NY Fed Spends 53 Billion To Rescue Overnight Lending Market

The Fed Intervened in Overnight Lending for First Time Since the Crash. Why It Matters to You.

"Here’s what should concern every engaged American: As of June 30 of this year, the four largest banks on Wall Street (which are allowed to own Federally insured commercial banks as well as stock, bond and derivative gambling casinos known as investment banks) held more than $5.45 trillion in deposits.

"The breakdown is as follows: JPMorgan Chase holds $1.6 trillion; Bank of America has $1.44 trillion; Wells Fargo has $1.35 trillion; and Citibank is home to just over $1 trillion.

"A number of excuses have been offered by the business press to explain why the New York Fed had to ride to the rescue yesterday but the very simple question is this: how can four banks with $5.45 trillion in deposits not be able to cough up $53 billion in overnight loans."

How can four banks with $5.45 trillion in deposits find themselves unable to cover $53 billion in repos?

how can four banks with $5.45 trillion in deposits not be able to cough up $53 billion in overnight loans."

Maybe they are part of the need side?
how can four banks with $5.45 trillion in deposits not be able to cough up $53 billion in overnight loans."

Maybe they are part of the need side?
Uncle Billy lost the deposits??

Probably a better explanation that anything else I've heard to date

Another day, another $75B. HUD's annual budget is $50B, surely the Progressives Communists will say, "If we can spend $75B to bail out the financial markets ....(insert wish list)

Another day, another $75B. HUD's annual budget is $50B, surely the Progressives Communists will say, "If we can spend $75B to bail out the financial markets ....(insert wish list)
The $22 trillion Question:

Can a government that issues its own money be forced to default on debt issued in its own currency?


"The following post is part two of an open-ended series exploring how modern money works and why it may change how social activists and revolutionaries organize the struggle for a better society.

"Part one, 'Modern Money Systems: Understanding the Monetary Mechanics of Value,' looked at the historical evolution of money and introduced the basics of modern monetary theory (MMT), as well as some radical implications of the economic reality it describes.

"Part two aims to further explore these ideas, first by looking at how MMT might fit into the socialist framework of class-struggle described by Karl Marx and then by exploring the revolutionary potential of a federal job guarantee."

Marx + MMT: Socialism Through a Self-Managed Federal Job Guarantee
Market Watch is reporting a $75 BILLION repurchase for one calendar (over night) day.

Fed carries out repo operation for second straight day

What does this tell US?

It tells US that in a nation that completely fails to question its' clueless leadership at the highest level, when we do finally fall flat on our collective financial ass, we will get what we voted for & what we deserve.

Enjoy the ride because it's gonna be a bitch; you won't even have to pay to get on a roller coaster.

I keep wondering why we put ourselves through this over and over again.

Conservative economics destroy our economy.

Then a democratic president comes behind and cleans up the mess. It's cleaned up and another conservative is elected to destroy it all. Again.

I wish we could stop this rollercoaster.

With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?
The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.
138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


I have checked my sources more than I have screwed a French whore in the French Quarter in New Orleans, or as we say; Nawlins.

Your figures are BUNK. Go back & check YO self B 4 U wreck YO self.

I have checked my sources

It's possible your sources are dumber than you.

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View attachment 279967

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View attachment 279969

If you have trouble with the math, be sure to ask.
I'm always happy to run through the numbers with liberal morons.

Please see the below link & the attached chart.

Stock Market Performance by President

You can see that during Obama's tenure the DJIA increased 148.3%.
I stated EARLIER that the increase was 148% so, I was wrong.
It was ACTUALLY 0.3% HIGHER than what I stated at 148.3%; NOT at 148.0%
The 148.3% increase over the 8 year tenure of Obama represents an annualized increase of 18.54%.

During Trump's tenure to date the DJIA has increased < 37%.
The DJIA topped out on July 7, 2019 @ 27,332.

There is NO WAY IN HELL the DJIA will perform during Trump's tenure at the level the DJIA performed during Obama's tenure.

