Nuke Israel

Hossfly is too boring...Zzzzzz...maybe he will say something relevant one day.
What did you say, Baghdad Bob? With the pacifier in your mouth, it is very difficult to understand you. It's really beginning to look like no homework is given out in madrassas here in the U,S. since Bob is always so busy on the message board while other kids his age are involved with doing their homework and working on their class projects now. I wonder if the government agency in charge of education in Bob's state knows that.

:lol::lol::lol:. Keep wasting your time HossSwat
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.
What did you say, Baghdad Bob? With the pacifier in your mouth, it is very difficult to understand you. It's really beginning to look like no homework is given out in madrassas here in the U,S. since Bob is always so busy on the message board while other kids his age are involved with doing their homework and working on their class projects now. I wonder if the government agency in charge of education in Bob's state knows that.

:lol::lol::lol:. Keep wasting your time HossSwat
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.

Keep telling yourself that :lol:.
What did you say, Baghdad Bob? With the pacifier in your mouth, it is very difficult to understand you. It's really beginning to look like no homework is given out in madrassas here in the U,S. since Bob is always so busy on the message board while other kids his age are involved with doing their homework and working on their class projects now. I wonder if the government agency in charge of education in Bob's state knows that.

:lol::lol::lol:. Keep wasting your time HossSwat
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.
you and your fellow zio bullies are playing the playground bully at the cyber school of I know

pick on someone your own age and stop being so childish yourselves
i just dont think the israelis alone can do more than delay Iran or worse they will just stir up all the iran hornets even worse

and that's what the IDF and intelligence wallahs think too....most of them anyway

only regime change will really help and that has to come from within iran

if IDF or anyone could truly put those facilities permanently out of use I would support it, but iran has the talent and know how to build nukes if it wants to
The Israelis can and will do it alone if necessary, and are totally ready for it. I have a relative who is an F-16 Fighter pilot in Israel and they are doing practice drills everyday. Of course he doesn't disclose much to me other than they are confident and know what they are doing. When the time comes the Iranians won't even know what hit them, so many new and never seen before technologies will be used it will make Shock and Awe look like a picnic.

Your cousin will get his ass kicked by hezbollah before they can take off to Iran Ha Ha Ha! :lol:
Yeah, is that the same Hezbollah that couldn't prevent the Israelis from decimating each and every one of their strongholds and cities in Southern Lebanon? Is that the same Hezbollah that dropped their weapons and RAN like cowards when they saw the Israelis marching into their cities? Is that the same Hezbollah that Israel turned Southern Lebanon into rubble and they couldn't do jack shit about it? THAT HEZBOLLAH?! Ya sure, Israel will squish Hezbollah like the cockroaches they are. ha ha ha!
The Israelis can and will do it alone if necessary, and are totally ready for it. I have a relative who is an F-16 Fighter pilot in Israel and they are doing practice drills everyday. Of course he doesn't disclose much to me other than they are confident and know what they are doing. When the time comes the Iranians won't even know what hit them, so many new and never seen before technologies will be used it will make Shock and Awe look like a picnic.

Your cousin will get his ass kicked by hezbollah before they can take off to Iran Ha Ha Ha! :lol:
Yeah, is that the same Hezbollah that couldn't prevent the Israelis from decimating each and every one of their strongholds and cities in Southern Lebanon? Is that the same Hezbollah that dropped their weapons and RAN like cowards when they saw the Israelis marching into their cities? Is that the same Hezbollah that Israel turned Southern Lebanon into rubble and they couldn't do jack shit about it? THAT HEZBOLLAH?! Ya sure, Israel will squish Hezbollah like the cockroaches they are. ha ha ha!

We will see if there is a future war, I don't know what Hezbollah can do now....hopefully there isn't a war.
Hossfly is too boring...Zzzzzz...maybe he will say something relevant one day.
What did you say, Baghdad Bob? With the pacifier in your mouth, it is very difficult to understand you. It's really beginning to look like no homework is given out in madrassas here in the U,S. since Bob is always so busy on the message board while other kids his age are involved with doing their homework and working on their class projects now. I wonder if the government agency in charge of education in Bob's state knows that.
That's not a pacifier that's his favorite donkey's dick.
Your cousin will get his ass kicked by hezbollah before they can take off to Iran Ha Ha Ha! :lol:
Yeah, is that the same Hezbollah that couldn't prevent the Israelis from decimating each and every one of their strongholds and cities in Southern Lebanon? Is that the same Hezbollah that dropped their weapons and RAN like cowards when they saw the Israelis marching into their cities? Is that the same Hezbollah that Israel turned Southern Lebanon into rubble and they couldn't do jack shit about it? THAT HEZBOLLAH?! Ya sure, Israel will squish Hezbollah like the cockroaches they are. ha ha ha!

