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Nunes' constituents play Russian anthem for him

Doesnt' back up your statement.

Got anything else?


your only response is to act like a

and dance around the subject.

I posted direct video evidence. You posted... well... as stupidly as I expected.

Direct video evidence?

Of what?

Trump asking Russia if they happen to find the 33,000 emails, the media would appreciate it.

The 33,000 emails that had been deleted 4 months earlier?

That's what you call asking them to hack?

You're the second fool that has brought this up in the last 2 days that can't back up what they said.

Why do you people spew debunked propaganda like it was fact?

At the time, we already had those 33,000 e-mails. Idiot.

And to this day, you still can't find shit. :321:
Doesnt' back up your statement.

Got anything else?


your only response is to act like a

and dance around the subject.

I posted direct video evidence. You posted... well... as stupidly as I expected.

Direct video evidence?

Of what?

Trump asking Russia if they happen to find the 33,000 emails, the media would appreciate it.

The 33,000 emails that had been deleted 4 months earlier?

That's what you call asking them to hack?

You're the second fool that has brought this up in the last 2 days that can't back up what they said.

Why do you people spew debunked propaganda like it was fact?
At the time, we already had those 33,000 e-mails. Idiot.

And to this day, you still can't find shit. :321:
We had the 33,000 emails that Hillary deleted in March when Trump made that statement?


Not according to the NYPost

when were they supposedly found?
So Nunes' political career is in its last chapter because of collusion with a traitor

Pffft. What Nunes discovered was that a senior official in the Obama's criminal administration was unmasking individuals involved in conversations that had NOTHING to do with the Russian investigation.
Nunes is helping to cover up treason. He will suffer consequences for it.

Do you really believe the shit you spew these days? The Russian collusion fairy tale is coming apart at the seams.

Is that what Breitbart said?
So Nunes' political career is in its last chapter because of collusion with a traitor

Pffft. What Nunes discovered was that a senior official in the Obama's criminal administration was unmasking individuals involved in conversations that had NOTHING to do with the Russian investigation.
Nunes is helping to cover up treason. He will suffer consequences for it.

Do you really believe the shit you spew these days? The Russian collusion fairy tale is coming apart at the seams.

Is that what Breitbart said?

It's obvious. Whistleblowers are coming forward now to nail the Obama administration for spying on the Trump team. For over a year. Unmasking and committing a felony by leaking.
Watch it LOL

Hundreds Of Angry Protesters Slam Devin Nunes In California | The Huffington Post

Some 300 hooting, jeering protesters hit the streets Friday to angrily confront House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) as he visited his district in California’s Central Valley.

That just proves that 300 morons in that district have just barely enough intelligence to find their way to the protest site.

Jeebus, with all that Soros sedition money afloat and they could only manage to find 300 unemployed morons to go?

That is priceless. People should start carrying boomboxes to drumpf outings and play the Russian national anthem loud so he can salute his comrades.
Lol, you 'liberals' just cant stand the thought of anyone disagreeing with you, can you?

17 inetilligence organizations confirmed that Russia sabotaged Hillary Clinton's campaign. Hillary is free, and not under investigation, so whatever 5 aides you're talking about don't matter.

Trump asked Russia to commit crimes for the benefit of his campaign. On national television. He hates the core values of America; all the makings of a traitor.
No, they didn't. Are you lying or just ignorant of the truth? Quote the source of your claim, please.

Yes, Hillary is free. Not enough evidence to prosecute even though she was careless in her handling of classified material. Five of her aides were given immunity. Are you saying they were guilty or are you saying that only Republicans who take immunity deals are guilty?
Link: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf

And Hillary's aides are not being investigated.
Thanks for the link. Now quote me where it said "17 inetilligence organizations confirmed that Russia sabotaged Hillary Clinton's campaign" because I don't see it.

