans haven't stopped violence ONE IOTA.............yet you want us all disarmed.

Why............Because the end goal is POWER..........and an armed public is a threat to that power.
He did not say that. You seem very confused.

Respect the American public, even if you harbor aberrant views:

... and the common sense, no nonsense position of this guy in the face of the lethal, permissive extremism that produces such horrific results in the U.S.:

You don't care about the dead kids..........Some on your side go an unborn baby is medical waste...............Your purpose is clear.......Disarming America.......And Armed America stands in your way.................SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

You don't care about the dead kids..........
Your falsehood about most Americans who oppose your authoritarian seizure of wombs does not legitimize your fake, absolutist claim concerning the regulation of firearms in the interest of public safety.

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Reality is that late term abortion is barbarism.

No matter how you spin this...........It is murder of life.

Politicians and bureaucrats in advanced democracies do not seize wombs at the instant of conception, pretend that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a person, and arrogate personal liberty in such private matters.

On the other hand, abortion is completely illegal in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Nicaragua, and West Bank & Gaza Strip.

If you prefer the statism of the latter, that is your right, but you cannot impose such authoritarianism upon everyone else.
Politicians and bureaucrats in advanced democracies do not seize wombs at the instant of conception, pretend that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a person, and arrogate personal liberty in such private matters.

On the other hand, abortion is completely illegal in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Nicaragua, and West Bank & Gaza Strip.

If you prefer the statism of the latter, that is your right, but you cannot impose such authoritarianism upon everyone else.
We have every right to challenge abortion when there is a life there. That life has no voice. So we will continue to call people like you a murderer. And after this 50 genocide ruling ends..........we will deal with it how the majority of our state believes whether you LIKE IT OR NOT.

It changes nothing in Blue state shit holes.........You can still be a barbarian there.
You shall be challenged at every step. We know your purpose........We know your goal........And the 2nd will be defended.
WHY would people have to defend an amendment?

So, people, all people who drink, should become alcoholics, to defend the 21st amendment?
You have no right to kill the 2nd Amendment.
No right.......................nor the desire, never did, despite the gullible, scare tactics of the NRA for 30 years.
You have tried by every means you can to take them. You have tried to stop the ammunition as well. Some cities have in blue have banned weapons..............Those bans haven't stopped violence ONE IOTA.............yet you want us all disarmed.
Get over yourself.
Why............Because the end goal is POWER..........and an armed public is a threat to that power.
Yeah, everyone found that out.

WHY would people have to defend an amendment?

So, people, all people who drink, should become alcoholics, to defend the 21st amendment?

No right.......................nor the desire, never did, despite the gullible, scare tactics of the NRA for 30 years.

Get over yourself.

Yeah, everyone found that out.

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We defend it because the left challenges it all the time..........and don't give a fuck about the constitution.

I include you in this group. Simply don't care if you agree or not. I know your end goal. Same shit happened in Europe and Canada.

We defend it because the left challenges it all the time..........and don't give a fuck about the constitution.
No, we don't, that's what the NRA leads you to believe, for the past 30 years.
I include you in this group. Simply don't care if you agree or not. I know your end goal. Same shit happened in Europe and Canada.
WTF, retard?
Neither, Europe or Canada banned guns.
No, we don't, that's what the NRA leads you to believe, for the past 30 years.

WTF, retard?
Neither, Europe or Canada banned guns.
BS. I talked to the guy who had door kicked in. It's something your side don't want to talk about.

Because then more would be against you.
Door kicked in.................for what?
His registered gun. He didn't turn it in after they passed the ban.

Later he was allowed to pay to put his gun in a armory that he could get a permit to use it to hunt. Only with a permit to hunt though.

The long gun registry, set up by the Liberal government in 1995, was an utter, complete and horribly expensive catastrophe. It was finally abolished by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government through the enactment of Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act, which came into force on April 5, 2012.

Section 29 directed the Commissioner of the RCMP (as the Commissioner of Firearms) to permanently delete the records for non-restricted guns from the registry database managed by the RCMP. Specifically, the statute required “the destruction as soon as feasible of all records in the Canadian Firearms Registry related to the registration of firearms that are neither prohibited firearms nor restricted firearms and all copies of those records under the Commissioner’s control.” A similar directive was imposed on chief firearm officers in each province and territory.

Was in the late 90s that he told me about what happened to him.
His registered gun. He didn't turn it in after they passed the ban.

Later he was allowed to pay to put his gun in a armory that he could get a permit to use it to hunt. Only with a permit to hunt though.

The long gun registry, set up by the Liberal government in 1995, was an utter, complete and horribly expensive catastrophe. It was finally abolished by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government through the enactment of Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act, which came into force on April 5, 2012.

Section 29 directed the Commissioner of the RCMP (as the Commissioner of Firearms) to permanently delete the records for non-restricted guns from the registry database managed by the RCMP. Specifically, the statute required “the destruction as soon as feasible of all records in the Canadian Firearms Registry related to the registration of firearms that are neither prohibited firearms nor restricted firearms and all copies of those records under the Commissioner’s control.” A similar directive was imposed on chief firearm officers in each province and territory.

Was in the late 90s that he told me about what happened to him.
SO,...........................WHEN did Canada ban guns?
SO,...........................WHEN did Canada ban guns?
I posted a link. 1995 after the registry. Was later repealed.

The guy had HIS LONG RIGLES TAKEN after they kicked in his door. Was in the 90s. Right after he registered them.

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