Trump Can’t Win in 2016, So Let’s Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party

No I'm a Dem, the GOP sweep hurt a project that I had been working on for 12 years. Hell, it may have destroyed it. I am just a realist and when you idiots make your proclamations I just have to laugh....
I'm curious. What liberal policies do you support?

I'm pro gay marriage, pro abortion, anti multi national corporations. Pro decriminalization of all drugs, I am anti death penalty save in very specific cases, I have switched my opinion on Affirmative Action. I now believe it to be a net negative. I believe in government control of energy production and distribution. I have changed my views on public schools. I once supported them but now feel that Charter schools are better (though in my area they pretty much all suck so my daughter attends a private school). I am in favor of stem cell research. I am pro euthanasia, I am in favor of major health care revision. There must be a way for everyone to have health care in this country. obamacare is not the fix we need and is in fact a regression. His law helps insurance companies far more than the people who are insured. It is a bad law.

Feel free to ask questions about other issues and I will happily answer you...
Interesting. Doesn't it bother you that healthcare for all is the only issue being supported by democrats currently? I mean gay marriage is a done deal either way.

I see more Dems supporting doctor assisted suicide and drug decriminalization every day. Gay marriage should be a done deal but it isn't yet. I used to be a socialist like you but then I grew up and figured out that it is a system that can't ever work so long as human beings are involved.
Socialism is a very broad term. It is definitely not necessarily the absence of capitalism or privatization in general. Your support of the government running our energy production technically makes you a socialist. Your support of privatization in other means does not change that fact.

In some ways I do hold socialistic views. No argument. However they are tempered by a strong sense of individualism and the desire to protect the rights of the individual. Socialist governments treat their people very poorly and the end result is always bad with them. The historical evidence for that is extensive. However, there are certain aspects of socialism that are beneficial to the people. Centralized control of energy is one of them. I am very happy to acknowledge the areas where various government types excel and work to see that they get implemented.
No I'm a Dem
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.
Beatifully said.

What blows my mind is that Trump supporters actually believe independents and democrats like Trump. ONLY republicans like Trump.
Ahh the naive!
Trump will fail as saner minds prevail in the Republican Party and pick Cruz or Rubio

But he will forever change the GOP as he sets a path for future candidates to exploit the batshit crazy part of the party
Dems are running a pathological liar under investigation by the FBI and soon to be indicted for Lying to Congress. In other words, Dems are putting their best candidate forward

Cute but doesn't address the facts and opinions I have posted. That makes it trolling... now doesn't it....
No, it doesn't. I have yet to ever see you defend any Liberal values in any thread.

Is it trolling every time someone on the Right accuses Jake Starkey of not being a Republican?

You've never seen me support gay marriage or abortion rights... Ever? Then all I can say is it must be hard to go through life deaf, dumb, and blind.
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

You're correct, no one needs to worry about Donald Trump winning the Presidency. Millions of Republicans would help in making certain that he never got within 200 miles of the White House by voting for Clinton. What you're listening too is the noise out of the right wing nut cases of the party, and they are the minority of the party.

Here is a rational Republican part of the MAJORITY of what he said. Very good article.

Let’s Elect Hillary Now
If the republican establishment cannot follow the will of the voters it will lose. It will deserve to lose. Not only will the republicans lose the 2016 election, but likely every election for the foreseeable future.

Even if Trump can win the GOP Primary - do you honestly think he can win the General Election?

The GOP nominee can't win the White House unless they can capture at least 40% of the Hispanic vote. Trump is polling at a negative 75% and he is also losing women by 2 to 1.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

IOW--Hilary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea, and it's going to be a very early night if Donald Trump is the nominee.

Frankly, with these numbers as bad as they are and knowing that--women nor Hispanics will be coming back anytime soon, there are no Republican candidates that can win. Their "raining men" platform has already collapsed. The right wing of the Republican party has already lost this election prior to the first primary vote even being cast--LOL

All Donald has to do is show up at the first debate with the Hildebeast with a bottle of JD, and....

If the republican establishment cannot follow the will of the voters it will lose. It will deserve to lose. Not only will the republicans lose the 2016 election, but likely every election for the foreseeable future.

Even if Trump can win the GOP Primary - do you honestly think he can win the General Election?

The GOP nominee can't win the White House unless they can capture at least 40% of the Hispanic vote. Trump is polling at a negative 75% and he is also losing women by 2 to 1.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

IOW--Hilary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea, and it's going to be a very early night if Donald Trump is the nominee.

Frankly, with these numbers as bad as they are and knowing that--women nor Hispanics will be coming back anytime soon, there are no Republican candidates that can win. Their "raining men" platform has already collapsed. The right wing of the Republican party has already lost this election prior to the first primary vote even being cast--LOL


You are so myopic.

There are many factors that determine an election. For instance, one candidate or another gets involved in some controversy. This is what took out Herman Cain. Voter turnout is particularly important. DumBama had a huge turnout for his first election. Hope and Change, first black President, hatred of Bush and so on. Romney on the other hand didn't excite many on the right. In fact, many Republican voters stayed home in protest. He lost even though he had the majority of the Independent vote.

Weather too is an important factor. If it's too crappy outside--especially here up north, people would opt to stay home if it's snowing real bad outside.

Hillary has more baggage than an airport terminal. The only person that could rile up the left is Donald Trump running, but then again, with Trump's leftist views on some things, he may very well steal Democrat votes away from Hillary.

Your crystal ball is no better than mine.
If the republican establishment cannot follow the will of the voters it will lose. It will deserve to lose. Not only will the republicans lose the 2016 election, but likely every election for the foreseeable future.

Even if Trump can win the GOP Primary - do you honestly think he can win the General Election?

The GOP nominee can't win the White House unless they can capture at least 40% of the Hispanic vote. Trump is polling at a negative 75% and he is also losing women by 2 to 1.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

IOW--Hilary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea, and it's going to be a very early night if Donald Trump is the nominee.

Frankly, with these numbers as bad as they are and knowing that--women nor Hispanics will be coming back anytime soon, there are no Republican candidates that can win. Their "raining men" platform has already collapsed. The right wing of the Republican party has already lost this election prior to the first primary vote even being cast--LOL


You are so myopic.

There are many factors that determine an election. For instance, one candidate or another gets involved in some controversy. This is what took out Herman Cain. Voter turnout is particularly important. DumBama had a huge turnout for his first election. Hope and Change, first black President, hatred of Bush and so on. Romney on the other hand didn't excite many on the right. In fact, many Republican voters stayed home in protest. He lost even though he had the majority of the Independent vote.

Weather too is an important factor. If it's too crappy outside--especially here up north, people would opt to stay home if it's snowing real bad outside.

Hillary has more baggage than an airport terminal. The only person that could rile up the left is Donald Trump running, but then again, with Trump's leftist views on some things, he may very well steal Democrat votes away from Hillary.

Your crystal ball is no better than mine.

I don't have a crystal ball, I do reading, Math & Election History.

Donald Trump and his supporters are actually Hillary Clinton's biggest asset.

For these reasons:
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans are the minority party in this country today. They don't have a 1/4" to play with.

The right wing base of the Republican party has already delivered this election right into Hillary Clinton's lap.


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