Trump Can’t Win in 2016, So Let’s Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party

Trump has you regressives scared shitless, because you know many normal democrats agree with many of things he says. Only reason I like the guy at all is his ability to get the establishment rats in both parties to chase their tails. That would include paid posters like the OP.
Where is the evidence that democrats like Trump?

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe illegal immigration increases the level of serious crime in America, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Most Agree with Trump that Illegal Immigration Increases Crime - Rasmussen Reports™
Oh great. You found a poll that says 52% of Americans agree with him on this one issue lol. First of all, that's a Rasmussen poll so the question is going to ask an obvious one. Yes having more people in a country is going to increase crime but what matters is the actual statistics of illegals. Crime among Mexican illegals, for example, is statistically low. Trump is stupid. Either way, having a shared opinion with Trump on one issue does not mean half the country would vote for this 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body.
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Posts like this always remind me of this. Yet another person who the pundits claimed couldn't win....


Well, sparky, polling has evolved considerably since the Dewey days.

Yeah, it has. So good that the MSNBC pundits were shocked into near silence when the Dems got wiped from the board last election cycle....

Well, you must feel really good about the GOP having 2016 locked up.

No I'm a Dem, the GOP sweep hurt a project that I had been working on for 12 years. Hell, it may have destroyed it. I am just a realist and when you idiots make your proclamations I just have to laugh....

I'm curious. What liberal policies do you support?
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Very good article.

"John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters"

I would say the 'lunatic fringe' in the Republican party represents about 30-40% of that party. It really isn't a fringe. They just generally do low level grumbling how Republicans they elect do the exact opposite of what they said they would do, BUT they vote for them anyway because they have no alternative in their minds.

This time around trump is this minority group's inner thoughts brought out into the open and it is like being in a candy store for a 5 year old. They are going nuts that their inner nuts may be validated. And that siren song cannot be ignored for them.

Nationally trump has no chance. He can't win the black, Hispanic, or women's vote. Game is already over. And the Republican party is beside themselves on what to do with this ball and chain.
Trump has you regressives scared shitless, because you know many normal democrats agree with many of things he says. Only reason I like the guy at all is his ability to get the establishment rats in both parties to chase their tails. That would include paid posters like the OP.
Where is the evidence that democrats like Trump?

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe illegal immigration increases the level of serious crime in America, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Most Agree with Trump that Illegal Immigration Increases Crime - Rasmussen Reports™
Oh great. You found a poll that says 52% of Americans agree with him on this one issue lol. First of all, that's a Rasmussen poll so the question is going to ask an obvious one. Yes having more people in a country is going to increase crime but what matters is the actual statistics of illegals. Crime among Mexican illegals, for example, is statistically low. Trump is stupid. Either way, having a shared opinion with Trump on one issue does not mean half the country would vote for this 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims

And so do 29% of democrats.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims - Democratic Underground

You lose 29% of democrats you lose the election, period end of story. So you were saying?
Adolf Trump is the NaziCon id - their inner monster.
Posts like this always remind me of this. Yet another person who the pundits claimed couldn't win....


Well, sparky, polling has evolved considerably since the Dewey days.

Yeah, it has. So good that the MSNBC pundits were shocked into near silence when the Dems got wiped from the board last election cycle....

Well, you must feel really good about the GOP having 2016 locked up.

No I'm a Dem, the GOP sweep hurt a project that I had been working on for 12 years. Hell, it may have destroyed it. I am just a realist and when you idiots make your proclamations I just have to laugh....

I'm curious. What liberal policies do you support?

I'm pro gay marriage, pro abortion, anti multi national corporations. Pro decriminalization of all drugs, I am anti death penalty save in very specific cases, I have switched my opinion on Affirmative Action. I now believe it to be a net negative. I believe in government control of energy production and distribution. I have changed my views on public schools. I once supported them but now feel that Charter schools are better (though in my area they pretty much all suck so my daughter attends a private school). I am in favor of stem cell research. I am pro euthanasia, I am in favor of major health care revision. There must be a way for everyone to have health care in this country. obamacare is not the fix we need and is in fact a regression. His law helps insurance companies far more than the people who are insured. It is a bad law.

