Numerous States Have Banned The Teaching of CRT. Others are Writing Bills

Sound like a modern day version of the Scopes Monkey trial.

In reality it's just a version of the Golden Rule [He who has the Gold makes the rules], as told by those who didn't have the gold.
Even before I saw these lawsuits, I posted that CRT is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Looks like the states agree with me.
This is 100 percent child abuse and they should file class action lawsuits in every state over this Nazi fake history
Even before I saw these lawsuits, I posted that CRT is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Looks like the states agree with me.
Yeah, as long as you generalize and not specify the aliens on Mars agree with yous.
Imagine your white kids being taught in school that they’re evil and racist
Even before I saw these lawsuits, I posted that CRT is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Looks like the states agree with me.
Yeah, as long as you generalize and not specify the aliens on Mars agree with yous.

Get lost, troll.
teaching children to hate is child abuse
it is the sort of vile stuff that terrorists do

Hamas Is Abusing Children, and the World Is Complicit ...

Hamas continues to indoctrinate young children to hate and murder Israelis. And “Biden’ is paying for it. Much of the mainstream media continues to scrub any information about this child abuse. Instead, they blame democratic Israel for the ongoing conflict betw

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