Nudity and lewdness banned from Dallas lgbt pride parade

Poor liberals oppressed by having to wear clothes and not perform oral sex on each other in public. They are such victims! this is bigotry !!!

Liberals, do your HIV medications destroy brain cells?
Awww the poor gays won't be able to walk in the parade wearing leather chaps with their ass hanging out, just like in heterosexual parades... Oh wait,heterosexuals don't do that at parades. So much for being "just like everybody else."

About fucking time IMHO.
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Pride 2013: At 30, Pride sees new kind of fight | Dallas Voice

A membe of the HIV brigade said this is akin to pushing them back in the closet.

When are you going to finally come out of the closet?

Oh look, the liberal pole smoker called me a name!

Unlesss you limp wristed pansies, I don't demand that people can't offend me. So keep on wishing i'm gay while you take it up the rear in glory holes, homo. Then blame your HIV on everyone but yourself and your actions.
What a perfect time to throw dog shit at people.

Is that lit dog shit or unlit dog shit cause I can't advocate arson of any kind. lol

This OK
[ame=]Old man throws poop at old lady and her dog! - YouTube[/ame]

But this not so much

[ame=]Dog Poop Flambe - YouTube[/ame]
This better serves the larger LGBT who don't desire that sort of negative attention...equal treatment and equal rules is the end goal.
“The ‘queer’ is effectively being erased from our Pride celebration in favor of the most polished, heteronormative representation of our community as possible,” Cates wrote. “It should be noted that the rioters at the Stonewall Inn fought to break OUT of the damn closet! Our movement was built of sex positivity and our desire to BE WHO WE ARE! I urge you ALL to openly DEFY the Tavern Guild!”

Translation: "Us faggots want to be able to pull all the disgusting, perverted shit we can think up in public, and we don't give a shit if people don't like it or not, we're perverts and we want to be able to act like it."
And some people actually want to know what is wrong with homosexuality? They actually imagine that such open social behavior has no influence on children or society? Does anyone actually imagine that this is really to be appreciated by parents, educators, and religious leaders? And do they think this is what life & marriage is all about?
They only prove what people know already. They worship perversion and want everyone else to worship it too.
The gay pride festival in SLC has become far more mainstream in the last few years.

The old "in your face" skin and behavior no longer is defended by most in the gay community, I think.

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