Nunes casts doubt on Mueller’s findings about Papadopoulos tipster's Moscow links

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes is scrutinizing the findings in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report about Joseph Mifsud -- the mysterious professor from Malta who helped ignite the Russia probe in 2016 – and wants to know exactly who he was working for when he spoke with former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

It has long been suggested that Mifsud was connected to Russian intelligence. But Nunes, in a Friday letter obtained by Fox News, questions that assumption, saying Mueller’s report “omits any mention of a wide range of contacts Mifsud had with Western political institutions and individuals.”

Mifsud is a crucial figure in the report: Mueller’s report states that Mifsud was the one who told Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” in the form of emails that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

As the story goes, Papadopoulos then told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer about his conversations with Mifsud. Downer then informed U.S. officials, leading the FBI to open its investigation into whether Trump associates were coordinating with Russia during the 2016 election.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


If you read George Papadop’s testimony. Then it’s crystal clear.

Reading pages 30 to 45 is eye-opening.

The only thing is is that the left wing media won’t cover it and it will be warped and spun so the regular dumbass can’t figure it out. They won’t be able to spin the facts from declassification. They’ll try but the fact that Trump will do it will give it more validity. But we’ll see...
House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes is scrutinizing the findings in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report about Joseph Mifsud -- the mysterious professor from Malta who helped ignite the Russia probe in 2016 – and wants to know exactly who he was working for when he spoke with former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

It has long been suggested that Mifsud was connected to Russian intelligence. But Nunes, in a Friday letter obtained by Fox News, questions that assumption, saying Mueller’s report “omits any mention of a wide range of contacts Mifsud had with Western political institutions and individuals.”

Mifsud is a crucial figure in the report: Mueller’s report states that Mifsud was the one who told Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” in the form of emails that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

As the story goes, Papadopoulos then told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer about his conversations with Mifsud. Downer then informed U.S. officials, leading the FBI to open its investigation into whether Trump associates were coordinating with Russia during the 2016 election.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If you read George Papadop’s testimony. Then it’s crystal clear.

Reading pages 30 to 45 is eye-opening. l10.25.18 Interview Transcript_Redacted.pdf?utm_source=Collins+Judiciary+Press+List&utm_campaign=479131b2a8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_03_25_10_52&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ff92df788e-479131b2a8-168882913

The only thing is is that the left wing media won’t cover it and it will be warped and spun so the regular dumbass can’t figure it out. They won’t be able to spin the facts from declassification. They’ll try but the fact that Trump will do it will give it more validity. But we’ll see...

  • Still, no one has ever actually seen these alleged files claimed hacked from the DNCs server that contained illegal activity the Dems were trying to hide from voters.
  • Why has no one ever been prosecuted for what was IN those files?
  • Has anyone ever shown that Hillary needed any help damaging her own campaign much less what that alleged damage was?
  • And I'll ask one more time: has anyone ever produced ONE VOTER who said that they CHANGED THEIR VOTE to Donald Trump ---one vote--- because of a Russian ad in Facebook?
  • Am I the only one who feels he's being led in circles like a pony to the tune of 30 million wasted dollars on Mueller while the real investigation has been buried?
Q Did Sam Clovis explain why improving relations with Russia was going to be a focus of the campaign?

A I can't remember the exact details of this interview, but I just remember -- the two things that struck me on this was that, We like that you come from the energy industry, and this is one of our things that we'd like to work on –

Q Okay.

A -- regarding Russia.

Q Do you know who decided that the goal would be to improve Russia during the campaign? Was that coming from the candidate? Was that coming from the campaign chairman?

A I don't know. I mean, I just, like probably everyone else in this room, just saw candidate Trump publicly pronounce that he'd like to work with Russia, so --

Q Okay. And did you support the campaign's goal at the time to improve relations with Russia?

A I did, yes.

Q Okay. So, overall, would it be fair to say that you played a significant substantive role in the Trump campaign?

Page 207

Q Did you ever have any discussions about setting up a back channel to Russia, between the campaign and Russia?

A If you want to call a back channel with, meaning campaign officials meeting Russian officials overseas during the campaign, I don't consider that a back channel. I consider that just trying to set grounds for a
meeting between the candidate and Putin, which was really my intention.

The house judicial committee needs to question Sessions.

Also why does tramp refuse to believe Russia had and has any interference in the elections, when FBI director Wray said its still an issue and even worst.
Nunes the right wing flunky of Trump. He needs to just go and hide under a rock, it has been shown time and time again that he is a buffoon.

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