NY Daily News: Win Or Lose, Trump Has Awakened The White Supremacist Beast In America ( Wipes Tear)

Trump has a Jewish daughter
By marriage.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?

You are going down your usual road of cowardice and stupidity.
Exposing the Jew is not cowardice or stupid....

All you've exposed is your own weakness and stupidity, you pathetic fucking coward.
By marriage.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?

You are going down your usual road of cowardice and stupidity.
Exposing the Jew is not cowardice or stupid....

All you've exposed is your own weakness and stupidity, you pathetic fucking coward.
Sorry but it is I who's exposed your frail weakness as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. You must learn to govern your passions. They will become your undoing.
Yeah so? He's very accepting of it. Doesn't sound like anything a white supremacist would be celebrating.
Daughters are rebellious and go against daddy sometimes. Trump in his lifetime has dealt with many jews and knows they are treacherous and can't be trusted. You get where I'm going with this?

You are going down your usual road of cowardice and stupidity.
Exposing the Jew is not cowardice or stupid....

All you've exposed is your own weakness and stupidity, you pathetic fucking coward.
Sorry but it is I who's exposed ......

Keep telling yourself that, you craven, pathetic loser.
New York Daily News? Shaun King?

King was affiliated directly with Black Lives Matter. Some sort of dust up is going down now fighting over a charity.

But the hard on for Trump comes from BLM and King.

Ah here's the dust up. This is going to get interesting. It appears money is missing and BLM aren't happy about it.

“Senior justice writer” Shaun King, who recently sent this correspondent perhaps the most remarkable email in the history of right of reply after he was caught mysteriously deleting 70,000 tweets, was just thrown under the bus by Deray Mckesson and other prominent BLM activists in a series of tweets drawing attention to alleged mismanagement of funds.

This is just the latest in a series of scandals for race-baiter King, who charges $7,500 for speeches about race and gender. Breitbart was the first media organisation to raise questions about Shaun King’s race that have still not been answered.

Although King claimed for years to be biracial, after our report he was forced to admit he had no idea who his father was and that both of the people on his birth certificate are white."

Black Lives Matter Just Excommunicated Shaun King
New York Daily News? Shaun King?

King was affiliated directly with Black Lives Matter. Some sort of dust up is going down now fighting over a charity.

But the hard on for Trump comes from BLM and King.

Ah here's the dust up. This is going to get interesting. It appears money is missing and BLM aren't happy about it.

“Senior justice writer” Shaun King, who recently sent this correspondent perhaps the most remarkable email in the history of right of reply after he was caught mysteriously deleting 70,000 tweets, was just thrown under the bus by Deray Mckesson and other prominent BLM activists in a series of tweets drawing attention to alleged mismanagement of funds.

This is just the latest in a series of scandals for race-baiter King, who charges $7,500 for speeches about race and gender. Breitbart was the first media organisation to raise questions about Shaun King’s race that have still not been answered.

Although King claimed for years to be biracial, after our report he was forced to admit he had no idea who his father was and that both of the people on his birth certificate are white."

Black Lives Matter Just Excommunicated Shaun King
Thanks for that informative post.
New York Daily News? Shaun King?

King was affiliated directly with Black Lives Matter. Some sort of dust up is going down now fighting over a charity.

But the hard on for Trump comes from BLM and King.

Ah here's the dust up. This is going to get interesting. It appears money is missing and BLM aren't happy about it.

“Senior justice writer” Shaun King, who recently sent this correspondent perhaps the most remarkable email in the history of right of reply after he was caught mysteriously deleting 70,000 tweets, was just thrown under the bus by Deray Mckesson and other prominent BLM activists in a series of tweets drawing attention to alleged mismanagement of funds.

This is just the latest in a series of scandals for race-baiter King, who charges $7,500 for speeches about race and gender. Breitbart was the first media organisation to raise questions about Shaun King’s race that have still not been answered.

Although King claimed for years to be biracial, after our report he was forced to admit he had no idea who his father was and that both of the people on his birth certificate are white."

Black Lives Matter Just Excommunicated Shaun King
Thanks for that informative post.

Here's an update. YOWZAH! Looks like he really is another Rachel Dolezal after all. His birth certificate lists both parents as white. King got an Oprah Winfrey scholarship to a black college called Morehouse.

Trying to get more info on the dust up about money missing from the charity. But he's been leading the charge against conservatives as a BLM spokesperson at Daily Kos and New York News.
Trump isn't a white supremacist and he's not racist toward anybody. He's simply being realistic about the problems we're facing with Islamic terrorism. The leftist media is just doing what they always do to anyone who opposes them, they call them racist. White supremacists may mistakenly think they have an ally in Trump because of this mischaracterization but they'll be disappointed if they think Trump is sympathetic to their agenda. That being said, white people will be treated more fairly by Trump and the only ones who will be disappointed will be those getting a free ride at everyone else's expense and the politicians who use the labor of white people to fund their vote buying welfare programs.

"Those getting a free ride" vs "the labor of white people".

Gee, I wonder how people get the impression that's racist...
Trump isn't a white supremacist and he's not racist toward anybody. He's simply being realistic about the problems we're facing with Islamic terrorism. The leftist media is just doing what they always do to anyone who opposes them, they call them racist. White supremacists may mistakenly think they have an ally in Trump because of this mischaracterization but they'll be disappointed if they think Trump is sympathetic to their agenda. That being said, white people will be treated more fairly by Trump and the only ones who will be disappointed will be those getting a free ride at everyone else's expense and the politicians who use the labor of white people to fund their vote buying welfare programs.

"Those getting a free ride" vs "the labor of white people".

Gee, I wonder how people get the impression that's racist...
To you, EVERYTHING is racist.

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