NRA to party in Houston

The paranoid nut jobs that feel the need to buy an assault rifle are in no way "well regulated" nor are they part of a state militia.

"The Second Amendment was created so that the states could form militias or armies to destroy insurrections or slave rebellions because the federal government had no standing military for a long time. The Founding Fathers were frightened by a standing army, because they feared coups. Without a standing army, the only protection the people and the government had were militias."

It should be overturned as the intent is misused today.
The children were between the ages of 7-10. They weren't druggies or partisan.

It was such a lack compassion not to have an armed person on this school campus so we could have reduced or eliminated this tragedy.
Because they are armed. Let’s save our kids and have armed persons in our schools so we don’t have these mass shootings.
So, they can do what?

The gunman entered the building at 11:33 a.m., and local officers entered two minutes after, at 11:35 a.m., McCraw said, the Times reported.

By 12:03 p.m., there were 19 officers inside the hallway where the gunman was barricaded in a classroom, McCraw said.

They did not breach the door until after 12:50 p.m. and killed the armed man. They said they could hear him firing before breaching the room, using keys given to them by the school’s janitor, McCraw said, according to the Times.

The shooter had a total of 58 magazines that he had taken to the school.

The shooter had purchased and had 1,657 total rounds. Officials found 315 rounds inside the building with 142 of them spent.

Armed security should be mandatory but................that would be the first person, taken out.
So, they can do what?

The gunman entered the building at 11:33 a.m., and local officers entered two minutes after, at 11:35 a.m., McCraw said, the Times reported.

By 12:03 p.m., there were 19 officers inside the hallway where the gunman was barricaded in a classroom, McCraw said.

They did not breach the door until after 12:50 p.m. and killed the armed man. They said they could hear him firing before breaching the room, using keys given to them by the school’s janitor, McCraw said, according to the Times.

The shooter had a total of 58 magazines that he had taken to the school.

The shooter had purchased and had 1,657 total rounds. Officials found 315 rounds inside the building with 142 of them spent.

Armed security should be mandatory but................that would be the first person, taken out.

1600 rounds of ammunition???☹️
So, they can do what?

The gunman entered the building at 11:33 a.m., and local officers entered two minutes after, at 11:35 a.m., McCraw said, the Times reported.

By 12:03 p.m., there were 19 officers inside the hallway where the gunman was barricaded in a classroom, McCraw said.

They did not breach the door until after 12:50 p.m. and killed the armed man. They said they could hear him firing before breaching the room, using keys given to them by the school’s janitor, McCraw said, according to the Times.

The shooter had a total of 58 magazines that he had taken to the school.

The shooter had purchased and had 1,657 total rounds. Officials found 315 rounds inside the building with 142 of them spent.

Armed security should be mandatory but................that would be the first person, taken out.
You don't know that. 2 have guns doesn't mean the bad guy wins everytime.
No it wasn't. The 2nd Amendment specifically spells out it is for the peoples right.

YES, people in a militia.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why did they start with "A well regulated militia"?

They could have stated "right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

Strangely.......................................................they didn't.
Just repeating what was reported by the sheriff, I wasn't in Uvalde, were you?

All said and done, they NEVER do, either on their own or police, but before that happens, they take out innocent people.
I posted time lines on the shooting........did you copy them. lol

I had a friend in Colorado. Was a long time ago. He worked security in Denver. Aurora...........One day the shift super had to take the armed guard duty at Burger King because someone didn't show up for work.

Perp came in to rob the place and thought the woman.........shift super........would be easy..........She shot him stone cold dead...........IMAGINE THAT.

The good guys do win.
YES, people in a militia.

A well regulated, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why did they start with "A well regulated militia"?

They could have stated "right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

Strangely.......................................................they didn't.
The statement and meaning are clear and you know it No matter how you try an manipulate.

And the author of the document disagrees with you.
  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
  • George Mason once said, SOURCE: MadisonBrigade
    • “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.”
  • In James Madison’s Letter of Marque, he explains the right to arm private vessels with cannons.
  • The 2A was written so private citizens could be armed if the need arose for them to form a militia to defend their rights.
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So, they can do what?

