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Nurses tell of "aborted" babies being born alive.

The PETA/pro-life crowd is amusing, I'll give you that. They all use crazy redefinitions of common terms to scream that everyone else is a murderer, and both groups look crazy for doing so. There's so little difference between PETA and pro-life, I have difficulty telling them apart, hence why I refer to them as PETA/pro-life.

As far as the Gianna Jessen story goes, the only evidence to back it up is Gianna's claim that her adoptive mom told her so. There's zero written evidence for it, no witnesses to it, and the adoptive mom would have had no way of knowing such a thing.

It's almost certainly a scam that the adoptive mom organized. Baby with cerebral palsy due to premature birth? Claim it's from abortion, parade child around, rake in bucks. The facts are all wrong too. Saline was (it hasn't been used since around 1982) a 2nd trimester procedure, not someone used in month 7. And saline doesn't "burn"; it worked by creating electrolyte imbalance.

Gianna herself? She's spent her life hearing the tale. And she's now got a cushy work-free existance because of it. So she probably actually believes it, being it benefits her so much to believe it.

So your saying people haven't survived abortion attempts?? That there have been no one rescued from trsh bins after an abortion,is that what your saying?

Ureal eh?

WTF?? care to clarify?
Not born alive? Kiss my ass. This is pure evil. This is just one clinic busted.

In earlier testimony, the court heard how a clinic employee had photographed Baby A after Dr Gosnell had joked: 'He's big enough to walk you to the bus stop.'

Clinic workers also testified that they had seen Baby C, a little girl, move her arm before her neck was snipped, bringing about her death.

And Baby D was born in the clinic's bathroom and was seen struggling to get out of the toilet before a worker also snipped their spine.

He was found not guilty in the death of Baby E, who workers had said let out a single cry before the neck was snipped.

Kermit Gosnell trial: 'House of horrors' abortion clinic worker who ground up fetal remains with garbage disposal given ONE-YEAR probation for perjury in plea deal | Mail Online
Not born alive? Kiss my ass. This is pure evil. This is just one clinic busted.

In earlier testimony, the court heard how a clinic employee had photographed Baby A after Dr Gosnell had joked: 'He's big enough to walk you to the bus stop.'

Clinic workers also testified that they had seen Baby C, a little girl, move her arm before her neck was snipped, bringing about her death.

And Baby D was born in the clinic's bathroom and was seen struggling to get out of the toilet before a worker also snipped their spine.

He was found not guilty in the death of Baby E, who workers had said let out a single cry before the neck was snipped.

Kermit Gosnell trial: 'House of horrors' abortion clinic worker who ground up fetal remains with garbage disposal given ONE-YEAR probation for perjury in plea deal | Mail Online

Seemingly educated people support this ,and will irrationally fight to keep it going,damn scary people.
Chickenwing and tinydancer, you created Gosnell, so you should take more pride in that accomplishment. It is, after all, what you worked so hard at for so many years. Drive all the good doctors out of the business and leave only the hacks. Well done. And I see you're trying to create Gosnells across the rest of the nation, may god have mercy on your souls.

It is also interesting, how all the "abortion survivors" that work the pro-life speaking circuits are pretty white women. White females must have special abilities to survive abortions.
Chickenwing and tinydancer, you created Gosnell, so you should take more pride in that accomplishment. It is, after all, what you worked so hard at for so many years. Drive all the good doctors out of the business and leave only the hacks. Well done. And I see you're trying to create Gosnells across the rest of the nation, may god have mercy on your souls.

It is also interesting, how all the "abortion survivors" that work the pro-life speaking circuits are pretty white women. White females must have special abilities to survive abortions.

This post, in all it's idiocy, is not surprising. You assholes cannot accept responsibility for anything.....
Chickenwing and tinydancer, you created Gosnell, so you should take more pride in that accomplishment. It is, after all, what you worked so hard at for so many years. Drive all the good doctors out of the business and leave only the hacks. Well done. And I see you're trying to create Gosnells across the rest of the nation, may god have mercy on your souls.

It is also interesting, how all the "abortion survivors" that work the pro-life speaking circuits are pretty white women. White females must have special abilities to survive abortions.

