Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

Liability is quite correct. The possibility of a very serious result, and death toll, from the nuclear plants is still high enough that the situation is totally bad cess. As it stands now, there is a certainty that some of the people exposed to the present high levels of radiation at the plant will develop cancers as a result of that exposure. The people working to prevent further disaster realize this and are to be commended for their bravery and dedication to duty.

Denying the seriousness of the situation, and denigrating those who express concern over it may do something for your self image, but to others, it gives you the appearance of a total fool.

Where exactly are You digging up this garbage,..?
Where are Your usual stupid URLs?...Or are You making all this shit up Yourself...
Where does it say that 2 technicians will develop cancer?...
Nobody has or will die from radiation, that has been ascertained and reported by everyone from Reuters, BBC etc etc.

Fukushima Daiichi was the oldest reactor and was only 2 weeks away from being shut down and replaced when the quake hit.
The quake resulted in NO DAMAGE TO ANY OF THE REACTORS...that is now also known and has been reported in EVERY MAJOR NEWS OUTLET.

The System automatically responded in each reactor even though they were outdated EXACTLY as it should have initiated a power shut down.
After the power shut down the stand by Diesel Generators went on line to supply power to the cooling pumps.
Then the tsunami hit, drowned the Diesel Engines, and the cooling pumps stopped.
So, the 8.9 Mag. earthquake had ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT...other than initiating the auto-shut down procedure!

Power to the cooling pumps has been restored since then and all cooling pumps are now working.
None of the 4 reactors have any internal damage...that has now also bee confirmed
There was and there will be no "melt-down" as assholes like You were hoping.

and again, that was because the DIESEL PLANT FAILED AFTER IT HAD BEEN DROWNED under sea water!

The "contamination" did not come from the reactors, but from the external cooling ponds.
And the "contamination" in closest vicinity of the plant was Iodine which has a half life of only 8 days.
Also the U.N.-W.H.Org has long since reported that these level were too low to pose any serious health risk.

This crisis is already over, and retards like You keep on yapping as if the "worst is still to come"..

Meanwhile the rest of the press aside from reporting on Libya is now writing articles concerning the outrageous exaggerations which had been published concerning this "nuclear catastrophe" in Japan.
...which in the final analysis was not a nuclear reactor failure at all, but a diesel power-plant failure...and that in turn came to play, because no-one had considered that diesel engines close to the coast can`t run when submerged under sea water after an earthquake triggered tsunami sweeps ashore!
So cut the crap about how "unsafe" nuclear reactors are
Liability is quite correct. The possibility of a very serious result, and death toll, from the nuclear plants is still high enough that the situation is totally bad cess. As it stands now, there is a certainty that some of the people exposed to the present high levels of radiation at the plant will develop cancers as a result of that exposure. The people working to prevent further disaster realize this and are to be commended for their bravery and dedication to duty.

Denying the seriousness of the situation, and denigrating those who express concern over it may do something for your self image, but to others, it gives you the appearance of a total fool.

Where exactly are You digging up this garbage,..?
Where are Your usual stupid URLs?...Or are You making all this shit up Yourself...
Where does it say that 2 technicians will develop cancer?...
Nobody has or will die from radiation, that has been ascertained and reported by everyone from Reuters, BBC etc etc.

Fukushima Daiichi was the oldest reactor and was only 2 weeks away from being shut down and replaced when the quake hit.
The quake resulted in NO DAMAGE TO ANY OF THE REACTORS...that is now also known and has been reported in EVERY MAJOR NEWS OUTLET.

The System automatically responded in each reactor even though they were outdated EXACTLY as it should have initiated a power shut down.
After the power shut down the stand by Diesel Generators went on line to supply power to the cooling pumps.
Then the tsunami hit, drowned the Diesel Engines, and the cooling pumps stopped.
So, the 8.9 Mag. earthquake had ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT...other than initiating the auto-shut down procedure!

Power to the cooling pumps has been restored since then and all cooling pumps are now working.
None of the 4 reactors have any internal damage...that has now also bee confirmed
There was and there will be no "melt-down" as assholes like You were hoping.

and again, that was because the DIESEL PLANT FAILED AFTER IT HAD BEEN DROWNED under sea water!

The "contamination" did not come from the reactors, but from the external cooling ponds.
And the "contamination" in closest vicinity of the plant was Iodine which has a half life of only 8 days.
Also the U.N.-W.H.Org has long since reported that these level were too low to pose any serious health risk.

This crisis is already over, and retards like You keep on yapping as if the "worst is still to come"..

