Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

I don't understand something, and maybe someone could explain it.

They were going to use helicopters to drop water but didn't because the radiation readings were too high.

Shouldn't they do it anyway? This is Japan's military, from what I understand...isn't it their duty to risk themselves to save their country?

Now they are going to try a water cannon instead...

Japan has asked its national police agency to send a water cannon to the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant after the military was forced to abandon an attempt to drop water from helicopters due to radiation fears.
Japan eyes water cannon to cool troubled reactor - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Japan's military abandoned a mission to use a helicopter to drop water into the overheating No.3 reactor because of radiation fears.

But if they think it would work, shouldn't they do it anyway?

The BBC said high winds are making it impossible for them to fly the water over the reactors.... the winds make it almost impossible for them to drop the water in the right place.
It kinda sucks that there is so much about the situation at those reactors that we don't know and may not be able to find out fast enough.

If, for example, the speculation that the spent fuel rods are no longer sitting in a nice cool bath is correct, what follows from that fact?

It sounds to me like the prospect of a serious meltdown increases dramatically, since the rods go on getting hotter and hotter and hotter.

If the water bathing the spent rods has disappeared, then my next question is "where did it go?" Did it just boil off into steam (bad enough) OR has there been some kind of leak (probably even worse)?

I think it did boil off. And I think they may now be fucked. Even spent rods will, as you said, heat themselves enough to catch fire without continual water.

The US military has called all personel away from the reactor (50 miles) and ordered radiation sickness medicine if any must venture into the region.
I don't think they called them away as much as they told them to not go within 50 miles of the reactors unless they were on a mission.
Extra Terral's buddy says Radiation has reached California. :razz: ~BH

I am not sure who site this belongs to, but it does show the rad. cloud passing over California in the same area mentioned in the video.
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I am glad that you noticed the same thing. Right around Bakersfield, Ca. That's just around 4 hours South from me. ~BH


Take care.
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Please let's stop arguing over what we don't know, in order to make our political points. There are simply too many things unclear, (likely even to those working at the scene) to draw any conclusions beyond the following:

One - there has been a very serious nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor complex.

Two - the situation is not yet under control, and so far, there appears to be little progress toward that end.

Three - there have been periodic radiation releases within the plant site, serioius enough to pull workers out.

Four - by all accounts the situation is beyond what occurred at Three Mile Island, but to this point, remains far less serious than the Chernobyl incident.

Five - to this point, there has been no widespread release of radiological contaminants. At present no one really knows if that will occur, and if so, what the scale of the release might be, or whether there will be life-threatening contamination,within or beyond the site. That is still speculation, at this point.

Six - from what we know at present, there is no need for hysteria, here or in Japan.

Seven - this remains a serious and still deteriorating situation; while it is no cause for panic at this time, it is not a joke either, and however it ends, will at least represent a further serious loss of infrastructure and needed power to a population already trying to cope with a terrible disaster. This is not a matter for our entertainment, nor should it be a time for an exchange of insults, recriminations, and "I told you sos". Let's try to discuss this like rational adults, bearing in mind that this incident and the disaster which led to it are having and may well continue to have serious consequences for the people of Japan, who are real people with lives, feelings and families just like us.; whatever our politics, what happens to them matters. If you are disposed to pray, now would be a good time to do so, for all those in the affected area, and especially those doing the risky job of trying to gain control of the situation. If you are not disposed to pray, then at least, try to think of them, as you would wish them to think of us, if our situations were reversed.
Five - to this point, there has been no widespread release of radiological contaminants. At present no one really knows if that will occur, and if so, what the scale of the release might be, or whether there will be life-threatening contamination,within or beyond the site. That is still speculation, at this point.

Not trying to be rude, but how the hell do you know that there has been no "widespread release"? Are you a Nuclear Physicists or something? There is this thing called a Jet Stream if you have not heard of it. While I appreciate your optimism, Frankly I am not buying it.

It seems to me The Government has their yes-men on full internet chat boards duty. And if that's not the case, then I would guess that you probably don't live in Hawaii or on The West Coast like some of us do. People should be worried, and they should be very worried. Do you think that The Government would desire panic on the West Coast or Hawaii? Do you think that they want to hurt the economy anymore than it already is as well?

Let me tell you something friend, I had a trip to Hawaii planned in June. Guess what? We are not going now. Get what I am saying to you? Same goes for California, only I can't go there, because I am already here, which is there. I'll make the decision to worry for myself, thank you. ~BH
I'm actually very surprised at how our own Government has been so nonchalant about this. They've been saying that this radiation cannot affect Hawaii or the U.S. West Coast. But I just don't understand how they came to that conclusion so quickly. Projected Wind patterns clearly show a consistent Easterly direction. So Radiation could absolutely reach Hawaii & the U.S. West Coast. This is not nearly as unlikely as our Government is saying. This kind of misinformation really does scare me. I think this is a much worse catastrophe than they're letting on. I don't think it's wise to be so nonchalant. Lets hope & pray this Radiation doesn't affect Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast. God Bless.
Extra Terral's buddy says Radiation has reached California. :razz: ~BH

I am not sure who site this belongs to, but it does show the rad. cloud passing over California in the same area mentioned in the video.
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I am glad that you noticed the same thing. Right around Bakersfield, Ca. That's just around 4 hours South from me. ~BH

I would not go out in the rain or snow on the west coast until this is over. Precipitation is what will bring the radiation down on you. Otherwise you are likely safe.
I realize how most view alex jones but this time he hit the nail on the head.

