Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

Just for Bipolar.

The air control tower in a major German city was giving instuctions to a Lufthansa incoming flight. The pilot answered in German. The controler immedietly stated, "answer in English, please".

The pilot, in German again, stated, " I am flying a German airplane, for a German company, over a German city, why the hell should I have to use English?"

A voice came over the radio, a pronounced clipped English accent, "Because you lost the bloody war, bastard!".
Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.

How about extremely rare ?
Rare, but not unheard don't mean to say that polarbare was hyping? :eek:

Actually, not that rare.

Discovery News : Discovery Channel

March 6, 2008 -- The average frequency of catastrophic, magnitude 9 or greater earthquakes around the world is at about three per century, according to a new study.

That's despite the fact that there have been five such quakes in the last half century -- a cluster that includes the deadly 2004 rupture offshore of northern Sumatra.

The new estimate is lower than previous ones, but there is a dark side to the new study: It removes certain limits on where such quakes can occur.
Just for Bipolar.

A voice came over the radio, a pronounced clipped English accent, "Because you lost the bloody war, bastard!".

Really..then tell me who won it?
You might get into an argument there with Russia, England, France, Australia, Poland, India, shit...You want the whole list?
And it took 5 years against an army which at it`s peak was only a fraction what the Soviets alone had...and we almost got the better of You all,...check out the V2`s and the status of the German nuclear program near war`s end.

Wanna se what a Turkey shoot the ME 262`s made out of Your bomber formations and any of the fighter planes?
Lucky for You we decided to deploy these not`s not as if we did not have any!

And how upset they got in the States when Klaus Fuchs went after "fat boy" was finished and then went on into the Soviet Union, to do their "Manhattan" project

Your "daddy" who forbade You to learn German was a lot closer to a nuclear "catastrophe" than You or anybody will ever be threatened by nuclear power plants in North America, even if earthquakes like the Japanese 8.9 R were nothing unusual.

You like jokes?...
How many of Your relatives fit into a Volkswagen?
....60000 in the ashtray, 5930000 into the glove-box + trashcan and the remaining 10000 were converted to soap to wash the car afterwards.
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yes, freak quake it was. It was far bigger then it should of been.

A quake of this size usually has a rupture length of at least 480 km (300 mi) and requires a long, relatively straight fault line. Because the plate boundary and subduction zone in this region is not very straight, it is unusual for the magnitude of an earthquake to exceed 8.5; the magnitude of this earthquake was a surprise to some seismologists.[34] The hypocentral region of this earthquake extends from offshore Iwate Prefecture to offshore Ibaraki Prefecture.[35] The Japanese Meteorological Agency said that the earthquake may have ruptured the fault zone from Iwate to Ibaraki with a length of 500 km (310 mi) and a width of 200 km (120 mi).[36][37] Analysis showed that this earthquake consisted of a set of three events.[38] The earthquake may have had a mechanism similar to that of another large earthquake in 869 with an estimated surface wave magnitude (Ms) of 8.6, which also created a large tsunami.[39] Other major earthquakes with tsunamis struck the Sanriku Coast region in 1896 and in 1933.

2011 T
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Polarbear: nice little meltdown. I have no idea who you are and I have no interest in knowing.
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A spokesman for Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the smoke was detected in mid-afternoon and that workers were "temporarily" evacuated until the cause can be determined. He said the smoke was coming from the area of the Number 3 reactor, one of two reactors which are believed to have suffered damage to the containment chambers surrounding their nuclear cores.

Authorities said earlier that two of the six reactors at the Fukushima complex are now stabilized and that progress has been made in restoring power lines so that water can be pumped to the others. But the government says it may be days before power is restored to the Number 2 reactor, which also is thought to have suffered damage to its containment chamber. Serious problems also remain at the number 4 reactor.

Workers Evacuated as Smoke Rises From Japanese Nuclear Plant | East Asia and Pacific | English
Polarbear: nice little meltdown. I have no idea who you are and I have no interest in knowing.

Hmmm. You causing meltdowns to destroy the Polarbear, Ravi? *tsk, tsk* You are a bad person. I just hope you didn't neg him 4 times in 5 minutes. That would be really cruel. :lol:
Just for Bipolar.

A voice came over the radio, a pronounced clipped English accent, "Because you lost the bloody war, bastard!".

Really..then tell me who won it?
You might get into an argument there with Russia, England, France, Australia, Poland, India, shit...You want the whole list?
And it took 5 years against an army which at it`s peak was only a fraction what the Soviets alone had...and we almost got the better of You all,...check out the V2`s and the status of the German nuclear program near war`s end.