Meanwhile the rest of the press aside from reporting on Libya is now writing articles concerning the outrageous exaggerations which had been published concerning this "nuclear catastrophe" in Japan.
...which in the final analysis was not a nuclear reactor failure at all, but a diesel power-plant failure...and that in turn came to play, because no-one had considered that diesel engines close to the coast can`t run when submerged under sea water after an earthquake triggered tsunami sweeps ashore!
So cut the crap about how "unsafe" nuclear reactors are

I think you are pretty much right about all of that; but I also believe that nuclear power is now toast. And by the way there are longstanding immunities in Japanese and international law pertaining to builders of nuclear plants. But trusting to that is a whole lot like trusting to pre-existing laws regarding oil spills in the gulf of Mexico; or trusting that bond-holders come first in the queue for corporate debt. The old conventions are out the window since Obama's arrival.

And some people say that presidents are powerless figureheads; I think it depends on the president.
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Nuclear Energy Institute - Information on the Japan Earthquake and Reactors in That Region

Powered by an emergency diesel generator, pumps are circulating cooling water in the spent fuel pools of reactors 5 and 6 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, according to reports. The company also added water to the used fuel pool at reactor 3 after elite firefighters from Tokyo spent 13 hours operating a high-pressure spray truck that pumped seawater into the pool.
The company and response workers were planning to spray water into the used fuel pool at reactor 4 on Sunday.

Electric power lines are connected to reactors 1 and 2, and engineers expected to bring power to the remaining reactors on Sunday, according to the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum. “We do not know if the water pumps [at Fukushima Daiichi] have been damaged and if they will work when power is restored,” the International Atomic Energy Agency said.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported that holes have been drilled into the ceilings of the buildings that house reactors 5 and 6 to prevent the buildup of hydrogen in the buildings.
Fukushima Daini

All four reactors at Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant have reached cold shutdown conditions with normal cooling.

I have been shocked at the inability of a major power company to get any kind of emergency electrical power rigged to the pumps which were on site. After all the whole fuel heating problem came from that deficiency. I understand there is a problem in Japan of the Island being split down the middle with the west using 60 Hz. and the east using 50 Hz, but that doesn’t seem to apply because the division is more one that divides the country north from south across the middle. Regardless, you’d think that it would be within their skill set and physical and technical capacity to make the proper conversions in a reasonably short time span.

I have watched the Japanese rescue workers, and to me, in some cases they move as if they are robots, or as if in a state of shock. You might see a crew walking through debris, one man pick up a large panel of some sort, and instead of just all hands tossing these things aside (after all there is already debris scattered everywhere about) instead he will methodically turn and hand it to the man behind him, who will turn and repeat the seemingly useless charade.

People in shelters are not getting their needs attended to; in some cases there are no sanitary facilities, no provision for food, and for heat. In one case I heard about a fight broke out outside the shelter building about that very situation. This is sad to see.
But just because You are being quoted here first, I had no intention to include You
That`s just the way the forum`s web-site scipt works, I click the quote button and that person will be quoted first.
With the wild exaggerations I had someone other than You in my crosshairs
I just wanted to respond to You about President Obama, and the nuclear future being toast also, but further below

I think you are pretty much right about all of that; but I also believe that nuclear power is now toast. And by the way there are longstanding immunities in Japanese and international law pertaining to builders of nuclear plants. But trusting to that is a whole lot like trusting to pre-existing laws regarding oil spills in the gulf of Mexico; or trusting that bond-holders come first in the queue for corporate debt. The old conventions are out the window since Obama's arrival.

And some people say that presidents are powerless figureheads; I think it depends on the president.

My main issue is with these wild exaggerations, which come exclusively form people with zero technical this jerk here:
Quote: Originally Posted by Old Rocks View Post
Liability is quite correct. The possibility of a very serious result, and death toll, from the nuclear plants is still high enough that the situation is totally bad cess. As it stands now, there is a certainty that some of the people exposed to the present high levels of radiation at the plant will develop cancers as a result of that exposure.

Total death toll in the entire complex 6, ...5 from the hydrogen gas explosion , 1 was a crane accident. Not a single person died from radiation.

As far as the highest radiation dosage received is concerned, again no matter where You look inside SERIOUS News channels..:
OSAKA—Six workers...
They have been exposed to more than 100 millisieverts of radiation, an official at the Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, adding he had no information on what tasks they were assigned to.

"There has been no adverse effect on their health," Takeo Iwamoto said. It was not immediately known if they had been reassigned to different tasks.

And indeed, why should there be any...:
Sievert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0 – 0.25 Sv (0 – 250 mSv): None

But You know who..:
there is a certainty that some of the people exposed to the present high levels of radiation at the plant will develop cancers as a result of that exposure.