Yes, the aides were under investigation. Why do you think they needed immunity?
Are you claiming to know top secret evidence or are you just guessing?
I see the entire horizon covered in black from relentless, billowing smoke. 17 intelligence organizations unanimously confirmed it's because there's a fire. Trump ran a campaign based on anti-American values, and on supporting Russia which is the alleged source of that fire. Flynn stepped down and begged for immunity. Manafort has vanished. Sessions has recused himself. Nunes is operating in secret to warn the orange traitor.

I can't wait until the investigation is finished and the evidence is revealed.
Wow! You should join a "Tall Tales" Club since you're so good at telling whoppers.

No, "17 intelligence organizations" did not unanimously confirm anything about treason. If immunity means a person is guilty, then five aides to Hillary are criminals. There is no evidence Trump or anyone else is a traitor. You posted it yourself that all the evidence is classified. Are you confessing to revealing classified data?
17 inetilligence organizations confirmed that Russia sabotaged Hillary Clinton's campaign. Hillary is free, and not under investigation, so whatever 5 aides you're talking about don't matter.

Trump asked Russia to commit crimes for the benefit of his campaign. On national television. He hates the core values of America; all the makings of a traitor.
Trump asked Russia to commit crimes for the benefit of his campaign. On national television.

That's well known. What isn't proved is your assertion that Trump did that solely for the benefit of his campaign and that what he did constitutes treason or makes him a traitor.

What it does is support that Trump did, indeed, ask Russia for help finding Hillary's 30,000 "lost" emails. You know, those same emails which the FBI, by recovering some, proved they were all just "private" emails but emails that proved Hillary's carelessness in handling classified material. Was Trump's statement appropriate? No, IMHO. Was it treason? No, it wasn't by the simple fact he isn't being charged with treason for stating it.

In a May interview with FBI agents, an executive with the Denver contractor that maintained Clinton’s private server revealed that an underling didn’t bleach-clean all her subpoenaed emails, just ones he stored in a data file he used to transfer the emails from the server to Clinton’s aides, who in turn sorted them for delivery to Congress.

The Platte River Networks executive, whose name was redacted from the interview report, said PRN tech Paul Combetta “created a ‘vehicle’ to transfer email files from the live mailboxes of [Clinton Executive Services Corp.] email accounts [and] then later used BleachBit software to shred the ‘vehicle,’ but the email content still existed in the live email accounts.”

Unless one of Clinton’s aides had the capability to log in to the PRN server as an administrator and remove a mailbox, her archived mailboxes more than likely still reside somewhere in that system. And they may also materialize on an internal “shared drive” that PRN created to control access to the Clinton email accounts among PRN employees. PRN has been under FBI order to preserve all emails and other evidence since the start of its investigation last year.

Clinton’s missing “personal” emails may also be captured on a Google server. According to FBI notes, Combetta “transferred all of the Clinton email content to a personal Google email address he created.” Only the FBI never subpoenaed Google to find out.

The FBI documents also reveal that Hillary’s server was mirrored on a cloud server in Pennsylvania maintained by Datto Inc., a tech firm that performs cloud-to-cloud data protection.

When PRN contracted with Datto, it requested that Hillary’s server be backed up locally and privately. But the techs forgot to order the private node, and they sent the server backup data “remotely to Datto’s secure cloud and not to a local private node.” The FBI never subpoenaed Datto’s server, either.

Then there’s the laptop Combetta loaded with the Clinton email archive and allegedly shipped back to a Clinton aide in Washington, who claims it got “lost” in the mail. Not so fast: The latest FBI document dump includes a series of interviews with an unidentified former “special assistant” to Clinton at the State Department who said the elusive Apple MacBook laptop was actually “shipped to the Clinton Foundation in New York City.”

But in a June follow-up interview, FBI agents inexplicably left it up to this critical witness to “inquire about the shipment” with the foundation’s mailroom manager, who works in Rockefeller Center. The FBI still does not have the laptop in its possession.

