Nuclear deal framework announced!

The deal is the US will not lift a finger to stop Iran from developing a nuke.

This is a great victory for shitbag liberals and Muslim cheerleaders.
All loyal and patriotic Americans should stand up and give our beloved Pres. Obama a round of applause.

He stood up to fascist Israel and poked the loon Netanyahu in the eye over the Iran deal.

I only wish Obama could run for a third or even fourth term in the White House. ..... :thup:
All loyal and patriotic Americans should stand up and give our beloved Pres. Obama a round of applause.

He stood up to fascist Israel and poked the loon Netanyahu in the eye over the Iran deal.

I only wish Obama could run for a third or even fourth term in the White House. ..... :thup:
I'm sure you would...............You like a wimp in our office of President...............

The Senate will not ratify the deal..............2 years from now the deal may be mute................then again in 2 years they may have the bomb...............

The P5 countries have put themselves in the way of a IDF attack on these facilities...................because they have a deal and don't want it disrupted.................

Iran has been given a 2 year reprieve from getting hit................which I'm sure makes you wet yourself.
Let's see. A negro who BSed his way through schools/universities and had fucking Socialist/Marxist domestic terrorists pave the way to the WH. He's attempting to get a bunch of fucking Persian rug dealers to agree to stop making a nuclear bomb which WILL be set off in Israel at the first opportunity.
BOBO has the fucking Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle (cough) negotiate the agreement?
What is is? The fucking Gong Show?

You are no only stupid, you are also a racist. See ya!
Back at ya cock sucker.
Since no one in the GOP has suggested going to war with Iran your are hereby awarded the following.

So tell me, with no deal, what is the alternative? Think brainless one.....The only alternative is to invade. The gop would love it!
You use the sanctions that brought them to the table to get a deal that keeps Iran from getting nukes instead of accepting one that guantrees it. Only the truly brainless like yourself believe a bad deal or invasion are the only choices.

You don't know what the deal says, do you. They will hsve inspectors on the ground and up their arses for years to come. The GOP is not worried about security. They are worried thst Obama might get another victory. They desperately want the WH back in 2016.
They will be allowed to do inspections at the sites we know about but not allowed to do surprise inspections at suspected sites. The problem is the left is desperate to get any deal in hopes it will gloss over the rest of Obamas Middle East failures.
"Likely to be most problematic of all is Iran’s response to questions about its past research into nuclear weapons production, including bomb designs and detonators. The International Atomic Energy Agency says that Iran has stonewalled on all but one of a dozen questions the agency has posed. Iran has denied the IAEA access to its Parchin military base, where the United Nations nuclear watchdog group suspects it tested explosives that could be used to detonate a bomb."

Read more: The gray areas in the Iran deal - Michael Crowley - POLITICO

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