As far as "nuclear power is now toast. "...I`m not so sure!....:
Even in "Nuclear Angst" ridden Germany...after Chernobyl, where the Reactor itself blew wide open there is already serious opposition to the hasty decision to shut down 6 of the oldest reactors following the earthquake in Japan...and the rest of the EU will continue with nuclear power as usual. The only thing they have agreed on are some more stress testing of the existing facilities.
and in North America...? Canada Your neighbor will not change anything an continue building and selling Candu reactors world wide.
What Obama would want to do or not do,concerning nuclear power, I would not even try guess! But I do know what he can`t do, and that is shutting down nuclear power, any more than he could stop drilling for offshore oil...regardless how many more "Gulf Oil Disasters" might happen.
Talk is cheap, and paper is patient, reality is none of the aforementioned.
Just don`t read into this that I`m "anti Obama"...
I live in Canada, Canada does not have to depend on foreign countries to supply energy.
So concerning energy policy, we can afford to have a wait and see attitude towards Obama`s Presidency.
But it does appear to us Canadians, that this cat already blew all 9 lives with the health care legislation.
That may be so or not telling for sure
So, we wait and see...time will tell and time flies...
Next Presidential election is Tuesday, November 6, 2012, and it`s already end of March 2011
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Dumbass hysterical environmental bozo's..........dont even realize a vast majority of those people are in much greater danger of developing many different forms of cancer from cooking with microwave ovens..........especially thyroid cancer. Just a fact ( although its a different type of radiation)
Dumbass hysterical environmental bozo's..........dont even realize a vast majority of those people are in much greater danger of developing many different forms of cancer from cooking with microwave ovens..........especially thyroid cancer. Just a fact ( although its a different type of radiation)

That`s because environmental bozos don`t know 1 single square inch of the technical territory behind the news media buzzwords they love to use.
"free radicals" is one of those, yes free radicals cause cancer, but not one of the enviro-vegetarians object to benzoylperoxide in flour and bread. BPO is used as a catalyst to plyomerize ploy-ester....You could go on and on with what these bozos don`t know...but they go on an on how a spray can rips gigantic holes in the ozone layer, how a fractional ppm increase of CO2 is melting 2 mile thick ice sheets in the arctic and how ~100 milli-Sieverts inside a containment building next to spend fuel rods is nuking Japan.
How the failure of a Tsunami flooded Diesel Power plant on a coast in Japan "proves" the "perils of nuclear power" inside continental North America....and so on and on...
They are already jubilantly celebrating the end of nuclear power.
Meanwhile :
Fukushima-Katastrophe: Japans Bevölkerung fürchtet verstrahlte Lebensmittel - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Panorama

Reactor blocks 5 + 6 have now also been stabilized, reactors 1 +2 will be reconnected to the power grid just as soon as #3 and 4 have the same status.

Debatte in Großbritannien: Tories träumen von der Atom-Renaissance - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik

Britain`s officials have announced , quoting Winston Churchill "Keep calm and carry on", that nuclear power will remain as it is the main component of GB`s power grid.

And last not least the "radiation contaminated food" in Japan..:
Fukushima-Katastrophe: Japans Bevölkerung fürchtet verstrahlte Lebensmittel - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Panorama
Die kontaminierten Proben stammten aus drei Präfekturen, aus denen bisher keine derartigen Problemfälle gemeldet wurden. In Taiwan wurden am Samstag radioaktiv belastete Bohnen aus Japan gefunden. Die Werte lagen deutlich unter den erlaubten Grenzwerten und waren damit nicht gesundheitsschädlich, wie die Behörden mitteilten.

This one merits word for word translation...:
The contaminated samples originated from 3 prefects. Taiwan has analyzed "radioactive" bean samples and reports that all samples were far below allowable limits and pose no health risk contrary to previous reports.

All that has been in the international media channels, along with minute by minute updates @ Reuter`s yet as You say the bozos keep on shrieking and freaking.
...hormonal imbalance I suspect, can be remedied by feeding opposite sex hormones to disturbed individuals who can`t make up their mind what they want to be.
According to latest reports (and we all know how fabulously accurate the media has been on this... not), two of the six reactors are now safe. Only one is still causing major concerns. However, everything seems to be on track for the whole site to be made safe. They may well have to 'do a Chernobyl' and bury the whole place but, currently, it appears the risk of a meltdown is fading fast.
Nuclear Energy Institute - Information on the Japan Earthquake and Reactors in That Region

Powered by an emergency diesel generator, pumps are circulating cooling water in the spent fuel pools of reactors 5 and 6 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant,
I have watched the Japanese rescue workers, and to me, in some cases they move as if they are robots, or as if in a state of shock. You might see a crew walking through debris, one man pick up a large panel of some sort, and instead of just all hands tossing these things aside (after all there is already debris scattered everywhere about) instead he will methodically turn and hand it to the man behind him, who will turn and repeat the seemingly useless charade.

