Number of refugees with active TB much higher than reported


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The number of refugees with active TB is going up each year. It's much worse than is being reported and the stats for 2016 aren't in yet. We know that the number of refugees that Obama bought in sharply increased in the past year so the danger of a TB outbreak is very real. The initial claim was that only those with latent TB were allowed in but no one is checking these refugees sufficiently. We don't know who they are or what kind of diseases they are bringing in. No concern for the harm this may do to the American public. I thought the safety of citizens was supposed to be the first concern of an American president. Clearly, it's not.

1,565 Refugees Diagnosed with Active TB Since 2012
Super, lets bring in some 3rd world diseases along with the other negatives of resettling Muslim refugees. Set up Middle East safe zones for refugees, not US resettlement.
Super, lets bring in some 3rd world diseases along with the other negatives of resettling Muslim refugees. Set up Middle East safe zones for refugees, not US resettlement.

You're right. The TB is just one of many problems with bringing them here. We only need to look to some countries who have had nothing but problems with Muslims. There are patrolled sharia zones. People, especially women, on the street are often harassed for not covering their bodies. One pregnant woman in the UK was murdered because she was walking too close to a mosque. France discovered all kinds of weapons and plans in the so-called peaceful mosques in their country.

There is no effort to make refugees understand that they are guests and do not have the right to impose their views on the citizens. It's been deemed Islamophobic to inform them that they cannot go to the bathroom outside or on floors or to tell them that they cannot help themselves to people gardens. There were voluntary classes set up in France to teach them why it's wrong to abuse women and children. Voluntary!!!! Seriously, if you have to tell Muslim males that they can't beat women for not wearing burkas or that it's against the law to rape boys in public swimming pools, then what is the point?

A guy in France raped a young boy and then went back to swimming. When police showed up, he acted like they were crazy for arresting him. He justified his actions by saying it was a 'sexual emergency' so obviously that's a custom in Muslim countries. If a person doesn't see anything wrong with that, they should not be allowed to set foot in this country. They do these things because it is their culture and they don't care what local laws or customs are. They insist that their way is the only way and they continue to harass or attack those who offend them. If they are offended by a women without a head covering but not offended when 12 year old girls are raped, you know you're dealing with an incredibly sick culture. Many of the Muslims are inbred and have been for centuries. I think a good number of them are mentally defective and when you add to that a lifetime of radical teachings, you pretty much have animals that cannot be reasoned with.

We're starting to see it here. So many attacks have been carried out by Muslims and we've had children raped by young Muslims. The media puts a lid on the negative news and I will never understand why they are so determined to protect these animals.

It would be impossible to count the number of women across the world that have been raped, abused or murdered by Muslim males. The media has no interest in talking about this.
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