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Nuclear meltdown in Japan reactor?

This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!
I'm actually very surprised at how our own Government has been so nonchalant about this. They've been saying that this radiation cannot affect Hawaii or the U.S. West Coast. But I just don't understand how they came to that conclusion so quickly. Projected Wind patterns clearly show a consistent Easterly direction. So Radiation could absolutely reach Hawaii & the U.S. West Coast. This is not nearly as unlikely as our Government is saying. This kind of misinformation really does scare me. I think this is a much worse catastrophe than they're letting on. I don't think it's wise to be so nonchalant. Lets hope & pray this Radiation doesn't affect Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast. God Bless.

In order to reach the US in any meaningful concentrations the radiation would need to be lifted up high into the atmosphere. Jet streams are between 23K and 55K feet in altitude. Surface air does travel across the oceans but it takes quite a while and the interface with water and rain would scrub most particles from the air.

That is why ocean breezes are clean air instead of being as dirty as Tokyo smog.

But it looks like this is a big deal in Japan and maybe, possibly in Hawaii. But whatever radiation reaches Hawaii, and there will be some, 1/4th as much will reach the west coast.

It's much to early in this disaster to even make such a claim or assumption bro. You know that, and I know that. Like R.J MacReady said long ago, "I guess we will just sit back and wait to see what happens". :cool: ~BH
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

You do know that this situation isn't "nothing", right? While hype is happening and exactly what is going on isn't clear . . . .nonetheless it is very, very, very serious. You do know this . . . right?
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

You do know that this situation isn't "nothing", right? While hype is happening and exactly what is going on isn't clear . . . .nonetheless it is very, very, very serious. You do know this . . . right?

Kookybill is a brainless troll that only knows how to make silly little cartoons devoid of humor content.
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

And then there are the dumbshit, yes-men like yourself who keep your head stuck in the sand like a fucking robot, eh? Forget Politics, this is a human issue. You useful tools are good for only one thing, and that's nothing more than attempting to keep your fellow sheople herded. :razz: ~BH
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

I agree, the media hyped up 3-mile island, my uncle worked there at the time and stated constantly that there never, ever was ANY danger. BTW no one even got sick. It's ridiculous, but fear sells and people buy into it. You can bet that next week all but the real kooks will have calmed down about this and it won't be news anymore. I wish we would see more relief getting in there as the people sure need food and water, warm clothes and shelter. But, of course, the media is hyping up the nuclear gig and has everyone worked up about it.
There are many ship based power stations in the world. These troubled nuclear power plants are located right on the ocean. There is no excuse for not ordering one of these ships to that shore to connect to the power plants & provide the power need to run the cooling system.


They could have even brought in some smaller generators to replace the failed back-up generators in the amount of time that has elapsed. The Japanese power company & government have failed to do their jobs properly.
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There are many ship based power stations in the world. These troubled nuclear power plants are located right on the ocean. There is no excuse for not ordering one of these ships to that shore to connect to the power plants & provide the power need to run the cooling system.


They could have even brought in some smaller generators to replace the failed back-up generators in the amount of time that has elapsed. The Japanese power company & government have failed to do their jobs properly.

I would not be so fast to judge, I am betting that they have this under control and have for days, it's the media that hypes this up as fear sells. We will all know for sure in a few days, but after seeing what I have seen with other nuclear plants and the media coverage of them you can bet they blew this one way out of proportion. Don't blame the government, they are attempting to calm the public not create more fear. From what I read earlier the radiation that has leaked amounts to that of a dental x-ray, you get more radiation from being outside for a couple of hours, talking on your cell phone, from the earth. It's nominal , the average radiation a person incurs during one year from nature amounts to 97 chest x-rays and somehow most of us survive that. Everyone just needs to calm down and please don't be popping any iodine pills, they WILL make you sick.
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

And then there are the dumbshit, yes-men like yourself who keep your head stuck in the sand like a fucking robot, eh? Forget Politics, this is a human issue. You useful tools are good for only one thing, and that's nothing more than attempting to keep your fellow sheople herded. :razz: ~BH

Indeed it is a human issue........the issue of over 10,000, or possibly much more people DEAD.
And people on here are getting fcukking hysterical over a fire or two at a nuclear plant.