Sure we did,you run with that,bet you could find some minorities that have also survived attempts on their lives,but you won't.

Rich really rich invoking the name of God to shame a pro life person,what a douche bag.

You get people like Gosnell because it a low down disgusting thing,it attracts the scum of the earth. And your running right beside them,if anyone should be worrying about their soul it would be you.

Now go craw back under your rock.
It's a fetus at 6 weeks. A non-viable fetus that can't sustain itself. Calling it a baby doesn't change anything..it's still just a non-viable fetus.

So what just because its can't sustain itself,matters not,a 1 year old can't sustain itself.

LOL, really? I have to explain the difference between a 1 year old baby and a 6 week old fetus?
And a first trimester abortion is not the same as a late term or partial birth abortion, which is what we are discussing. Nice try though.
Hell no ,but nice try putting word in my mouth.
Our 1st child was the 1% non effective,so yes it happens,but not my point,and I do believe you knew that.

Your original allegation about irresponsibility did not make that clear which is why I asked the question.

Now let's do the math. If you were using contraception that was 99% effective but were one of the unfortunate 1% for whom it failed you were not alone. If there were 100 million people using the same contraceptive then 1 million of them would have had an "unintended pregnancy" just like yourself. Of course a 1% failure rate is really low. It is much higher for most oral contraceptives so now we are talking about 9 million people with an unintended pregnancy and none of them can be "defined" as acting "irresponsibly" according to the standard that you set for yourself, right?

CDC - Contraception - Reproductive Health

Given those kinds of numbers just how many pregnancies do you still believe are because the couple concerned were "acting irresponsibly"?

You tell me your hung up on numbers,the responsible thing to do is have the child,regardless . How many abortions are performed each year?

We as a nation put convenience before out most valued treasure our children,we are suffering for that and will continue.

This is going to be hard for you to appreciate but so far you have been willing to engage in a reasonable exchange of views so let's keep going. For you the "responsible thing to do" was to have the child but not everyone is as fortunate as you are. For some an extra mouth to feed is a burden when they are earning minimum wage. In their circumstances an abortion is the "responsible thing to do" and here is why. The numbers show that bringing fewer unwanted children into the world has lowered the rates of crime. Sure, you are going to immediately say that they should be put up for adoption instead. But that misses the point entirely. It isn't just that these unfortunate women cannot afford to raise a child, they cannot afford a pregnancy either. When you are an hourly worker making minimum wage you cannot afford to be sick. You cannot go for prenatal checkups. You cannot afford the expense of giving birth. You cannot even afford to buy the clothes you need when you are pregnant.

So here are the "responsible things to do" for all of us if we want to reduce abortions;

1. Provide living wages for everyone who works 8+ hours a day with full healthcare benefits.

2. Provide contraception to every woman who needs it.

Just those two "responsible things to do" will halve the abortion rate. So if you are serious about getting rid of abortions then you will embrace the "responsible things to do".
So what just because its can't sustain itself,matters not,a 1 year old can't sustain itself.

LOL, really? I have to explain the difference between a 1 year old baby and a 6 week old fetus?
And a first trimester abortion is not the same as a late term or partial birth abortion, which is what we are discussing. Nice try though.

So you support first trimester abortion but are against late term and partial birth abortion? Good, me too.... What was your point again?
Rescuing Kids - Kids Alive International

'Baby Box' Pastor Rescues Unwanted Korean Infants
'Baby Box' Pastor Rescues Unwanted Korean Infants - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Guide to the St. Joseph's Orphan Society Children's Treatment Center Records

DCCH Center for Children and Families > About Us > History


Let me know if you want more. There are a lot more. Now, let me wait for your pathetic, sarcastic remarks in regards to these centers, now that you have been utterly put in your place.

While we are at it, why don't you tell all of us what you do for the planet. Going to an earth day concert and spending week getting high, shitting, pissing and fucking in a field does not count.

Let us know what you do, that benefits the planet. Hypocrite.

Not one of those is what I asked for. Not one. But solid attempt at moving the goal posts. You people will do ANYTHING but address the actual question asked. Go back and read what I asked again, then give it another shot.