Feel free to ask questions about other issues and I will happily answer you...
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Very good article.

"John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters"

I would say the 'lunatic fringe' in the Republican party represents about 30-40% of that party. It really isn't a fringe. They just generally do low level grumbling how Republicans they elect do the exact opposite of what they said they would do, BUT they vote for them anyway because they have no alternative in their minds.

This time around trump is this minority group's inner thoughts brought out into the open and it is like being in a candy store for a 5 year old. They are going nuts that their inner nuts may be validated. And that siren song cannot be ignored for them.

Nationally trump has no chance. He can't win the black, Hispanic, or women's vote. Game is already over. And the Republican party is beside themselves on what to do with this ball and chain.

Your crystal ball is no better than anybody else's. Nobody knows what would happen in a general election because we've never had a person like Trump in a general election during our lifetime.

Trump is not a right-winger. He has issues covering both sides of the aisles. The current clown in office ran on Hope and Change! Given his success, anybody can get to be President including Ronald McDonald.
Trump has you regressives scared shitless, because you know many normal democrats agree with many of things he says. Only reason I like the guy at all is his ability to get the establishment rats in both parties to chase their tails. That would include paid posters like the OP.
Where is the evidence that democrats like Trump?
He's leading in MN
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Except he hasn't.........wait till you see how many democrats actually vote for him........union workers understand and support him and blacks understand what importing cheap labor will do to their already limited job opportunities....

Try doing some polling among democrats...see what the base has to say....
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Except he hasn't.........wait till you see how many democrats actually vote for him........union workers understand and support him and blacks understand what importing cheap labor will do to their already limited job opportunities....

Try doing some polling among democrats...see what the base has to say....

Adolf Trump's strongest support comes from white knuckle-dragging neanderthals who feel disenfranchised. Trump attracts the dumbest among us.
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Except he hasn't.........wait till you see how many democrats actually vote for him........union workers understand and support him and blacks understand what importing cheap labor will do to their already limited job opportunities....

Try doing some polling among democrats...see what the base has to say....

Adolf Trump's strongest support comes from white knuckle-dragging neanderthals who feel disenfranchised. Trump attracts the dumbest among us.

Your desperation and fear are duly noted.
One of the downfalls of living in a hyper-connected media world is that while good news travels fast, so does the bad. When one of the presidential candidates says something controversial, it gets downloaded into hyperspace and shared millions of times almost instantaneously.

The net effect of this on our psyches cannot be underestimated — it feels like the world is much smaller, much more complicated, and above all, more personal than ever before. And when political campaigns know this and tailor their events and sound bytes to go viral, the onslaught of information can be completely overwhelming.

Donald Trump exists in one way or another on your social media feed, and there’s likely little you can do about it. He is the sole focus of the 2016 presidential election because he continues to say more an more outrageous things — banning muslims from entering the country, calling Mexicans rapists, constructing a giant wall to keep out immigrants and so on — and this gets Trump attention and keeps him relevant. The more we talk about him, the longer he’s here to stay. Liberals can’t shut him up, and the Republicans are now desperately figuring out ways to reign him as they have lost any hope of controlling him.

To liberals (and anyone with human emotion) it must feel like Trump exists to personally antagonize you and everything you hold dear. This grotesque manifestation of America’s ‘Id’ represents the worst of what this country has to offer: shameless greed, unrepentant narcissism and the proud hatred of ‘other’. It is horrifying to watch, and for good reason. Should Trump become president, he would make George W. Bush seem like a reasonable moderate. The thought of Trump attempting to negotiate complicated environmental treaties, manage delicate foreign relations or dealing with America’s tumultuous domestic political landscape is genuinely chilling. Trump has an 8th grader’s understanding of policy, and the emotional maturity of an 18 year old fraternity recruitment. But however terrifying this vision might be, there isn’t actually much to worry about.

The fact is Donald Trump cannot win the Presidency in 2016.

As David Leonhardt notes in the New York Times, a Trump victory, “Would violate just about every historical pattern of presidential races. No modern candidate has received a major-party nomination — and perhaps no candidate in American history — while being opposed by the party’s elites: donors, media figures, politicians and others.”