If they run out of seawater to cool the rods..............speak to me. This thread is nothing more than people gettng nutty over epic sensationalism from the media.
There are many ship based power stations in the world. These troubled nuclear power plants are located right on the ocean. There is no excuse for not ordering one of these ships to that shore to connect to the power plants & provide the power need to run the cooling system.


They could have even brought in some smaller generators to replace the failed back-up generators in the amount of time that has elapsed. The Japanese power company & government have failed to do their jobs properly.

I would not be so fast to judge, I am betting that they have this under control and have for days, it's the media that hypes this up as fear sells. We will all know for sure in a few days, but after seeing what I have seen with other nuclear plants and the media coverage of them you can bet they blew this one way out of proportion. Don't blame the government, they are attempting to calm the public not create more fear. From what I read earlier the radiation that has leaked amounts to that of a dental x-ray, you get more radiation from being outside for a couple of hours, talking on your cell phone, from the earth. It's nominal , the average radiation a person incurs during one year from nature amounts to 97 chest x-rays and somehow most of us survive that. Everyone just needs to calm down and please don't be popping any iodine pills, they WILL make you sick.

I had been thinking it was just the media blowing this out of proportion because fear sells. But today our top nuclear official said the lack of water in the spent rods pool may now create so much radiation that it could prevent any more workers from getting close enough to repair this situation. Then our government told everyone to stay 50miles/80km away from the plant. These reactors may not completely melt down & breach containment, but the used fuel rods containment is causing an enormous problem.

I don't think it will kill very many people but it will contaminate a large area. Enough time has lapsed to see that they have dropped the ball on their emergency response.
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I agree, the media hyped up 3-mile island, my uncle worked there at the time and stated constantly that there never, ever was ANY danger. BTW no one even got sick.

Except I knew a former deputy director of the EPA who actually died because of exposure to radiation at 3 mile island. He died of brain cancer about 9 months later.

Your uncle was dead wrong.
I agree, the media hyped up 3-mile island, my uncle worked there at the time and stated constantly that there never, ever was ANY danger. BTW no one even got sick.

Except I knew a former deputy director of the EPA who actually died because of exposure to radiation at 3 mile island. He died of brain cancer about 9 months later.

Your uncle was dead wrong.
Prove it was caused by radiation at TMI. I want to see the coronor's report that says it was directly the cause.
I agree, the media hyped up 3-mile island, my uncle worked there at the time and stated constantly that there never, ever was ANY danger. BTW no one even got sick.

Except I knew a former deputy director of the EPA who actually died because of exposure to radiation at 3 mile island. He died of brain cancer about 9 months later.

Your uncle was dead wrong.
Prove it was caused by radiation at TMI. I want to see the coronor's report that says it was directly the cause.

CNN reported that there were no deaths from the 3 Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant meltdown.

CNN: How bad is it? Depends on which nuclear expert you ask
The core meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, in 1979 caused no injuries or deaths, and only low levels of radiation were found later in plants and animals, experts said.
Well, I do believe that ol' Kookybill is truly demonstrating his level of mental abilities once again.

Hey what can I say s0n???

Im not prone to constantly seek out the most hysterical news outlets to get my information........and lets face it. The environmental k00ks are naturally drawn to only the most gloom and doom public predictions you can find out there. You know these types........a snowstorm is coming and the prediction is about 3 inches and they are at the fcukking store at 6am to load up the basket for the storm of the century. The k00ks see reports of radiation in far away countries and they are out firing up their gay SMARTCARS to grab a few bottles of iodine pills. Somebody like this asshole Chris is likely out in his back yard as we speak building a fcukking underground bomb shelter.......perhaps Rocks is too. At a minimum you know they got store bought shit like gas masks and protective suits.

Hey.........good for you guys. :rock::rock::rock:
This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

You do know that this situation isn't "nothing", right? While hype is happening and exactly what is going on isn't clear . . . .nonetheless it is very, very, very serious. You do know this . . . right?

He seems so intent on denigrating any hint of alarmist rhetoric that he appears to have forgotten that the situation IS still actually quite serious.