The gunman entered the building at 11:33 a.m., and local officers entered two minutes after, at 11:35 a.m., McCraw said, the Times reported.

By 12:03 p.m., there were 19 officers inside the hallway where the gunman was barricaded in a classroom, McCraw said.

They did not breach the door until after 12:50 p.m. and killed the armed man. They said they could hear him firing before breaching the room, using keys given to them by the school’s janitor, McCraw said, according to the Times.

The shooter had a total of 58 magazines that he had taken to the school.

The shooter had purchased and had 1,657 total rounds. Officials found 315 rounds inside the building with 142 of them spent.

Armed security should be mandatory but................that would be the first person, taken out.
Your long post does not negate anything I said. And I see you are also clairvoyant.
I posted time lines on the shooting........did you copy them. lol

I had a friend in Colorado. Was a long time ago. He worked security in Denver. Aurora...........One day the shift super had to take the armed guard duty at Burger King because someone didn't show up for work.

Perp came in to rob the place and thought the woman.........shift super........would be easy..........She shot him stone cold dead...........IMAGINE THAT.

The good guys do win.
Some do in the end.
That's not how most instances play out.

There was an incident that occurred at an adult bar where I used to live, two security guards at the door, the guy gets kicked out, goes to his car, tries to reenter the bar, they, of course, denied him entry.

The guy acts like he is going back to his car, gets about halfway there, turns around and shoots them both , one was partially paralyzed, the other one dead.

A customer just getting there, getting his shit together in his truck before going in, hears and sees this, grabs his gun and shoots the guy in the head, killing him.

Seems like Cruz, LaPierre or Hannity claims of “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

Would be keeping track of these things.
Some do in the end.
That's not how most instances play out.

There was an incident that occurred at an adult bar where I used to live, two security guards at the door, the guy gets kicked out, goes to his car, tries to reenter the bar, they, of course, denied him entry.

The guy acts like he is going back to his car, gets about halfway there, turns around and shoots them both , one was partially paralyzed, the other one dead.

A customer just getting there, getting his shit together in his truck before going in, hears and sees this, grabs his gun and shoots the guy in the head, killing him.

Seems like Cruz, LaPierre or Hannity claims of “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

Would be keeping track of these things.

You never know the ending...........til the ending.........You basically said the armed guard would die first anyways...........I said not necessarily.

See how that works...............You simply don't know.
Lots of wabbits.

There were lots of school shootings in 2018.. and Trump waffled all over the place.


You never know the ending...........til the ending.........You basically said the armed guard would die first anyways...........I said not necessarily.

See how that works...............You simply don't know.
Only what is reported.
Even back when this occurred in the 90's, they reported it.
They report it more now.

The bad guy gets shot by a good guy FIRST, without anyone else getting injured, that is rare, innocent bystanders are shot first, THEN people take action.
Bank and store robberies are notorious for stopping the bad guy cold, dead cold, without injury.
They know the signs.
Very rarely do they have a military grade, high-capacity magazine, light weight, assault rifle and someone with a .45 takes them out first, with no one else being shot, wounded or injured.
Only what is reported.
Even back when this occurred in the 90's, they reported it.
They report it more now.

The bad guy gets shot by a good guy FIRST, without anyone else getting injured, that is rare, innocent bystanders are shot first, THEN people take action.
Bank and store robberies are notorious for stopping the bad guy cold, dead cold, without injury.
They know the signs.
Very rarely do they have a military grade, high-capacity magazine, light weight, assault rifle and someone with a .45 takes them out first, with no one else being shot, wounded or injured.
The attacker knows when it's coming.........Defender doesn't............Depends on how it goes down.........

Security is down the hall hears shots and pulls gun to investigate............he has a better chance against the shooter.

Shooter sneaks in and kills security before he knows what is going on advantage bad guy.

Bottom line .........better to have a chance than none at all.

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