NY Daily News: Win Or Lose, Trump Has Awakened The White Supremacist Beast In America ( Wipes Tear)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I's so moving to read a headline like that. I'm so emotional now knowing that many Whites have awakened and will be able to take back America and return it to when the country was at its finest during Jim Crow times when we had segregation. Again, America was at its finest. White superiority reign in wonders in technology, education and many other advances 3rd worlders and minorities here at home would never accomplish. Reading American patriot David Duke's best seller 'My Awakening' has awakened many Whites besides Trump and what the future holds for our people with a Trump presidency, or not, is very promising.

King: Win or lose, Trump has energized white supremacists

Shaun King-NY Daily News White hating Journalist.

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Trump isn't a white supremacist and he's not racist toward anybody. He's simply being realistic about the problems we're facing with Islamic terrorism. The leftist media is just doing what they always do to anyone who opposes them, they call them racist. White supremacists may mistakenly think they have an ally in Trump because of this mischaracterization but they'll be disappointed if they think Trump is sympathetic to their agenda. That being said, white people will be treated more fairly by Trump and the only ones who will be disappointed will be those getting a free ride at everyone else's expense and the politicians who use the labor of white people to fund their vote buying welfare programs.
the NYdaily garbage is what it should be called. someone said they are just trying to drum up business because they were damn near in the toilet. so I guess they plan to die by sinking into the sewers.

just a nasty piece of work. I hope they go under
Banning All Muslims is not realistic.

Methinks he wants to lose .
Trump has a Jewish daughter and grandchildren.

White supremacists didn't need an awakening.
You reap what you sow. Dee Snider is reconsidering his decision to allow Trump to use "We're Not Going to Take It" as a campaign theme song for not putting White Supremacists in their place.
Trump is a realist. Seems he's the only candidate who is. Not wanting to import muslim refugees who we know nothing about is common sense and self preservation, not fascism. Even those muslims who have come here legally have created death and destruction such as the Boston marathon bombers. And they're not the only example by a long shot.
Only a Liberal would argue that anyone .... who is for securing our border, who is for knowing exactly who is coming into the country, and who wants to prevent ISIS from keeping its promise of infiltrating refugees, coming here, and attacking the US the way they did in France....AFTER Obama once again failed to prevent another terrorist attack in this country that resulted in more American deaths....is a 'racist'.

The last time a liberal declared there was nothing to fear was when Obama mocked Americans' valid concerns for our security.... and right afterwards terrorists succeeded in attacking us and killing 14 Americans.

The time beore that a liberal said there was nothing to fear because he had 'contained' ISIS.... The next day ISIS killed more than 150 Parisians and wounded almost as many more.

That liberal dumbass was Obama. Now his ass-kissing apologists are trying to claim anyone still concerned is a racist.

F* You! Obama is 0 for 2 in the last 2 months regarding terrorists, 0 for 4 here in the US in his time as President with the names of dead Americans piling up because of his failures, lies, BS claims, and plans to bring in 65,000 improperly, inadequately vetted potential terrorists into the US.

How about he 'puts his money where his mouth is'? One more successful terrorist attack in the US, especially by ISIS and/or a Syrian and he resigns...steps down IMMEDIATELY?!

After 9/11/01 Bush went the remainder of his 8 years without another successful terrorist attack on US soil - no more dead Americans! If Bush was so horrible and Obama is so much better, surely the 'great one' can go 10 months without ANOTHER one?!

...or are the libs SO sure Obama CAN'T make it they will mock, insult, make excuses, etc?

Obama is a F* Up who has aided and abetteted terrorists at the cost of American lives, and he is now IMPORTING terrorists. He WILL F* Up again, and more Americans WILL die because of HIM!

Disagree? Then take the hypothetical challenge? WHEN it happens again, you have to admit you're wrong and call for Obama to step down IMMEDIATELY! Oh, and you have to ADMIT BUSH IS BETTER THAN OBAMA!
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Trump has a Jewish daughter
By marriage.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?

You are going down your usual road of cowardice and stupidity.
Trump has a Jewish daughter
By marriage.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?
I get where YOU'RE going with this, but that isn't where Trump is going with it.

Donald Trump on Jewish Daughter Ivanka: ‘This Wasn’t in the Plan But I’m Very Glad it Happened’ (VIDEO)
Shiryn Ghermezian

Donald Trump at The Algemeiner's 'Jewish 100' Gala. Photo: Sarah Rogers.

While Donald Trump did not plan on having a Jewish daughter, he is glad he did so, the business tycoon said Tuesday night upon accepting the Liberty Award at The Algemeiner’s ‘Jewish 100′ Gala in New York City.

“I want to thank my Jewish daughter. I have a Jewish daughter,” he said at the event, which drew a star-studded crowd of 500 to the Capitale on Bowery. “This wasn’t in the plan but I’m very glad it happened.”

Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, converted to Judaism in 2009 before marrying real estate developer Jared Kushner, whom Donald described on stage as a “spectacular guy.” In presenting the award to her father, Ivanka described him as someone who has firm convictions and “a man who uses his platform and uses his voice to effectuate change.”

“He is fundamentally somebody who believes that it’s his civic duty to speak his mind and often say what’s not popular and what others are afraid to,” she added. “He has used his voice often and loudly in support of Israel and in support of developments within Israel, in support of security for Israel and in support of the idea of Israeli democracy.”