None of those advocate the welfare of children?

You stupid ass, deranged, hypocritical, know it all, gas bag.

What was my question?

You're obviously still having trouble with basic comprehension skills.
I sure did, post 127. It's not my job to splain it to your ignorant ass......

Let me check again.....

Nope you definitely didn't.

Try again nutter.

Definition of of nutter: it's ok to execute an innocent baby, but it's not ok to execute a mass murderer. Thanks for your ass backward pov, nutter...... :thup:

Another one that doesn't know what a baby is.

How is it possible that not one of you hypocrites knows the definition of some very basic terms?
LOL, really? I have to explain the difference between a 1 year old baby and a 6 week old fetus?
And a first trimester abortion is not the same as a late term or partial birth abortion, which is what we are discussing. Nice try though.

So you support first trimester abortion but are against late term and partial birth abortion? Good, me too.... What was your point again?
No, just pointing out your attempt to muddy the waters. You're still a monster.
You know abortion is legal, right? You know old Conservatives are going to die off and young people are in favor of safe legal abortions, right?

When old Conservatives die off, so too will the abortion debate. Goodbye, old Conservatives. You wasted your lives fighting against progress. What have you accomplished besides hindering the advancement of the human race?
You know abortion is legal, right? You know old Conservatives are going to die off and young people are in favor of safe legal abortions, right?

When old Conservatives die off, so too will the abortion debate. Goodbye, old Conservatives. You wasted your lives fighting against progress. What have you accomplished besides hindering the advancement of the human race?
Eternal life.
Not on Earth, though. On Earth, your corpse will rot and your grandchildren will have legal abortions.
Not on Earth, though. On Earth, your corpse will rot and your grandchildren will have legal abortions.
And your life will end with your rotting corpse, along with the butchers in the abortion clinics.
Not on Earth, though. On Earth, your corpse will rot and your grandchildren will have legal abortions.
And your life will end with your rotting corpse, along with the butchers in the abortion clinics.
Yes, I will, and my body will nourish the plants and the soil as it decomposes. But I don't fear death like Christians. I don't need the crutch of an invisible daddy in the sky. I don't console myself with imaginary tales of golden palaces in the clouds with harps and fairies.

That's all Christiantology hoodoo, and it isn't allowed to be American law. Goodbye, Conservatives. You failed to stop progress.
Not on Earth, though. On Earth, your corpse will rot and your grandchildren will have legal abortions.
And your life will end with your rotting corpse, along with the butchers in the abortion clinics.
Yes, I will, and my body will nourish the plants and the soil as it decomposes. But I don't fear death like Christians. I don't need the crutch of an invisible daddy in the sky. I don't console myself with imaginary tales of golden palaces in the clouds with harps and fairies.

That's all Christiantology hoodoo, and it isn't allowed to be American law. Goodbye, Conservatives. You failed to stop progress.
If you call slaughtering 1.5 million babies a year progress, then I guess you have a point, Butcher.
A fertilized egg is not a baby.
What your baby looks like this week | BabyCenter

Progress is made when we stop stupid fucking Christians from imposing their ancient fairy tales on modern scientific society. Progress is made when we allow women to make their own health decisions based on facts instead of relying on the opinion of some sex offender who is masquerading as a priest. Progress is made when we accept the teachings of Christ and reject the Church's teachings of the Bible.

But you can't understand any of this because you're a Conservative who opposes progress no matter what.
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This baby is alive!?: the heartbreaking story of Baby Hope
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?That?s not a baby. That?s an abortion!?: clinic workers describe babies born alive

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This is so hard. Oh, God, it?s so hard!?: nurses tell of aborted babies born alive

We had one saline [type of abortion] born alive. I raced to the nursery with it and put it in an incubator. I called the pediatrician to come right down, and he refused. He said, “That’s not a baby. That’s an abortion. (1)

How can that not bring tears to your eyes?


The big question is do we use "BIG GOVERNMENT" force dads to be dads or do they still have the choice to skip out on that process.

Or should we use "BIG GOVERNMENT" to prevent birth control measures.

Today, there is no Big Government part in this. Dads have the CHOICE to run away from their family. VIA child vs choice.

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