We will see if there is a future war, I don't know what Hezbollah can do now....hopefully there isn't a war.
BecauseDoesn'tKnowJackShit? Fine, but the Israelis do, and they got that covered.
Yeah, is that the same Hezbollah that couldn't prevent the Israelis from decimating each and every one of their strongholds and cities in Southern Lebanon? Is that the same Hezbollah that dropped their weapons and RAN like cowards when they saw the Israelis marching into their cities? Is that the same Hezbollah that Israel turned Southern Lebanon into rubble and they couldn't do jack shit about it? THAT HEZBOLLAH?! Ya sure, Israel will squish Hezbollah like the cockroaches they are. ha ha ha!

We will see if there is a future war, I don't know what Hezbollah can do now....hopefully there isn't a war.
BecauseDoesn'tKnowJackShit? Fine, but the Israelis do, and they got that covered.

Israelis do what?
I will stake my claim that the IAF is more than qualified to do the job.
hossy and rudy

we will see...............

hopefully not by destruction but diplomacy

better still by an iranian spring...........a true one

I'd prefer an Iranian Irish Spring, it includes soap.
Yeah, well the last time it happened, president Hussein Obamaloney out the brakes in that one. You see he's really tough and good at bringing Irish Spring to countries that are generally our allies and friendly to the US. Not so good or tough when it comes to animals that give the US the finger and massacre tens of thousands of their own people, like Iran and Syria.
The Israelis can and will do it alone if necessary, and are totally ready for it. I have a relative who is an F-16 Fighter pilot in Israel and they are doing practice drills everyday. Of course he doesn't disclose much to me other than they are confident and know what they are doing. When the time comes the Iranians won't even know what hit them, so many new and never seen before technologies will be used it will make Shock and Awe look like a picnic.

Your cousin will get his ass kicked by hezbollah before they can take off to Iran Ha Ha Ha! :lol:
Did Baghdad Bob skip home from school real fast today to take his place on the message board. As he is too young to fly over to Iraq and kill the hated Shiites, he feels he is doing his bit for Islam by posting nonsense like the Laughing Hyena that he is. No hanging out with the guys in your madrassa, huh, Bob? They don't want to associate with someone like you? Do the readers notice the Arab bravado again? Bob, even though he hates the Shiites and wants to kill them, will stick up for Hezboillah which helps the Shiite Ayatollahs when it serves his purpose. Better hurry and grow up to be a man, Bob, so you can help your friends in Hamas. Right now they don't need anyone who hasn't been long out of his Pampers, but maybe they can use you in some capabity later on. Perhaps you can start a cell here in the U.S. and the FBI will eventually pick you up.
It's Halloween tomorrow, he's dressing up as himself, a donkey with its head up its Mohammad.
BecauseDoesn'tKnowJackShit? Fine, but the Israelis do, and they got that covered.

Israelis do what?
You'll see when the time comes. Why spoil the ending? Just remember, the good guys (Israelis) always defeat the bad guys (Hezbollah Islamist terrorist animals).

:lol::lol::lol:. So your cousin in the IDF told you they are planning another war to completely occupy lebanon for their greater Israel? Eventually Israel will need the resources and they will kill for it, it has nothing to do with Hezbollah-- stupid Zionist you think people are that easily deceived
Israelis do what?
You'll see when the time comes. Why spoil the ending? Just remember, the good guys (Israelis) always defeat the bad guys (Hezbollah Islamist terrorist animals).

:lol::lol::lol:. So your cousin in the IDF told you they are planning another war to completely occupy lebanon for their greater Israel? Eventually Israel will need the resources and they will kill for it, it has nothing to do with Hezbollah-- stupid Zionist you think people are that easily deceived

"IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HEZBOLLAH" so tell us 'because' ------what is hezbollah-----supported by IRAN ----doing in Lebanon? Are the Hezbollah people ON SCHOLARSHIP? why are they trained and armed? why are they POLITICALLY ACTIVE? what is their purpose? Iran is SOOO wealthy that it just WANTS to support thousands of people in an area of the world that has no agriculture and no industry and which -----even its drinking water has to be shipped in? You tell us----what is the purpose of HEZBOLLAH?
You'll see when the time comes. Why spoil the ending? Just remember, the good guys (Israelis) always defeat the bad guys (Hezbollah Islamist terrorist animals).