If you believe otherwise then you are completely fucked in the head.

You are welcome, jack ass.

Like I said, it's possible your sources are dumber than you.

You can see that during Obama's tenure the DJIA increased 148.3%.

If you used the actual numbers I posted, you'd see the error.

The 148.3% increase over the 8 year tenure of Obama represents an annualized increase of 18.54%.

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

The day of Obama's first inauguration, January 20, 2009, the DJIA closed at 7550.

The last trading day of Obama's presidency, January 19, 2017, the DJIA closed at 19743.

Here is yet another article showing the DJIA increased 148.3% during Obama's tenure.
How the stock market performed under every president for the past 100 years
• DJIA performance: +148.3 percent
• Served from: Jan. 20, 2009 - Jan. 20, 2017
• Months in office: 96
• Party affiliation: Democrat

I guess they are wrong too?
So, your implication is everyone is wrong, except you? LOFL you dumb shit. :9:

GFYS ..................

The day of Obama's first inauguration, January 20, 2009, the DJIA closed at 7550.



The last trading day of Obama's presidency, January 19, 2017, the DJIA closed at 19743.

The market rallied when Trump beat that drunken sot you nominated.
Why the fuck would you give Obama credit for that? Is it because you're a moron?

The 148.3% increase over the 8 year tenure of Obama represents an annualized increase of 18.54%.

Explain your moron math. Moron.
Market Watch is reporting a $75 BILLION repurchase for one calendar (over night) day.

Fed carries out repo operation for second straight day

What does this tell US?

It tells US that in a nation that completely fails to question its' clueless leadership at the highest level, when we do finally fall flat on our collective financial ass, we will get what we voted for & what we deserve.

Enjoy the ride because it's gonna be a bitch; you won't even have to pay to get on a roller coaster.

I keep wondering why we put ourselves through this over and over again.

Conservative economics destroy our economy.

Then a democratic president comes behind and cleans up the mess. It's cleaned up and another conservative is elected to destroy it all. Again.

I wish we could stop this rollercoaster.

With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.
Market Watch is reporting a $75 BILLION repurchase for one calendar (over night) day.

Fed carries out repo operation for second straight day

What does this tell US?

It tells US that in a nation that completely fails to question its' clueless leadership at the highest level, when we do finally fall flat on our collective financial ass, we will get what we voted for & what we deserve.

Enjoy the ride because it's gonna be a bitch; you won't even have to pay to get on a roller coaster.

I keep wondering why we put ourselves through this over and over again.

Conservative economics destroy our economy.

Then a democratic president comes behind and cleans up the mess. It's cleaned up and another conservative is elected to destroy it all. Again.

I wish we could stop this rollercoaster.

How did obama do it?

I know..

I keep wondering why we put ourselves through this over and over again.

Conservative economics destroy our economy.

Then a democratic president comes behind and cleans up the mess. It's cleaned up and another conservative is elected to destroy it all. Again.

I wish we could stop this rollercoaster.

With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................
With record low unemployment, 17 consecutive months of having more jobs available than people to fill them and over 150 record stock market closes since Trump took office......I'll take him over Mr Obozo Von Foodstamps anyday.

Your selective memory is duly noted. Perhaps you missed the lesson in Econ 101 where they talked about Clinton handing Bush a dot-com bubble where trillions were lost in the stock market.

U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................

Are you dividing because you're an idiot?
Just incase
Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its credit crisis slump and fell to 7,550.29, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation in 1896.

Someone in this conversation does NOT understand simple division. :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 280081

How did the Dow Jones Industrial do under Barack Obama vs. past presidents?

Obama served two terms aka 8 years. I know that's a tuff one for you to get but it's true.

Obama served two terms aka 8 years.
U must be a fucking moron: The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.
Trump's record is NO WHERE near that; period.
ALSO, the employment percentage increased at a GREATER RATE during Obama's tenure than it has, to date, during Trump's tenure.
Get the fuck out of your baby diapers & learn fucking something, dude.

The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................

Are you dividing because you're an idiot?