The Republican establishment cannot stand Trump and are busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of him while shoring up his voters. As Peggy Noonan said on “CBS This Morning”:

I know Republican leaders and stalwarts and state people feel two things. One is that they cannot win the presidency with Donald Trump. the other is that they cannot win the presidency without the support of Trump’s followers. So it’s a delicate little thing.​

This “delicate little thing” is basically impossible, as Republicans continue to learn in general elections. John McCain and Mitt Romney spent the primaries in their respective campaigns trying to be as crazy as possible in order to win over the lunatic fringe of Republican voters, then fell flat in the general when the center abandoned them in droves. Post George W. Bush, crazy works only in the short term. As a long term strategy, it is a complete disaster — a fact not lost on the GOP establishment that hoped Jeb Bush would be able to save what is left of their parties White House prospects.

While a bewildering number of polls continue to show Trump’s meteoric rise, as Nate Silverwrote recently, they don’t really mean much until the few weeks preceding the primaries — where history shows Trump might be in for a nasty surprise when voters are confronted with the real prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee. Silver puts Trump’s chance at winning the Republican nomination at “higher than 0 but (considerably) less than 20 percent.”

So Trump may not even get past the Republican primaries, let alone get to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And if that happens, you heard it here first: he’ll get annihilated by a unified Democratic party that will work day and night to siphon away every Republican moderate in the country.

Donald Trump poses a threat to one particular set of interests in America: the conservative establishment. He is essentially destroying the party from the inside by humiliating the other candidates, refusing to take orders from above, and turning the party into an international laughing stock. Forget Sarah Palin, Hermain Cain, or Michele Bachmann, Trump is the real deal and he’s laying waste to everything around him.

Donald Trump is the disease the Republican party created, and unfortunately for them, they forgot to inoculate themselves first. And this means the Democrats don’t have to do much groundwork for 2016, because Donald Trump is doing it for them. So let’s enjoy the show, and watch the Republican Party disintegrate live on your facebook feed.

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party - The Daily Banter - by Ben Cohen

It's a matter of simple math. Trump has alienated too many groups of voters to win the General Election.

Except he hasn't.........wait till you see how many democrats actually vote for him........union workers understand and support him and blacks understand what importing cheap labor will do to their already limited job opportunities....

Try doing some polling among democrats...see what the base has to say....

Adolf Trump's strongest support comes from white knuckle-dragging neanderthals who feel disenfranchised. Trump attracts the dumbest among us.

You guys keep calling him a racist and a nazi...both are left wing things.....

Trump has an entire life, and never shown any racism...he talks about building a wall, in order to create legal immigration over illegal immigration, he talks about banning muslims until our screwed up government can let them in safely....

I get it.....truth, reality, and facts...they are not your you have to have nothing are vile people.
  • Hillary Is the Islamic State's Best Recruitment Tool ^ | December 23, 2015 | Ben Shapiro
    During the little-watched pre-Christmas Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being the Islamic State group's chief recruiter. Relying on her penchant for blaming videos for Islamic evil, she stated that the Islamic State is "showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." Well, no. The Islamic State's videos -- the ones that actually exist, not the ones Clinton makes up in her fevered imagination during debate pee breaks -- show that the group uses three main themes in its recruitment. First, it talks about Islamic prophecy....
Trump has you regressives scared shitless, because you know many normal democrats agree with many of things he says. Only reason I like the guy at all is his ability to get the establishment rats in both parties to chase their tails. That would include paid posters like the OP.
Where is the evidence that democrats like Trump?

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe illegal immigration increases the level of serious crime in America, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Most Agree with Trump that Illegal Immigration Increases Crime - Rasmussen Reports™
Oh great. You found a poll that says 52% of Americans agree with him on this one issue lol. First of all, that's a Rasmussen poll so the question is going to ask an obvious one. Yes having more people in a country is going to increase crime but what matters is the actual statistics of illegals. Crime among Mexican illegals, for example, is statistically low. Trump is stupid. Either way, having a shared opinion with Trump on one issue does not mean half the country would vote for this 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims

And so do 29% of democrats.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims - Democratic Underground