Wanna se what a Turkey shoot the ME 262`s made out of Your bomber formations and any of the fighter planes?
Lucky for You we decided to deploy these not`s not as if we did not have any!

And how upset they got in the States when Klaus Fuchs went after "fat boy" was finished and then went on into the Soviet Union, to do their "Manhattan" project

Your "daddy" who forbade You to learn German was a lot closer to a nuclear "catastrophe" than You or anybody will ever be threatened by nuclear power plants in North America, even if earthquakes like the Japanese 8.9 R were nothing unusual.

You like jokes?...
How many of Your relatives fit into a Volkswagen?
....60000 in the ashtray, 5930000 into the glove-box + trashcan and the remaining 10000 were converted to soap to wash the car afterwards.

Wow, Polar: You really are a douche.
There are several things about this response that I just don't understand and I would be willing to bet the USA would handle it much better.

Why did they dither around with dropping balloons of water and crowd control hoses before resorting to fire fighter's water cannons? Why didn't they start with them?

And this:

In another setback, the plant's operator said Monday it had just discovered that some of the cooling system's key pumps at the complex's troubled Unit 2 are no longer functional — meaning replacements have to be brought in. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it had placed emergency orders for new pumps, but how long it would take for them to arrive was unclear.
No quick fix seen at Japan's nuclear plant - Yahoo! News

Tepco and/or the Japanese government has been saying for at least a week that the pumps are probably damaged...why don't they have back up pumps standing by?
How about extremely rare ?
Rare, but not unheard don't mean to say that polarbare was hyping? :eek:

Pretty funny how You shot Your footsies after "bill of lading"...says so no-where on the paperwork a trucker has ...also I`m typink here while my 2 Year Old great gransson sits on my lap and wants to play piano on my keyboard...what`s Your excuse for:"polarbare " or was that supposed to have been a "witty" joke.
Have You ever been to the pole or seen a bear other than on TV?
And 8.9 was not a freak quake?...OKay then "extremely rare" suits You better?
What exactly was I hyping...? By stating the media have hyped this beyond any reasonable limits and fruitcakes
like You ate it hook line & sinker!

and that`s only the threads that You started regarding this birdbrain hype

Even the way You "reply" is typical fruit-cake puke.
Anyway I don`t think the nuclear industry is overly concerned what You and spinny broads like You "think".
I`m a bit concerned though that people who are as dumb as You have voting rights.

I think that`s whats missing something like a citizenship test before anybody can qualify to cast a vote in an election.
Immigrants have to pass one...I seriously doubt You would
Morons like You cause more harm to the whole country than the morons on our roads...and even they have to pass a driver`s license test.

Well after I spotted this thread, that You also started:

That explains everything

I googled using "list of female irish nobel prize winners" and all the google tentacles could find was:

Then I googled again leaving the word "female" out and the best Google could do foer Your 99% genetic code defect was:
Irish Nobel Prize winners

Then I googled for German Nobel prize winners, You know...that 1% German that You say You do have but thought it was 5 is what Google came up with:
female irish nobel prize winners - Google Search

My genetic code by the way is 100% certified pure bred NAZI, and my father was
Your worst fucking nightmare..:

Gottlob Berger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obergruppenführer Gottlob Berger in 1944


And from my Mother`s side my grandfather is the one who got all the credit for starting WW1...:
First World - Who's Who - Count Leopold von Berchtold
Leopold Graf Berchtold von und zu Ungarschitz, Frättling und Püllütz

Leopold Anton Johann Sigismund Joseph Korsinus Ferdinand, Count Von Berchtold (1863-1942), Austro-Hungarian foreign minister at the outbreak of the First World War, was born on 18 April 1863 in Vienna.

See, I don`t need any "Genetic code Tests"....I have a birth certificate and that`s what`s written on it...You wanna see a copy?

And an imbecile like You wants to discuss nuclear power plants ....and be one up on me?

I never made any secret about my real first name, my last name, where I`m from and exactly where I live, right from day one when I registered here,
So yeah I could afford to upload a notarized copy of my birth certificate if You must see it.

After that I want Your address ...not as if I could not find out if I really wanted to...

a nazi...that sure explains a lot...insane, delusional, babbling incoherently...but why the useless walls of massive text. too much time waiting to die???
This website has really good updates about all of the nuclear stuff that's going on in Japan, incase anybody was interested or wanted to keep up to date.
Something to think about this whole mess, not just the people but all of the animals who are in danger, suffering, have been killed by this.