It turns out that investigators also know the whereabouts of the original Apple server Clinton used in her first two months in office. Recovering that equipment is critical because it contains a mass of unseen emails from Jan. 21, 2009, to March 18, 2009 — a critical period in Clinton’s tenure at State. Witnesses say the equipment was not discarded, as first believed, but “repurposed” as a “work station” used by staff in Clinton’s Chappaqua residence.

Yet the FBI says it “was unable to obtain the original Apple server for a forensic review.” Instead of seizing it, the agency has taken Clinton’s aides’ and lawyers’ word that the server’s bereft of relevant emails. In fact, the agency confesses on Page 27 of its 47-page investigative case summary that it failed to recover other equipment and data as well: “The FBI’s inability to recover all server equipment and the lack of complete server log data for the relevant time period limited the FBI’s forensic analysis of the server systems. As a result, FBI cyber analysis relied, in large part, on witness statements.”

Congressional investigators say FBI Director James Comey in his year-long “investigation” didn’t even bother to send agents to search Clinton’s homes in Chappaqua or Washington, DC. Nor did he dispatch them to the offices of the Clinton Foundation or Clinton Executive Services Corp. in New York City.

“The Clinton residences and other locations should have been treated like any other criminal investigation — with federal grand jury subpoenas or search warrants issued by judges and served in the middle of the night,” said veteran FBI special agent Michael M. Biasello, who worked criminal cases out of New York and other field offices for 27 years.

“Never — I repeat, never — in my career have I or any FBI agent known to me investigated a criminal case without the use of a federal grand jury, grand jury subpoenas or search warrants,” he said. “It’s disgraceful they weren’t used in this case.”

The most damning evidence against Clinton may never have been actually destroyed. It was simply left untouched by the FBI.
Watch it LOL

Hundreds Of Angry Protesters Slam Devin Nunes In California | The Huffington Post

Some 300 hooting, jeering protesters hit the streets Friday to angrily confront House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) as he visited his district in California’s Central Valley.
Playing the Russian National Anthem to him, while not truthful, is very funny. $20 says this catches on and the LWers will be playing it at Trump rallies. Trump will have to pull a Bush and start making all attendees swear a Fealty Oath before attending.

Nunes may have been elected seven terms but he's an idiot not to have seen this coming. He's a Republican representative in LaLa Land, a state that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary. It's as if he wants to not win reelection and retire.

Nunes is safe in his district. Get away from the coast and the state is remarkably republican. It is only the mega cities along the coast with their millions in population that are democrat. These cities are big enough to control the politics of the state no matter what the smaller, interior, districts want.
Doesnt' back up your statement.

Got anything else?

your only response is to act like a

and dance around the subject.

I posted direct video evidence. You posted... well... as stupidly as I expected.

Direct video evidence?

Of what?

Trump asking Russia if they happen to find the 33,000 emails, the media would appreciate it.

The 33,000 emails that had been deleted 4 months earlier?

That's what you call asking them to hack?

You're the second fool that has brought this up in the last 2 days that can't back up what they said.

Why do you people spew debunked propaganda like it was fact?
At the time, we already had those 33,000 e-mails. Idiot.

And to this day, you still can't find shit. :321:
That's another false statement. Not all of the 33,000 deleted emails were recovered. So, again, the question is "Are you deliberately lying or are you just ignorant of the truth?"

Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails
In total, more than 30,000 emails were deleted "because they were personal and private about matters that I believed were within the scope of my personal privacy," Clinton told reporters in March of 2015, as the controversy around her private emails was growing.

"They had nothing to do with work," Clinton added. "I didn't see any reason to keep them ... no one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect that privacy."

Clinton said her team "went through a thorough process" to identify work-related emails, and she said he had "absolute confidence that everything that could be in any way connected to work is now in the possession of the State Department."

However, after a year-long investigation, the FBI recovered more than 17,000 emails that had been deleted or otherwise not turned over to the State Department, and many of them were work-related, the FBI has said......

Hillar was, once again, caught in a bald-faced lie. One of many reasons why people didn't vote for her. Blame the Russians all you want but the fact remains Hillary Clinton is a deplorable person.


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