I have edited away some of Your lines, that perhaps I should not have,...because that may give the wrong impression. Because You are one of the few who has the priorities right, and that is the welfare of the Japanese people!
But I wanted to address the technical problems reconnecting a partially destroyed site to a power grid. It is not a simple task and You have to proceed very methodically much like a pre-take off procedure, else You fry things beyond repair.
These pumps are not single phase 1 hp motors and even if You have power available You also have to ascertain that all "delta/star" start up circuits are in order + many other things. I prefer crews that proceed like robots in such cases over "piece of cake jocks" any day. I wish I could find that video again which was posted in the German media.
It showed a good example how a "robotic" Japanese coast guard crew calmly maneuvered their cutter through 2 gigantic oncoming tsunami waves a few hundred meters off shore.
By the way, the 50 Hertz power grid is the more modern of the 2 (50 vs 60 Hertz).
Because with 50 Hertz over long distance there is significantly less transmission line power loss.
The entire German power grid has opted for 50 Hertz after WW2 when everything had to be re-constructed.
Mmm............radioactive spinach....

TOKYO (Kyodo)--Spinach with radioactive iodine 27 times more than the government-regulated limit was found in the city of Hitachi in Ibaraki Prefecture, more than 100 kilometers south of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but the radiation levels do not affect human health, local authorities said Sunday.

In 1 kilogram of spinach grown in open air in the city, 54,000 becquerels of iodine was detected, exceeding the 2,000 becquerel limit set by the government's preliminary regulation under the food sanitation law, the Ibaraki prefectural government said.

The level of cesium in the spinach grown in the city was also higher at 1,931 becquerels, compared to the limit of 500 becquerels.

The level of iodine in the spinach grown in open air in the Kitaibaraki city in Ibaraki, around 75 kilometers south of the nuclear plant, was 24,000 becquerels, 12 times more than the limit of 2,000 becquerels. A cesium level of 690 becquerels, 190 more than the limit, was also found in the spinach, which was taken for investigation Friday.

Ibaraki Gov. Masaru Hashimoto said it will continue to ask each municipality to voluntarily halt shipments of spinach grown in the prefecture, although there is no risk to human health.

2011/03/20 23:26 - Spinach With Radiation 27 Times Higher Than Limit Found In Japan
According to latest reports (and we all know how fabulously accurate the media has been on this... not), two of the six reactors are now safe. Only one is still causing major concerns. However, everything seems to be on track for the whole site to be made safe. They may well have to 'do a Chernobyl' and bury the whole place but, currently, it appears the risk of a meltdown is fading fast.

There was no "Chernobyl" in Chernobyl the REACTOR BLEW UP, and not a single piece of any of the fuel rods remained intact in the post explosion crater afterwards.
...thus the only option there was to "bury" what was left

In Japan not a single one of the reactors were damaged.
The problems were the fuel rod storage basins which have absolutely nothing to do with the reactor itself,
New rods for a reactor and spent rods which had been withdrawn form a reactor are stored there .
Nothing will be buried there "Chernobyl style" quite the opposite, these reactors will go back on-line, after the overhaul which had been scheduled in 2 weeks just before the earthquake hit. These were japan`s oldest and most out-dated reactors and they had been scheduled for shut-down and re-furbishing.
This should have been better highlighted by the media,...because this is the reason why there were over 1200 fuel rods in these cooling basins where the problem was after the quake.
They had begun withdrawing these from the reactors, because they were about to be shut down

This freak quake, had it happened 2 weeks later, there would have been nothing to report about any "nuclear accident" in Japan

And even now after this quake, Japan will most likely proceed as planned...
But I `m certain they will seriously re-think where the new backup Diesel Power Plant for the cooling pumps will be...and I am sure the new one will NOT be drowned by any future tsunamis after this fiasco

Most countries that use nuclear power plants have realized by now, that it`s not our nuclear technology that needs an overhaul,
but that our news media and the way they "report facts" is what needs to be seriously overhauled!
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I don`t like gruesome details,....but....:
Any engineer who actually has to do things instead of just talking about it has no choice but to consider even the most gruesome details.

Japan April 20, 2011

Fukushima-Katastrophe: Japans Bevölkerung fürchtet verstrahlte Lebensmittel - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Panorama
8450 Todesfälle seien bestätigt, zudem werden knapp 13.000 Menschen vermisst.