On stage, Trump concluded his acceptance speech by asserting his strong support for the Jewish state. He told the audience, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

Other honorees at the event included philanthropists Joseph and Deborah Aronow, late entertainer Joan Rivers and speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein.
Trump's right hand man is a Jewish man named Michael Cohen. Doesn't sound like a White Supremacist to me.
Trump has a Jewish daughter
By marriage.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?

You are going down your usual road of cowardice and stupidity.
Exposing the Jew is not cowardice or stupid. It's patriotism. Let this man explain the Jew.
Trump's right hand man is a Jewish man named Michael Cohen. Doesn't sound like a White Supremacist to me.
Always keep your cutthroat enemies closer.
You need to skip the cross burning and get out of that trailer park once in a while.

Meet Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's Jewish Wingman
Jane Eisner and Maia Efrem
Donald Trump has been losing friends fast since he called Mexican immigrants “rapists” at his campaign kickoff in June: Television networks, a department store and a mattress company have all “fired” the bronze-haired developer.

Amid the defections, though, one Trump buddy is standing by his man: Trump confidante Michael Cohen has been nearly as visible as Trump himself in recent days, defending his boss before increasingly frustrated CNN talking heads.

On July 11, Cohen told CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish that Trump “has a great relationship with Latinos.” On July 12, Cohen asked CNN “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter, “Why does it matter?” when Stelter pressed him on Trump’s claim to have drawn a crowd of 20,000 to a venue in Phoenix that holds only 4,000. And on July 13, Cohen insisted to a deeply annoyed CNN weekday morning host Chris Cuomo that Trump “never made any derogatory or disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.”

Cohen, who is Jewish, has been Trump’s most loyal ally for nearly a decade, standing up for the real estate mogul in the media and filing lawsuits when Trump perceives he’s been wronged. A 2011 ABC News profile reported that within The Trump Organization he’s called the boss’s “pit bull.”

“If you do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, grab you by the neck and I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished,” Cohen, now 48, told the TV network.

To wit: When New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a fraud suit against Trump’s for-profit college in 2013, Cohen threatened Trump’s vengeance: “The damage to the attorney general is going to be very significant,” Cohen told The New Yorker. “So significant that he will possibly have to resign.” (Schneiderman has not resigned. The case is ongoing.)

And in February 2011, when Trump was mulling a 2012 presidential run, Cohen twisted himself in knots to defend Trump’s newfound opposition to abortion, telling National Journal, “People change their positions all the time, the way they change their wives.” (Trump has changed his, twice.)

Cohen, who did not respond to requests to be interviewed for this story, has been tied to Trump since at least February 2007, when the New York Post reported that he had been snapping up apartments at Trump’s properties like a hoarder at a flea market. He owned two at the time, was buying two more, and had talked his parents and his wife’s parents into buying another four between them.

“Michael Cohen has a great insight into the real estate market,” Trump told the Post at the time. “In short, he’s a very smart person.”

Cohen was a partner at the law firm Phillips Nizer at the time of the Post story, but he joined The Trump Organization three months later as an executive vice president and as Trump’s special counsel, according to Cohen’s LinkedIn page. No word on whether he’s bought more Trump apartments since then.

Cohen himself is something of a cipher. We know from the 2011 ABC profile that he grew up on Long Island and that his father is a Holocaust survivor. A Democrat, Cohen voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and volunteered for former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis’s presidential campaign in 1988. (Cohen told ABC in 2011 that over time he grew disappointed with Obama.) He favors Dolce & Gabbana and Hermes, and once went sailing off Cape Cod with Ted Kennedy.

The real estate newspaper The Real Deal reported in February that Cohen had made a New York real estate play of his own, buying a $58 million rental apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side from Israeli-born developer Ofer Yardeni.

Beyond those spare, if colorful, details, Cohen’s entire public profile is entangled in the Trump galaxy. He’s a member of the board of the Eric Trump Foundation, a children’s health charity named for Donald Trump’s 31-year-old son. He was chief operations officer of Affliction, a mixed martial arts promotion partially owned by Trump. And in 2011, during Trump’s last flirtation with presidential politics, it was Cohen who led the charge.

Along with Stewart Rahr, the 68-year-old Jewish drug distribution billionaire who calls himself “Stewie Rah Rah Number One King of All Fun,” Cohen created a website in early 2011 called “Should Trump Run?” and visited Iowa in a private jet with Trump’s name on the side to discuss a potential Trump candidacy. A Ron Paul backer charged that Cohen and Trump were breaking campaign finance laws by taking the trip without filing disclosures with the Federal Elections Commission. (The FEC eventually found that no law had been broken, as Trump never actually became a candidate.)

This time around, Cohen has fully embraced his attack dog role within the Trump apparatus. During the contentious morning interview with Chris Cuomo, Cohen was relentless in defending his boss.

“You’re making the same problem [Trump] is, which is odd, because you’re here to kind of clean it up for him,” Cuomo said. “He shouldn’t have said they’re rapists, they’re this, they’re drug dealers, and some are good people. He shouldn’t have said it. True or false?”

“No, I disagree,” Cohen said, speaking in a voice that sounds like Trump’s, but with the volume turned down from 11 to around 7. “I really believe that Mr. Trump was making his voice heard.”

As Cuomo grew increasingly frustrated, Cohen refused to back off. “It was wrong, and you haven’t admitted that yet,” Cuomo said.

“And I will not,” Cohen said as the interview ended.

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