Nunes refuses to say if WH helped in writing FBI memo

Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
So, when is this memo going to get released?


I’ve been looking all over for you…..

I wanted to let you know the memo is out and

Trump is going to make you bitches pay for the

evil you have done…..

You liberals should just go ahead and bend over

and pull your britches down Because here it comes…

He who laughs last laughs loudest….

I am having a ball…

Is life good or what?

awwwww.... looky.... a baby troll. :rofl:

it's good for me.

it's not going to be good for you and your treasonous brethren.

but you'e obviously too stupid to know that.

now go give the computer back to your mommy and let the grownups post.

I would expect no less from a Dip Shit liberal like yourself...

Are we having fun or what?

Are you in Middle School?
Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
It doesn't matter if Satan and a horde of ass-fucking deamons wrote it, as long as it is accurate.

but it isn't, little one

FBI Warns Of 'Grave Concerns' About 'Accuracy' Of GOP Snooping Memo

and that is what you call real news and real journalism. I hope when you grow up, you'll see the difference.

This is a perfect example of the idiots that

watch cnn and the likes of msnbc..

They have no idea the shit they are in…

Get a clue you liberal tards…

Watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio

For the TRUTH……

I love Sarah Palin…..
“The latest attacks against the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests ― no party’s, no president’s, only Putin’s,” McCain said in a statement. “The American people deserve to know all of the facts surrounding Russia’s ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Collusion by many in the Republican party to cover up Trump's collusion. McCain recognizes it as do others in the Republican party who still put country before politics. The Republican party as a whole though have followed Lying Trump over the cliff.

Why are you afraid of the TRUTH...

AH......That's right you're a liberal...
Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
It doesn't matter if Satan and a horde of ass-fucking deamons wrote it, as long as it is accurate.

but it isn't, little one

FBI Warns Of 'Grave Concerns' About 'Accuracy' Of GOP Snooping Memo

and that is what you call real news and real journalism. I hope when you grow up, you'll see the difference.

This is a perfect example of the idiots that

watch cnn and the likes of msnbc..

They have no idea the shit they are in…

Get a clue you liberal tards…

Watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio

For the TRUTH……

I love Sarah Palin…..

You mean, Sarah "I quit" Palin. You mean the head of the most dysfunctional family in Alaska?
Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
Obstruction evidence? So What ever happened to:


You know that horseshit that the lamestream Media was shoveling for a fuckin year? What happened? Oh well we tried, moving on to obstruction. Is that it? You Democrats are in a death spiral of denial and accusation. Wake up seriously. The Memo is the tip of a very VERY dirty iceberg.
Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
So, when is this memo going to get released?


I’ve been looking all over for you…..

I wanted to let you know the memo is out and

Trump is going to make you bitches pay for the

evil you have done…..

You liberals should just go ahead and bend over

and pull your britches down Because here it comes…

He who laughs last laughs loudest….

I am having a ball…

Is life good or what?

awwwww.... looky.... a baby troll. :rofl:

it's good for me.

it's not going to be good for you and your treasonous brethren.

but you'e obviously too stupid to know that.

now go give the computer back to your mommy and let the grownups post.

I would expect no less from a Dip Shit liberal like yourself...

Are we having fun or what?

Are you in Middle School?

I must admit I do feel a little giddy right now….

It’s kind of like election night when

President Donald J. Trump stomped hillary’s ass..

And yes I will admit I am immature, but you

just can’t imagine how much fun I’m having

messing with you liberals……..
Did Devin Nunes Work With White House on Anti-FBI Memo? ‘Far as I Know, No.’

Duh! Just another item to add to Muellers obstruction evidence. Trump, the liar, will deny any knowledge...Mueller will find out.
It doesn't matter if Satan and a horde of ass-fucking deamons wrote it, as long as it is accurate.

but it isn't, little one

FBI Warns Of 'Grave Concerns' About 'Accuracy' Of GOP Snooping Memo

and that is what you call real news and real journalism. I hope when you grow up, you'll see the difference.

This is a perfect example of the idiots that

watch cnn and the likes of msnbc..

They have no idea the shit they are in…

Get a clue you liberal tards…

Watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio

For the TRUTH……

I love Sarah Palin…..

You mean, Sarah "I quit" Palin. You mean the head of the most dysfunctional family in Alaska?

Her family does seem to be liberal....

But she is a warrior for the RIGHT....

She is like Trump...

She makes you liberals crazy enough to catch

yourself on fire and jump off a bridge...

I really admire her for that.....
Trey Gowdy said he actually put it together from the evidence.

Gowdy Doody? You mean from Benghazi evidence? Funny...

Trey Gowdy said he actually put it together from the evidence.

Gowdy Doody? You mean from Benghazi evidence? Funny...


So Gowdy helps write this hit job....which is hard to believe and will be found false....and THEN HE ANNOUNCES HE IS RETIRING.

Is Putin offering him a job?
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