Ein grausiges Detail: Die Krematorien hätten kaum die Möglichkeit, all die Toten zu verbrennen, weil die Kapazitäten nicht ausreichten und Brennstoff fehle, meldet Kyodo. In Japan sind Einäscherungen üblich. Einige Kommunen empfehlen jetzt aus hygienischen Gründen Erdbestattungen. Japan traditional burials are by cremation. There are so far (sadly) 8450 confirmed dead. The cremation capacity of Japan`s crematoriums can not keep pace and Japan has begun with the burial of victims.

In 2011 man has already landed on the moon. We have nuclear technology, airplanes that can fly @ Mach 3+ and so on

The same newspaper published not very long ago the followig articel about the pre 1945 Holocaust:

About Nazi Germany pre 1945

DER SPIEGEL*40/1993 - Protokolle des Todes

Tatsächlich waren es weit mehr, die im größten NS-Vernichtungslager umkamen. Wie viele genau, wird wohl nie exakt zu ermitteln sein; die Zahl der Opfer kann nur geschätzt werden. Die KZ-Verwaltung hatte Häftlingslisten verbrannt und etliche Todestransporte namentlich nicht registriert. Daß es nachweislich 800 000, wahrscheinlich aber weit über ei

"verbrannt" =cremated

Which in essence says, that... before 1945 the few coal fired crematoriums in Auschwitz had no problems to let over 800 000 "zyklon-B" gassed victims disappear as ashes in no time at all, at a pace of over 4000 per day.

So what is real and what is "memorex" with our "News Media"...?
Yes it`s gruesome, but it`s the media that revel in it, not me!

I just wonder when President Obama will pay homage to the victims in Japan,


say at any Crematorium in Japan there as he had in the "re-constructed" Auschwitz cremas..."reconstructed" by the Soviets, because there were none...the Nazi`s allegedly let those ovens as magically disappear as 6 Million Jewes
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Status of Fukushima nuclear power plants Sunday midnight

TOKYO, March 20, Kyodo

The following is the known status as of Sunday evening of each of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and the four reactors at the Fukushima Daini plant, both in Fukushima Prefecture, which were crippled by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami on March 11.

Fukushima Daiichi plant

-- Reactor No. 1 (Operation suspended after quake)

Partial melting of core, cooling failure, vapor vented, building housing containment of reactor damaged by hydrogen explosion, roof blown off, seawater being pumped in.

-- Reactor No. 2 (Operation suspended after quake)

Damage to reactor containment structure feared, cooling failure, seawater being pumped in, fuel rods fully exposed temporarily, vapor vented, building housing containment of reactor damaged by blast at adjacent reactor No. 3, blast sound heard near suppression chamber of containment vessel, seawater pumped into pool holding spent-fuel rods on Sunday, access to external power restored Sunday.

-- Reactor No. 3 (Operation suspended after quake)

Partial melting of core feared, cooling failure, vapor vented, seawater being pumped in, building housing containment of reactor badly damaged by hydrogen explosion, seawater dumped over spent-fuel storage pool by helicopter Thursday, water sprayed at it from ground for four days in a row through Sunday.

-- Reactor No. 4 (Under maintenance when quake struck)

Renewed nuclear chain reaction feared at spent-fuel storage pool, fire at building housing containment of reactor Tuesday and Wednesday, only frame remains of reactor building roof, temperature in the pool reached 84 C on March 14, water sprayed at pool on Sunday.

-- Reactor No. 5 (Under maintenance when quake struck)

Some fuel rods left in reactor core, cooling in spent-fuel storage pool resumed Saturday, cold shutdown at reactor on Sunday, access to external power restored Sunday.

-- Reactor No. 6 (Under maintenance when quake struck)

Some fuel rods left in reactor core, emergency power generator and cooling functions restored Saturday, cold shutdown at reactor on Sunday.

Fukushima Daini plant

-- Reactors No. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Operation suspended after quake)

Cold shutdown, not under emergency status.

-- Status of Fukushima nuclear power plants Sunday midnight | Kyodo News

Bottom line so far?

This story isn't yet written. We can hope for the best, but plenty of bad (very bad) stuff has already occurred. (I highlighted what seems to be the worst to date.) My highlighting does not even include the leakage of radioactive materials. We know that some of the spinach in Japan now has 27 times the permissible level of radiation. We know that some water in Japan has now been contaminated with some trace amounts of radioactive iodine. It's not at all unclear where that comes from. The implications are a lot larger, I believe, than the news has so far reported. The implications are pretty dark.

If it's not "as bad" as Chernobyl, so far, great. But being almost that bad (with multiple partial meltdowns) is not exactly heartwarming good news, either.

Exaggerating how bad it is would be stupid. I agree.

Minimizing how bad it is is just as stupid, though.

