NY Fed Spends 53 Billion To Rescue Overnight Lending Market

I keep wondering why we put ourselves through this over and over again.

Conservative economics destroy our economy.

Then a democratic president comes behind and cleans up the mess. It's cleaned up and another conservative is elected to destroy it all. Again.

I wish we could stop this rollercoaster.

With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.
138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


I have checked my sources more than I have screwed a French whore in the French Quarter in New Orleans, or as we say; Nawlins.

Your figures are BUNK. Go back & check YO self B 4 U wreck YO self.

I have checked my sources

It's possible your sources are dumber than you.

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If you have trouble with the math, be sure to ask.
I'm always happy to run through the numbers with liberal morons.

Todd you have lost all credibility. Quit now. There is no one and nothing dumber than caddo kid.
With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.
138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


I have checked my sources more than I have screwed a French whore in the French Quarter in New Orleans, or as we say; Nawlins.

Your figures are BUNK. Go back & check YO self B 4 U wreck YO self.

I have checked my sources

It's possible your sources are dumber than you.

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View attachment 279969

If you have trouble with the math, be sure to ask.
I'm always happy to run through the numbers with liberal morons.

Todd you have lost all credibility. Quit now. There is no one and nothing dumber than caddo kid.

Hey look; it's my ole USMB buddy AzzCrackTheDeficator.

Hey AzzCrack, did you know that Todd doesn't know how to determine an annual average based on an 8 year time frame?
We have been discussing this in the thread.
Isn't that interesting?

I have a great idea AzzCrack; you could be a math tutor for Todd, and when you're done you could try posting some thread specific content. Wadda ya think AzzCrack?
U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.
138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


I have checked my sources more than I have screwed a French whore in the French Quarter in New Orleans, or as we say; Nawlins.

Your figures are BUNK. Go back & check YO self B 4 U wreck YO self.

I have checked my sources

It's possible your sources are dumber than you.

View attachment 279966
View attachment 279967

View attachment 279968
View attachment 279969

If you have trouble with the math, be sure to ask.
I'm always happy to run through the numbers with liberal morons.

Todd you have lost all credibility. Quit now. There is no one and nothing dumber than caddo kid.

Hey look; it's my ole USMB buddy AzzCrackTheDeficator.

Hey AzzCrack, did you know that Todd doesn't know how to determine an annual average based on an 8 year time frame?
We have been discussing this in the thread.
Isn't that interesting?

I have a great idea AzzCrack; you could be a math tutor for Todd, and when you're done you could try posting some thread specific content. Wadda ya think AzzCrack?

Well tattle tale. May I opine or will you tattle again? You two need to agree on a starting point and an end date and then I a Jew who is naturally superior at math will determine who is right or wrong. Fair?
FYI little boi; Trump has been utilizing his overbearing influence upon the FED to reduce rates, in case you haven't noticed.

Now, go sit back down in your wittle corner.

Odd that Fed rates are HIGHER now then when BoiKing Obama was POTUS

Are you sure you want to continue?

and there is a reason why the rates were lower then, and why the rates are higher now.

Are you really that stupid?

You (also) really wanna make this an Obama thread, when Obama hasn't been POTUS for 32 months?

OK; I guess you are really that stupid.


You post some useless graph with no explanation of your own, or any explanation from any economic source; only, "D'oh!"

Yep; you are really that stupid. Congrats.

It's the Fed Funds rate you fucking economic illiterate

Trump's trillion dollar deficits have soaked up all the liquidity in the repo market, dumbfuck.

So now we are going to have QE forever.
Odd that Fed rates are HIGHER now then when BoiKing Obama was POTUS

Are you sure you want to continue?

and there is a reason why the rates were lower then, and why the rates are higher now.

Are you really that stupid?

You (also) really wanna make this an Obama thread, when Obama hasn't been POTUS for 32 months?

OK; I guess you are really that stupid.


You post some useless graph with no explanation of your own, or any explanation from any economic source; only, "D'oh!"

Yep; you are really that stupid. Congrats.

It's the Fed Funds rate you fucking economic illiterate

Trump's trillion dollar deficits have soaked up all the liquidity in the repo market, dumbfuck.

So now we are going to have QE forever.
Congress controls spending and democrats run Congress...coincidence?
When Obama was president, Trump whined about the Fed keeping interest rates low. Now Deficit Donald wants the Fed to go negative in order to fund his record spending.

In the past year, Trump has outspent Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars! And all his fuckwit hardcore defenders are completely silent about it.

Now this. The repo market is cracking under the weight of the Dotard's deficits.

Trump and his Rube Herd are positively schizophrenic.
and there is a reason why the rates were lower then, and why the rates are higher now.

Are you really that stupid?

You (also) really wanna make this an Obama thread, when Obama hasn't been POTUS for 32 months?

OK; I guess you are really that stupid.


You post some useless graph with no explanation of your own, or any explanation from any economic source; only, "D'oh!"

Yep; you are really that stupid. Congrats.

It's the Fed Funds rate you fucking economic illiterate

Trump's trillion dollar deficits have soaked up all the liquidity in the repo market, dumbfuck.

So now we are going to have QE forever.
Congress controls spending and democrats run Congress...coincidence?
You blamed Obama for every penny of debt accumulated on his watch, fuckwit. So fuck you.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
The deficit was DECREASING over Obama's second term. He got it down to half a trillion dollars.

Trump has DOUBLED the deficit. And what was while we had a GOP Congress.

And the Rube Herd does all kinds of hypocritical mental twists to try to not blame Trump for his record spending.

I told you the tards would try to blame the Democrats once they took the House.

I told you. Several times.

Odd that Fed rates are HIGHER now then when BoiKing Obama was POTUS

Are you sure you want to continue?

and there is a reason why the rates were lower then, and why the rates are higher now.

Are you really that stupid?

You (also) really wanna make this an Obama thread, when Obama hasn't been POTUS for 32 months?

OK; I guess you are really that stupid.


You post some useless graph with no explanation of your own, or any explanation from any economic source; only, "D'oh!"

Yep; you are really that stupid. Congrats.

It's the Fed Funds rate you fucking economic illiterate

Trump's trillion dollar deficits have soaked up all the liquidity in the repo market, dumbfuck.

So now we are going to have QE forever.

Did the Fed Reserve say that it was "the daffacit!" that cause the Repo shortage?
This is what happens when you have a corrupt system where banks are able to print money and flood troubled banking brothers with cash. 1913...the year the Federal Reserve was created and income tax was approved.
Proof positive that progressive president Woodrow Wilson and his movement (progressivism) was the beginning of the real assault on America and all our freedoms and traditions.

We have been under attack ever since.

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