:lol::lol::lol:. So your cousin in the IDF told you they are planning another war to completely occupy lebanon for their greater Israel? Eventually Israel will need the resources and they will kill for it, it has nothing to do with Hezbollah-- stupid Zionist you think people are that easily deceived

"IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HEZBOLLAH" so tell us 'because' ------what is hezbollah-----supported by IRAN ----doing in Lebanon? Are the Hezbollah people ON SCHOLARSHIP? why are they trained and armed? why are they POLITICALLY ACTIVE? what is their purpose? Iran is SOOO wealthy that it just WANTS to support thousands of people in an area of the world that has no agriculture and no industry and which -----even its drinking water has to be shipped in? You tell us----what is the purpose of HEZBOLLAH?

Forget the history right now, we know Israel will need resources in the future and we know they are planning drills for wars. We know they fly over lebanon daily. Hezbollah is preparing for this and they get intelligence from Iran. They know what's going on.
:lol::lol::lol:. Keep wasting your time HossSwat
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.

Keep telling yourself that :lol:.
You actually believe that the readers think you are anything more than a kid? I am sure there are many readers who wonder why you don't lead a normal childhood like other boys your age do. You don't even seem to take time off to go with the guys your age to the movies or do some other activity with friends on the weekend that is apropos for your age.
:lol::lol::lol:. Keep wasting your time HossSwat
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.
you and your fellow zio bullies are playing the playground bully at the cyber school of I know

pick on someone your own age and stop being so childish yourselves
And if you were a decent human being, Kvetching Yenta, you would encourage him to lead a normal childhood. If you have children of your own, would you want them to spend all their free time outside of school posting on some message board or would you want them to have friends with whom they could participate with childhood activities? I think if the tables were reversed and Baghdad Bob were actually one whom the Yenta calls a Zionut, she wouldn't have opened her big blabbering mouth.
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.

Keep telling yourself that :lol:.
You actually believe that the readers think you are anything more than a kid? I am sure there are many readers who wonder why you don't lead a normal childhood like other boys your age do. You don't even seem to take time off to go with the guys your age to the movies or do some other activity with friends on the weekend that is apropos for your age.

Almost half of your posts consist of this nonsense, you sure don't get it do you.
Why, Baghdad Bob, you are the one wasting your childhood by not interacting with kids your own age. When I was your age (and probably everyone else on this message board too), I would never dream of hanging out on message boards but would be out having fun. So sad for you, and you might regret this when you are grown and ask yourself where did your childhood go.
you and your fellow zio bullies are playing the playground bully at the cyber school of I know

pick on someone your own age and stop being so childish yourselves
And if you were a decent human being, Kvetching Yenta, you would encourage him to lead a normal childhood. If you have children of your own, would you want them to spend all their free time outside of school posting on some message board or would you want them to have friends with whom they could participate with childhood activities? I think if the tables were reversed and Baghdad Bob were actually one whom the Yenta calls a Zionut, she wouldn't have opened her big blabbering mouth.

Oh wow...of course a non Jewish fascist idiot is playing these games on a Jewish member now. What a sad individual. The only one with a blabbering mouth is you.
you and your fellow zio bullies are playing the playground bully at the cyber school of I know

pick on someone your own age and stop being so childish yourselves
And if you were a decent human being, Kvetching Yenta, you would encourage him to lead a normal childhood. If you have children of your own, would you want them to spend all their free time outside of school posting on some message board or would you want them to have friends with whom they could participate with childhood activities? I think if the tables were reversed and Baghdad Bob were actually one whom the Yenta calls a Zionut, she wouldn't have opened her big blabbering mouth.

Oh wow...of course a non Jewish fascist idiot is playing these games on a Jewish member now. What a sad individual. The only one with a blabbering mouth is you.
Give it a rest, Baghad Bob. Your blabbering Yenta friend is not Jewish. She is just a phony, or are you that much of an idiot that you can't tell.

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