The shear scale of the distaster is incomprehensible. People will be suffering from so much shock in Japan. And the animals will be totally shocked too. Recovery for all will be a very long process. I wish I could be over there helping out in some way as I should think many do. I can't think why unclaimed pets would be gassed unless it's to do with finance and/or not enough places to keep them until homes are found. The whole thing for the animals is just awful. I had a look for some links to animal charities who are trying/going to help over there if anyone wants to see:
Update On Pet Rescue Efforts in Japan

Rescue Groups Race To Save Japan’s Pets

Which brings me to this topic...
Be Prepared: Emergency Plan For Your Pets

The devastation in Japan this week is a sobering reminder of how everything can change in a moment, and the harrowing images beg the question: How prepared are you for a natural disaster? Here is an excellent article for pet guardians on what we need to know and do to care for our furry family members in the event of an emergency. – Global Animal
Polarbear: nice little meltdown. I have no idea who you are and I have no interest in knowing.

Hey Polar..........can you stop laughing bro????

Like this idiot has any time to meet anybody??!!!!

When you're making 100 posts/day on these forums, pretty sure you are spared from ever having to meet her. :mm::mm::eusa_dance:
Rare, but not unheard don't mean to say that polarbare was hyping? :eek:

Pretty funny how You shot Your footsies after "bill of lading"...says so no-where on the paperwork a trucker has ...also I`m typink here while my 2 Year Old great gransson sits on my lap and wants to play piano on my keyboard...what`s Your excuse for:"polarbare " or was that supposed to have been a "witty" joke.
Have You ever been to the pole or seen a bear other than on TV?
And 8.9 was not a freak quake?...OKay then "extremely rare" suits You better?
What exactly was I hyping...? By stating the media have hyped this beyond any reasonable limits and fruitcakes
like You ate it hook line & sinker!

and that`s only the threads that You started regarding this birdbrain hype

Even the way You "reply" is typical fruit-cake puke.
Anyway I don`t think the nuclear industry is overly concerned what You and spinny broads like You "think".
I`m a bit concerned though that people who are as dumb as You have voting rights.

I think that`s whats missing something like a citizenship test before anybody can qualify to cast a vote in an election.
Immigrants have to pass one...I seriously doubt You would
Morons like You cause more harm to the whole country than the morons on our roads...and even they have to pass a driver`s license test.

Well after I spotted this thread, that You also started:

That explains everything

I googled using "list of female irish nobel prize winners" and all the google tentacles could find was:

Then I googled again leaving the word "female" out and the best Google could do foer Your 99% genetic code defect was:
Irish Nobel Prize winners

Then I googled for German Nobel prize winners, You know...that 1% German that You say You do have but thought it was 5 is what Google came up with:
female irish nobel prize winners - Google Search

My genetic code by the way is 100% certified pure bred NAZI, and my father was
Your worst fucking nightmare..:

Gottlob Berger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obergruppenführer Gottlob Berger in 1944


And from my Mother`s side my grandfather is the one who got all the credit for starting WW1...:
First World - Who's Who - Count Leopold von Berchtold
Leopold Graf Berchtold von und zu Ungarschitz, Frättling und Püllütz

See, I don`t need any "Genetic code Tests"....I have a birth certificate and that`s what`s written on it...You wanna see a copy?

And an imbecile like You wants to discuss nuclear power plants ....and be one up on me?

I never made any secret about my real first name, my last name, where I`m from and exactly where I live, right from day one when I registered here,
So yeah I could afford to upload a notarized copy of my birth certificate if You must see it.

After that I want Your address ...not as if I could not find out if I really wanted to...

a nazi...that sure explains a lot...insane, delusional, babbling incoherently...but why the useless walls of massive text. too much time waiting to die???

The USSR slaughtered 20-25 times more people and was our enemy for 50 years, but yet we kissed their asses and armed them with most of the tech to make war with us after wwII. The Nazis came to power because of what we did in wwI with Germany....Our depression was nothing compared to what they had to survive through. We act like there is a good and bad side to everything, but truth be had both where bad, but the Nazis had a reason for doing so(We took land and put crap on them that caused a depression that broke there backs, It was unfair), but stalin didn't. The USSR turned out far worst then nazi germany ever was and turned eastern Europe into a marxist hell.
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btw, it's bill of lading, fuckwit, not bill of laden.

If you had bothered to figure it out English is Polarbears second language, though I must say it is oftimes better then your command of it!:lol:
Nuclear power is safe.

Until something goes wrong.

Nothing in life is safe. You're far more likely to be killed walking across the street then by radiation from a nuclear orders of magnitude.

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