It really isn't a sin to admit that this is a bad situation with plenty of potential to get worse. For example, can anybody tell me what happens if they get hit with a powerful 8.+ aftershock at those reactors (even without a new tsuanami) tomorrow? Is there any valid reason to actually believe we are safely out of the woods?

It wasn't a freak quake.

Let me guess, you have a lot of money invested in nuclear reactors.

No, wrong guess! Typical though for people like You. When caught in their own lies they try salvage what can be salvaged from the lie, by attacking those who caught them in their lies.
My recommendation to the likes of You, don`t play checkers against people who mastered chess!
No, I did not invest money in any nuclear power plants. I am only a retired military engineer and most of us had to absolve hands on training courses how to deal with nuclear power plants in a war or a natural catastrophe.


I did my service in the arctic, 6 months tours of duty and six month off where I could pursue whatever I wanted.
So I drove heavy transport trucks, touring the USA and getting paid 50 cents per mile.
On one of these trips I had to haul radio active Aluminum which was salvaged and melted down from scrapped B52 in California. I had to use a specially shielded trailer for that.
The bill of laden stipulated that I had to run this load to a warehouse in Ohio, because the driver who ran this load was not allowed to be exposed longer than that to this Aluminum.
On the bill of laden was also a copy of a fax where the end user had signed that this Aluminum was used to be re-cast into boat props.
Problem was, I arrived in Ohio on Saturday and the terminal was closed. From the load broker I found out to where the end user`s terminal who had signed this fax is.
He told me again that this load was supposed to go by "day cabs" from Ohio to there because of my exposure time limit to that load...but I ran it through to the end user`s terminal myself instead of dropping my trailer and waiting for another re-load .

Take a wild guess like You were trying to guess if I invest money in nuclear power plants, who the end user actually was!

It was a plant that has no idea whatsoever how to make boat props, was a plant that makes Aluminum soft drink and beer cans for almost everybody from Pepsi, to Miller Beer.

I got one fuck of a reception when I arrived and was even threatened with a law suit...because I showed up with a trailer, "Hazmat" radiation placards all round at the unload terminal of a plant that makes cans for soft drinks and breweries.
Up till then every load has been reloaded at the terminal where I was supposed to stop, into ordinary trailers, with no warning placards and then it was delivered to the end user.
One of the owners from the re-load terminals even drove to the end user terminal, came to my truck and screamed his head off.
But I could understand only every other word...because...: It`s also politically totally incorrect of me to mention that he and his co-owner were both turban wearing Hindus,...but hey I can`t change reality!

I still have copies I made en route at a Flying J truck stop of all the bills of Laden...

And people like You accuse people like us to be in a conflict of that with man made "Global Warming"...or a "Nuclear Holocaust" in Japan,...or minus the Nuclear a "Holocaust" in Auschwitz!

I f You only knew what really goes on, You`ld shut Your mouth maybe a few years after You manage to close it....again if You knew what`s really being done instead of what`s being said!

Instead of trying to guess if I have money invested in nuclear power, why don`t You inform yourself where Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have their money invested...

It`s all public record!
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Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
The operation to connect power to the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors and turn on the standard cooling systems is expected to last at least several days. Until then, some nuclear experts believe the rods are at risk of full meltdown, which could damage the containment vessel and cause a radiation release that would dwarf those that have taken place so far.
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.
Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
The operation to connect power to the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors and turn on the standard cooling systems is expected to last at least several days. Until then, some nuclear experts believe the rods are at risk of full meltdown, which could damage the containment vessel and cause a radiation release that would dwarf those that have taken place so far.
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.

How about extremely rare ?
Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
The operation to connect power to the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors and turn on the standard cooling systems is expected to last at least several days. Until then, some nuclear experts believe the rods are at risk of full meltdown, which could damage the containment vessel and cause a radiation release that would dwarf those that have taken place so far.
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.

"......wasnt a freak earthquake......."

Thats right............9.0 magnatude quakes happen every other week in Japan!!!:D:D:boobies:

Ravi..........I think you'll be the first member to 50K posts. God bless you sweetie..............hope you stay around for another 50K more. Without the infinately absurd shit you post on these forums, this place would be boring as hell.

ps.....did you do any reasearch on the Effexor XR???
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Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
The operation to connect power to the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors and turn on the standard cooling systems is expected to last at least several days. Until then, some nuclear experts believe the rods are at risk of full meltdown, which could damage the containment vessel and cause a radiation release that would dwarf those that have taken place so far.
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.

How about extremely rare ?
Rare, but not unheard don't mean to say that polarbare was hyping? :eek:
Again, it wasn't a freak earthquake. :cuckoo:

And pretending that there was never any real danger is ridiculous. The Japanese are apparently doing their best but since the beginning there has been a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown (see Liability's post above).
Japan Nuclear Dangers Linger Despite Progress -

Until this is completely under control it is asinine to pretend this is just a typical day at the park.