While protests and civil wars rage in Libya and Bahrain, Obama is keeping himself busy by videotaping his NCAA tournament picks, hitting the golf course for the 61st time in his presidency, and partying with lawmakers during a Chicago Bulls vs. Charlotte Bobcats game.

The most energy Obama could bother to devote to what is fast coming one of the biggest nuclear disasters in history was to make an empty statement about how people could donate to, while labeling the NCAA exercise a "great diversion."

While Japan begs the United States for help to rescue the dire situation at Fukushima, Obama seems more concerned about dressing up nicely to please the media elite at the annual Gridiron Dinner.

Even as the planet faces the threat of a "new Chernobyl on steroids," Obama has chosen to prioritize a speech about "Women's History Month," a White House get-together on "bullying" and a meeting with the Chicago Blackhawks instead of offering any kind of leadership.
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I'm actually very surprised at how our own Government has been so nonchalant about this. They've been saying that this radiation cannot affect Hawaii or the U.S. West Coast. But I just don't understand how they came to that conclusion so quickly. Projected Wind patterns clearly show a consistent Easterly direction. So Radiation could absolutely reach Hawaii & the U.S. West Coast. This is not nearly as unlikely as our Government is saying. This kind of misinformation really does scare me. I think this is a much worse catastrophe than they're letting on. I don't think it's wise to be so nonchalant. Lets hope & pray this Radiation doesn't affect Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast. God Bless.

In order to reach the US in any meaningful concentrations the radiation would need to be lifted up high into the atmosphere. Jet streams are between 23K and 55K feet in altitude. Surface air does travel across the oceans but it takes quite a while and the interface with water and rain would scrub most particles from the air.

That is why ocean breezes are clean air instead of being as dirty as Tokyo smog.

But it looks like this is a big deal in Japan and maybe, possibly in Hawaii. But whatever radiation reaches Hawaii, and there will be some, 1/4th as much will reach the west coast.
I'm actually very surprised at how our own Government has been so nonchalant about this. They've been saying that this radiation cannot affect Hawaii or the U.S. West Coast. But I just don't understand how they came to that conclusion so quickly. Projected Wind patterns clearly show a consistent Easterly direction. So Radiation could absolutely reach Hawaii & the U.S. West Coast. This is not nearly as unlikely as our Government is saying. This kind of misinformation really does scare me. I think this is a much worse catastrophe than they're letting on. I don't think it's wise to be so nonchalant. Lets hope & pray this Radiation doesn't affect Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast. God Bless.

In order to reach the US in any meaningful concentrations the radiation would need to be lifted up high into the atmosphere. Jet streams are between 23K and 55K feet in altitude. Surface air does travel across the oceans but it takes quite a while and the interface with water and rain would scrub most particles from the air.

That is why ocean breezes are clean air instead of being as dirty as Tokyo smog.

But it looks like this is a big deal in Japan and maybe, possibly in Hawaii. But whatever radiation reaches Hawaii, and there will be some, 1/4th as much will reach the west coast.

All the scenarios I've seen for "worst case" fallout that reaches CA put the levels at around 1500microsv upon reaching the coast. If general precautions are taken, and if those numbers are right, their would be almost no serious effects. Some headaches, nausea, maybe some diarrhea, but mortality at prolonged exposure to that level is only 5%.

Not pleasant, but not doomsday.
Mini, I won't have any idea what the worst case scenario is until the fuel rods are finally cooled.

I read somewhere today that the fuel rod fires actually do sustain a risk of explosions that lift that very heavy radiative material far up into the atmosphere. I have no idea how real that potential is.

We fineally are getting some goods news from Japan

Fire at No. 4 Reactor in Fukushima Plant Goes Out

Japan’s NHK says a fire that broke out at the number four reactor of the Fukushima Number One nuclear power plant on Wednesday is no longer burning.

NHK quoted an emergency countermeasures team as saying that the fire broke out at 5:45 a.m. near the northwestern outer wall on the reactor's fourth floor.

The report said a technician confirmed from a distance that the fire went out on its own after 30 minutes.

We won't have a problem here.

The problem is there.

And it's a big problem.
Tokyo (CNN) -- Helicopters dumped water Thursday on Unit 3 at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in the latest attempt to halt the nuclear accident that appeared to be spinning out of control. The helicopters belong to the nation's self-defense forces, public broadcaster NHK reported.

The move came a few hours after the head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission testified that spent fuel rods in Unit 4 of Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had been exposed, resulting in the emission of "extremely high" levels of radiation.

"What we believe at this time is that there has been a hydrogen explosion in this unit due to an uncovering of the fuel in the fuel pool," Gregory Jaczko told a House energy and commerce subcommittee hearing Wednesday. "We believe that secondary containment has been destroyed and there is no water in the spent fuel pool, and we believe that radiation levels are extremely high, which could possibly impact the ability to take corrective measures."

Helicopters dump water on nuclear plant in Japan -
I am not sure who site this belongs to, but it does show the rad. cloud passing over California in the same area mentioned in the video.
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I am glad that you noticed the same thing. Right around Bakersfield, Ca. That's just around 4 hours South from me. ~BH

I would not go out in the rain or snow on the west coast until this is over. Precipitation is what will bring the radiation down on you. Otherwise you are likely safe.

Appreciate the advice my friend. Thank you. ~BH

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