You lose 29% of democrats you lose the election, period end of story. So you were saying?
Lol none of that matters you doofus. Just because 29% of dems agree with Trump on this issue, it doesn't mean even close to 29% of dems would actually vote for him. They can't forget that he is a retard.
  • Does being 'Schlonged' make Hillary a 'Bimbo Eruption?'
    American Thinker ^ | 12/24/15 | Jeannie DeAngelis
    **SNIP** But then again, the truth is that, especially when dealing with a "brazen genius" like Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton could use a pantsuit leg up. That's why being a perpetually-offended woman might be a powerful weapon in 2016. In fact, a shrewd calculation may be the reason Hillary conveniently forgot to mention that her husband, based solely on his reputation as an adulterous fornicator, earned a starring role in an ISIS propaganda/recruitment video. Instead, the woman who habitually gets her video stories confused insisted at the last Democratic debate that anti-Muslim videos starring Donald Trump were...

Well, sparky, polling has evolved considerably since the Dewey days.

Yeah, it has. So good that the MSNBC pundits were shocked into near silence when the Dems got wiped from the board last election cycle....

Well, you must feel really good about the GOP having 2016 locked up.

No I'm a Dem, the GOP sweep hurt a project that I had been working on for 12 years. Hell, it may have destroyed it. I am just a realist and when you idiots make your proclamations I just have to laugh....

I'm curious. What liberal policies do you support?

I'm pro gay marriage, pro abortion, anti multi national corporations. Pro decriminalization of all drugs, I am anti death penalty save in very specific cases, I have switched my opinion on Affirmative Action. I now believe it to be a net negative. I believe in government control of energy production and distribution. I have changed my views on public schools. I once supported them but now feel that Charter schools are better (though in my area they pretty much all suck so my daughter attends a private school). I am in favor of stem cell research. I am pro euthanasia, I am in favor of major health care revision. There must be a way for everyone to have health care in this country. obamacare is not the fix we need and is in fact a regression. His law helps insurance companies far more than the people who are insured. It is a bad law.

Feel free to ask questions about other issues and I will happily answer you...

Interesting. Doesn't it bother you that healthcare for all is the only issue being supported by democrats currently? I mean gay marriage is a done deal either way.
Trump has you regressives scared shitless, because you know many normal democrats agree with many of things he says. Only reason I like the guy at all is his ability to get the establishment rats in both parties to chase their tails. That would include paid posters like the OP.
Where is the evidence that democrats like Trump?

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe illegal immigration increases the level of serious crime in America, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Most Agree with Trump that Illegal Immigration Increases Crime - Rasmussen Reports™
Oh great. You found a poll that says 52% of Americans agree with him on this one issue lol. First of all, that's a Rasmussen poll so the question is going to ask an obvious one. Yes having more people in a country is going to increase crime but what matters is the actual statistics of illegals. Crime among Mexican illegals, for example, is statistically low. Trump is stupid. Either way, having a shared opinion with Trump on one issue does not mean half the country would vote for this 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims

And so do 29% of democrats.

Survey USA CA poll: 53% of republicans strongly agree with Trump on banning Muslims - Democratic Underground

You lose 29% of democrats you lose the election, period end of story. So you were saying?
Lol none of that matters you doofus. Just because 29% of dems agree with Trump on this issue, it doesn't mean even close to 29% of dems would actually vote for him. They can't forget that he is a retard.

You trying to convince me or your lame brained self? History shows you only need to lose 6-8% to have your goose cooked. LMAO
  • Trump campaign: Hillary bullied women to hide Bill's 'sexist secrets'
    The Hill ^
    Donald Trump's campaign is escalating its war of words with Hillary Clinton, claiming that the Democratic front-runner bullied women to hide her husband's "sexist secrets" and accusing her campaign of "acting like 9-year-old little girls." In an interview late Wednesday on CNN, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson unloaded on Clinton and her campaign, returning fire after Clinton condemned Trump's "penchant for sexism." "What you have on Hillary Clinton’s side are a bunch of people, including women — liberal women — who want to run around talking about the war on women," Pierson said. "They want to burn their bras and complain...
And while the Hildebeast is making a speech, BJ is also busy!

Trump represents the evil inside of people - the id.

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