How about extremely rare ?
Rare, but not unheard don't mean to say that polarbare was hyping? :eek:

Pretty funny how You shot Your footsies after "bill of lading"...says so no-where on the paperwork a trucker has ...also I`m typink here while my 2 Year Old great gransson sits on my lap and wants to play piano on my keyboard...what`s Your excuse for:"polarbare " or was that supposed to have been a "witty" joke.
Have You ever been to the pole or seen a bear other than on TV?
And 8.9 was not a freak quake?...OKay then "extremely rare" suits You better?
What exactly was I hyping...? By stating the media have hyped this beyond any reasonable limits and fruitcakes
like You ate it hook line & sinker!

First the women and children, then the non-essential personnel, then the essential personnel.

Voluntary at the moment.

Japan's nukes...worse case scenario

I don't know anything about what happens if they can't get the cooling systems working again?
The warnings were stark and issued repeatedly as far back as 1972: If the cooling systems ever failed at a Mark 1 nuclear reactor, the primary containment vessel surrounding the reactor would probably burst as the fuel rods inside overheated. Dangerous radiation would spew into the environment.

The tsunami was reportedly 33 feet high so I'm not sure how being on a roof 20 in the air would do any good.

and that`s only the threads that You started regarding this birdbrain hype

Even the way You "reply" is typical fruit-cake puke.
Anyway I don`t think the nuclear industry is overly concerned what You and spinny broads like You "think".
I`m a bit concerned though that people who are as dumb as You have voting rights.

I think that`s whats missing something like a citizenship test before anybody can qualify to cast a vote in an election.
Immigrants have to pass one...I seriously doubt You would
Morons like You cause more harm to the whole country than the morons on our roads...and even they have to pass a driver`s license test.

Well after I spotted this thread, that You also started:


Just got my 23andme genetic test results back
It comes out as unexpected that my total Irish ancestry is 99%,


what is shocking is 1% German ancestry, which is too damn high, is still lower than the 5% I expected.
woot! I no longer will have to pretend to enjoy sauerbraten!

That explains everything

I googled using "list of female irish nobel prize winners" and all the google tentacles could find was:

Betty Williams, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize

Then I googled again leaving the word "female" out and the best Google could do foer Your 99% genetic code defect was:
Irish Nobel Prize winners
1923 - for Literature William Butler Yeats
1925 - for Literature George Bernard Shaw
1951 - for Physics Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton *
1969 - for Literature Samuel Beckett
1974 - for Peace Seán MacBride
1976 - for Peace Betty Williams
1976 - for Peace Mairead Corrigan
1995 - for Literature Seamus Heaney
1998 - for Peace David Trimble
1998 - for Peace John Hume