A scenario that doesn't equal "the end of humankind" can still be a true disaster.

And since the Japanese nuclear reactors are still far from under control, the seriousness of the situation is not yet even fully known.

Even if everything goes totally wrong and the problem cannot be fixed, the impact is not going to be anything remotely as dire as the idiocy spewed by Terral, for example. But it can still be quite horrendous and the total death toll from these meltdowns could get uglier than the probable combination of deaths from the quakes and tsuanmis that just happened.
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This thread is hysterical............

Just got on here tonight wondering if Chris and Old Rocks have purchased their iodine pills yet!!!:up:

Hard to remember a time where the wool was being pulled over the eyes of the public in such epic fashion. Expect much angst in the reporting over the next several days. Computer models spelling DOOM!!! Of course...........mostly, expect the hysterical environmental k00ks to be on here leading the charge of pronounced alarmism and the end of days.


So did anybody get the over/under on Rocks??? Heard he was predicting like 2 million deaths!!!

You do know that this situation isn't "nothing", right? While hype is happening and exactly what is going on isn't clear . . . .nonetheless it is very, very, very serious. You do know this . . . right?

He seems so intent on denigrating any hint of alarmist rhetoric that he to have forgotten that the situation IS still actually quite serious.

A scenario that doesn't equal "the end of humankind" can still be a true disaster.

And since the Japanese nuclear reactors are still far from under control, the seriousness of the situation is not yet even fully known.

Even if everything goes totally wrong and the problem cannot be fixed, the impact is not going to be anything remotely as dire as the idiocy spewed by Terral, for example. But it can still be quite horrendous and the total death toll from these meltdowns could get uglier than the probable combination of deaths from the quakes and tsuanmis that just happened.



CNN interviewed a handful of US businessmen this am getting off the plane from Japan. They said, without hesitation, "Oh yeah....Im going back in a few days!!"

Like Ive said in thes forum more than several times. Plenty of people will buy a bag of dog doo at $1,000 a pop if its packaged just right!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::funnyface:
Liability is quite correct. The possibility of a very serious result, and death toll, from the nuclear plants is still high enough that the situation is totally bad cess. As it stands now, there is a certainty that some of the people exposed to the present high levels of radiation at the plant will develop cancers as a result of that exposure. The people working to prevent further disaster realize this and are to be commended for their bravery and dedication to duty.

Denying the seriousness of the situation, and denigrating those who express concern over it may do something for your self image, but to others, it gives you the appearance of a total fool.
You do know that this situation isn't "nothing", right? While hype is happening and exactly what is going on isn't clear . . . .nonetheless it is very, very, very serious. You do know this . . . right?

He seems so intent on denigrating any hint of alarmist rhetoric that he to have forgotten that the situation IS still actually quite serious.

A scenario that doesn't equal "the end of humankind" can still be a true disaster.

And since the Japanese nuclear reactors are still far from under control, the seriousness of the situation is not yet even fully known.

Even if everything goes totally wrong and the problem cannot be fixed, the impact is not going to be anything remotely as dire as the idiocy spewed by Terral, for example. But it can still be quite horrendous and the total death toll from these meltdowns could get uglier than the probable combination of deaths from the quakes and tsuanmis that just happened.



CNN interviewed a handful of US businessmen this am getting off the plane from Japan. They said, without hesitation, "Oh yeah....Im going back in a few days!!"

Like Ive said in thes forum more than several times. Plenty of people will buy a bag of dog doo at $1,000 a pop if its packaged just right!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::funnyface:

What on Earth does the random and probably ignorant decision of some businessmen have to do with this discussion?

The situation may yet be salvageable. On the other hand, if they don't get this shit under control, it could also get vastly worse.

Recognizing that there are almost certainly (already) some long term environmental problems caused by this disaster, with the likelihood of serious adverse health consequences for people who get too close to that radiation, is hardly alarmism.

I'm not sure what benefit there is in the commentary you are offering. Seriously. Are you suggesting "Meh. It's just a small nuclear reactor partial meltdown? There's nothing to see or to worry about here. Pfft. It's nothing."


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