Nutty Nancy Strikes Again

from the OP's Link:

"And then I realized Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth, you name it, they were all in that chair, they were," said Pelosi. "More than I named and I could hear them say: 'At last we have a seat at the table.' And then they were gone."

It's now confirmed. Nancy is NUTS! Get her OUTTATHERE!
Nancy Reagan never used a psychic, that was one of obama's early lies and he had to apologize. Nancy Reagan was never Speaker of the House either and was never elected to any office.
Joan Quigley who was the planner of almost all presidential travel, press conferences, including the Reagan cancer surgery was an astrologer and based the surgery on astrology. It is believed that one signing of a treaty between the U.S and the Soviet to eliminate the medium-range nuclear missiles was signed on astrological advice from Quigley: the treaty was signed on December 8, 1987 at 1.30 p.m.
The Shocking Truth about Ronald and Nancy Reagan
You know, i might find the common sense argument to work if it was not for all the people who believe in a zombie son of god who was made out of crackers and cheap wine. The same people who believe the earth is 6000 years old, there was a flood that covered the planet, you could collect two of every animal and put them on a relatively small bout for forty days to survive the global flood, that if you eat bacon or food that is not properly blessed god hates you, mixing fabrics makes god sad, homosexual love is wrong but slavery was great, and a billion other loony things in the bible.

If we are going to start calling people out for crazy beliefs let us start with christianity. Otherwise, who the fuck cares?
Oh yeah! Let’s return Nutty Nancy to the speaker’s job.

And the Left thought Christine O’Donnell was loony tunes:

Pelosi 'Swears' Spirit of Susan B. Anthony Spoke to Her in White House |

I guess Eleanor Roosevelt could not attend because she was talking to Hillary Clinton.

allusion (a-LOO-zhuhn): a reference in a literary work to a person, place, or thing in history or another work of literature. Allusions are often indirect or brief references to well-known characters or events. Specific examples of allusions can be found throughout Dante’s Inferno. In a passage, Dante alludes to the Greek mythological figures, Phaethon and Icarus, to express his fear as he descends from the air into the eighth circle of hell. He states:

I doubt if Phaethon feared more - that time
he dropped the sun-reins of his father's chariot
and burned the streak of sky we see today -

or if poor Icarus did - feeling his sides
unfeathering as the wax began to melt,
his father shouting: "Wrong, your course is wrong" (Canto XVII: 106-111).

Allusions are often used to summarize broad, complex ideas or emotions in one quick, powerful image. For example, to communicate the idea of self-sacrifice one may refer to Jesus, as part of Jesus' story portrays him dying on the cross in order to save mankind (Matthew 27:45-56). In addition, to express righteousness, one might allude to Noah who "had no faults and was the only good man of his time" (Genesis 6:9-22). Furthermore, the idea of fatherhood or patriarchial love can be well understood by alluding to Abraham, who was the ancestor of many nations (Genesis 17:3-6). Finally, Cain is an excellent example to convey banishment, rejection, or evil, for he was cast out of his homeland by God (Genesis 4:12). Thus, allusions serve an important function in writing in that they allow the reader to understand a difficult concept by relating to an already familiar story. See A Handbook to Literature, Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Stacey Ann Singletary, Student, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
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You know, i might find the common sense argument to work if it was not for all the people who believe in a zombie son of god who was made out of crackers and cheap wine. The same people who believe the earth is 6000 years old, there was a flood that covered the planet, you could collect two of every animal and put them on a relatively small bout for forty days to survive the global flood, that if you eat bacon or food that is not properly blessed god hates you, mixing fabrics makes god sad, homosexual love is wrong but slavery was great, and a billion other loony things in the bible.

If we are going to start calling people out for crazy beliefs let us start with christianity. Otherwise, who the fuck cares?


That was INCREDIBLE!!!


Who knew you could build a red herring out of straw?

Nutter Nancy thinks the passage of massively long, complicated, verbose, expensive health care "system [sic]" overhaul legislation is like buying a unit on the A&E series, Storage Wars.

And she sees nothing wrong with legislating in this manner.
You know, i might find the common sense argument to work if it was not for all the people who believe in a zombie son of god who was made out of crackers and cheap wine. The same people who believe the earth is 6000 years old, there was a flood that covered the planet, you could collect two of every animal and put them on a relatively small bout for forty days to survive the global flood, that if you eat bacon or food that is not properly blessed god hates you, mixing fabrics makes god sad, homosexual love is wrong but slavery was great, and a billion other loony things in the bible.

If we are going to start calling people out for crazy beliefs let us start with christianity. Otherwise, who the fuck cares?

You are so much fun to read. What book is more widly read than the bible. I know you don't believe what it say and that is all right. All is ask is that you treat people the way you want them to treat you, the Golden Rule you know. You would be in real trouble is that worked out.
My favorite Nutty Nancy quote is "We need to stop using fossil fuels (for energy) and start using natural gas instead".

Pssss .... Nancy. Our natural gas reserves didn't originate from beer farts.
Jesus is sitting next to me and he says " do not cast thy ballot for thy false religion" then said something about helping the poor and his tax plan sucks...I can only assume he means Romney.
Jesus is sitting next to me and he says " do not cast thy ballot for thy false religion" then said something about helping the poor and his tax plan sucks...I can only assume he means Romney.

Nope.....he was talking about that phony Obama.

Obama's tax plan is tell them you want to tax the rich.....then screw the Middle-class once you get 4 more.

Oh, and God hates a guy that says he's Christian but isn't.......a guy that wants his name removed from the Democrat platform.
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I figure when Obama loses she'll put a gun in her mouth.
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Jesus is sitting next to me and he says " do not cast thy ballot for thy false religion" then said something about helping the poor and his tax plan sucks...I can only assume he means Romney.

Nope.....he was talking about that phony Obama.

Obama's tax plan is tell them you want to tax the rich.....then screw the Middle-class once you get 4 more.

Oh, and God hates a guy that says he's Christian but isn't.......a guy that wants his name removed from the Democrat platform.
He doesn't have to wait, mudwhistle. He already passed the greatest tax hike on the middle class in world history when Nancy shoved Obamacare thru. At least the Supreme Court wasn't fooled by all those Obama lawyering maneuvers to pass the highest tax increase on the Middle Class.

But a second term does make you wonder what his encore will be.

Too bad the national debt is over 16 trillion. Oh, good grief. It's 4.4 billion more than it was yesterday. National Debt Clock in Real Time.
Jesus is sitting next to me and he says " do not cast thy ballot for thy false religion" then said something about helping the poor and his tax plan sucks...I can only assume he means Romney.

Nope.....he was talking about that phony Obama.

Obama's tax plan is tell them you want to tax the rich.....then screw the Middle-class once you get 4 more.

Oh, and God hates a guy that says he's Christian but isn't.......a guy that wants his name removed from the Democrat platform.
He doesn't have to wait, mudwhistle. He already passed the greatest tax hike on the middle class in world history when Nancy shoved Obamacare thru. At least the Supreme Court wasn't fooled by all those Obama lawyering maneuvers to pass the highest tax increase on the Middle Class.

But a second term does make you wonder what his encore will be.

Too bad the national debt is over 16 trillion. Oh, good grief. It's 4.4 billion more than it was yesterday. National Debt Clock in Real Time.

Obama told David Letterman he didn't know what the debt was.

He's probably the only person in Washington that doesn't.

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