Then I googled for German Nobel prize winners, You know...that 1% German that You say You do have but thought it was 5 is what Google came up with:
female irish nobel prize winners - Google Search
Herta Müller, born in Romania, Literature, 2009
Harald zur Hausen, Physiology or Medicine, 2008
Gerhard Ertl, Chemistry, 2007
Peter Grünberg, born in then Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now the Czech Republic, Physics, 2007
Theodor W. Hänsch, Physics, 2005
Robert Aumann*, Economics, 2005
Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics, 2001
Herbert Kroemer, Physics, 2000
Günter Blobel*, Physiology or Medicine, 1999
Günter Grass, born in then Free City of Danzig, now Poland, Literature, 1999
Horst L. Störmer, Physics, 1998
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Physiology or Medicine, 1995
Reinhard Selten, Economics, 1994
Bert Sakmann, Physiology or Medicine, 1991
Erwin Neher, Physiology or Medicine, 1991
Hans G. Dehmelt*, Physics, 1989
Wolfgang Paul, Physics, 1989
Johann Deisenhofer, Chemistry, 1988
Robert Huber, Chemistry, 1988
Hartmut Michel, Chemistry, 1988
Jack Steinberger*, Physics, 1988
J. Georg Bednorz, Physics, 1987
Ernst Ruska, Physics, 1986
Gerd Binnig, Physics, 1986
Klaus von Klitzing, Physics, 1985
Georges J.F. Köhler*, Physiology or Medicine, 1984
Georg Wittig, Chemistry, 1979
Arno Penzias*, Physics, 1978
Henry Kissinger*, Peace, 1973
Ernst Otto Fischer, Chemistry, 1973
Karl Ritter von Frisch, born in then Austria-Hungary, now Austria, Physiology or Medicine, 1973
Heinrich Böll, Literature, 1972
Gerhard Herzberg*, Chemistry, 1971
Willy Brandt, Peace, 1971
Bernard Katz*, Physiology or Medicine, 1970
Max Delbrück*, Physiology or Medicine, 1969
Manfred Eigen, Chemistry, 1967
Hans Albrecht Bethe*, Physics, 1967
Nelly Sachs*, Literature, 1966
Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen, Physiology or Medicine, 1964
Konrad Bloch*, Physiology or Medicine, 1964
Karl Ziegler, Chemistry, 1963
Maria Goeppert-Mayer*, Physics, 1963
J. Hans D. Jensen, Physics, 1963
Rudolf Mössbauer, Physics, 1961
Werner Forssmann, Physiology or Medicine, 1956
Max Born*, Physics, 1954
Walther Bothe, Physics, 1954
Hermann Staudinger, Chemistry, 1953
Fritz Albert Lipmann*, Physiology or Medicine, 1953
Hans Adolf Krebs*, Physiology or Medicine, 1953
Albert Schweitzer*, Peace, 1952
Otto Diels, Chemistry, 1950
Kurt Alder, Chemistry, 1950
Herman Hesse*, Literature, 1946
Ernst Boris Chain*, Physiology or Medicine, 1945
Otto Hahn, Chemistry 1944
Otto Stern*, Physics, 1943
Adolf Butenandt, Chemistry, 1939
Gerhard Domagk, Physiology or Medicine, 1939
Richard Kuhn, born in Austria, Chemistry, 1938
Carl von Ossietzky, Peace, 1935
Hans Spemann, Physiology or Medicine, 1935
Werner Karl Heisenberg, Physics, 1932
Otto Heinrich Warburg, Physiology or Medicine, 1931
Carl Bosch, Chemistry 1931
Friedrich Bergius, Chemistry, 1931
Hans Fischer, Chemistry, 1930
Thomas Mann, Literature, 1929
Hans von Euler-Chelpin*, Chemistry, 1929
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, Chemistry, 1928
Ludwig Quidde, Peace, 1927
Heinrich Otto Wieland, Chemistry, 1927
Gustav Stresemann, Peace, 1926
James Franck, Physics, 1925
Gustav Ludwig Hertz, Physics, 1925
Otto Fritz Meyerhof, Physiology or Medicine, 1922
Albert Einstein, Physics, 1921
Walther Nernst, Chemistry, 1920
Johannes Stark, Physics, 1919
Fritz Haber, Chemistry 1918
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, Physics, 1918
Richard Willstätter, Chemistry, 1915
Max von Laue, Physics, 1914
Gerhart Hauptmann, born in then Prussia, now Poland, Literature, 1912
Wilhelm Wien, Physics, 1911
Otto Wallach, Chemistry, 1910
Albrecht Kossel, Physiology or Medicine, 1910
Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse, Literature, 1910
Karl Ferdinand Braun, Physics, 1909
Wilhelm Ostwald, born in then Russia, now Latvia, Chemistry, 1909
Rudolf Christoph Eucken, Literature, 1908
Paul Ehrlich, Physiology or Medicine, 1908
Eduard Buchner, Chemistry, 1907
Albert Abraham Michelson*, born in then Prussia, now Poland, Physics 1907
Robert Koch, Physiology or Medicine, 1905
Philipp Lenard, born in then Austrian Empire, now Slovakia, Physics, 1905
Adolf von Baeyer, Chemistry, 1905
Hermann Emil Fischer, Chemistry, 1902
Theodor Mommsen, born in then Denmark, Literature, 1902
Emil Adolf von Behring, Physiology or Medicine, 1901
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Physics, 1901

My genetic code by the way is 100% certified pure bred NAZI, and my father was
Your worst fucking nightmare..:

Gottlob Berger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obergruppenführer Gottlob Berger in 1944


And from my Mother`s side my grandfather is the one who got all the credit for starting WW1...:
First World - Who's Who - Count Leopold von Berchtold
Leopold Graf Berchtold von und zu Ungarschitz, Frättling und Püllütz

Leopold Anton Johann Sigismund Joseph Korsinus Ferdinand, Count Von Berchtold (1863-1942), Austro-Hungarian foreign minister at the outbreak of the First World War, was born on 18 April 1863 in Vienna.

See, I don`t need any "Genetic code Tests"....I have a birth certificate and that`s what`s written on it...You wanna see a copy?

And an imbecile like You wants to discuss nuclear power plants ....and be one up on me?

I never made any secret about my real first name, my last name, where I`m from and exactly where I live, right from day one when I registered here,
So yeah I could afford to upload a notarized copy of my birth certificate if You must see it.

After that I want Your address ...not as if I could not find out if I really wanted to...
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