So, you don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period?


Well; that is pretty special
It's not a political issue, beyond the repo market may be showing more speculation and more buying and selling of bonds, and perhaps the Fed didn't anticipate it.

But to the extent that there are just too many fed debt bonds being bought and sold, the Fed cannot do anything about it, and THAT is a political issue.

There may also be an increase in speculation in private markets. The post-2007 regulations made this more expensive, or more risk collateralized, but from what I've seen any increase is uncertain.
I'm at a loss to understand how $50B suddenly sneaks up on the entire US banking system and turns into a "big fucking deal". Are US banks THAT short on cash?
Just incase
Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its credit crisis slump and fell to 7,550.29, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation in 1896.

Someone in this conversation does NOT understand simple division. :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 280081

How did the Dow Jones Industrial do under Barack Obama vs. past presidents?

Obama served two terms aka 8 years. I know that's a tuff one for you to get but it's true.

Obama served two terms aka 8 years.

Did you notice the starting point? 7949? Not 7550.
The DJIA experienced a 148% increase during Obama's tenure. That is an annual average increase of 18.5%.

The Dow closed at 8281 on the trading day before Obama took office.

The Dow closed at 19,732 on the trading day before Obama left office.

138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase. Not close to 18.5%.

Of course 1,400 points of that (7.6%), happened after Trump beat that corrupt old sot.
Giving Obama a 121% increase. Or 10.7% annually over 93.5 months.

Versus Trump's approximately 14.5% annual increase over the 34.33 months since he was elected.


If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................

Are you dividing because you're an idiot?

So, you don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period?


Well; that is pretty special

I do understand, that's why I know a moron who divides by 8 is a moron.
I'm at a loss to understand how $50B suddenly sneaks up on the entire US banking system and turns into a "big fucking deal". Are US banks THAT short on cash?
That's a good question. I havn't seen anything directly on point online, but then I haven't spent a lot of time. Yesterday, I heard an interview on NPR, and the main idea was a) the Fed just didn't anticipate so much repo activity and the post-2007 regulations resulted in less private money in the overnite market.

The amount of debt, and increasing rate of debt scares me. For years we've been told we'll reach a point where growth just can't keep pace with increased interest. Perhaps we're finally getting there, and perhaps that's the real reason Trump is bashing the fed for not going to an unprecedented place … negative rates in a growing economy. I dunno.

The other scary thing is that there is SO MUCH money at play every night now. The market is just "I sell you 900 million of bonds tonight, and tomorrow I pay you 1 billion to get them back." The amount of profit and loss gained or lost on just .01% just leads traders to speculate. And that was the real lesson on the 2007 Recession. Our entire focking economy is fueled by banks trading debt.

Our masters in both parties, and people here are posting about mfrting job loss or gain, but the reality is that those jobs often are paying not much more than even waiting tables in a really good restaurant. The economy was all about citizen A making a living to buy something so Citizen B could make a living. Reaganomics and Globalization did a good job of that … but real wages have been flat since 1980. Shit is cheaper, sure, and standards of living are better … bigger houses, bigger tvs, bigger trucks ….. But the actual growth above inflation seems to be just in investment accounts, and the middle class doesn't own the maj, and even worse there may be nothing but air sustaining the value of the accounts.
Well this is what the FED's do and I guess it is better to be proactive than reactive

Still Trump should shut up about what he wants the FED to do instead let them do their job. They are much better at it.

The FED see the whole picture, Trump just tries to hide the things he caused by buying time before the next election.

lower interest rates sound nice but to do so in order to support his trade war is self serving

but the long haul says when the recession hits low interest rates just make the recession harder

So is the economy no as great as Trump likes to say when he tries to manipulate it to keep it looking good Louis
Just incase
Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its credit crisis slump and fell to 7,550.29, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation in 1896.

Someone in this conversation does NOT understand simple division. :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 280081

How did the Dow Jones Industrial do under Barack Obama vs. past presidents?

Obama served two terms aka 8 years. I know that's a tuff one for you to get but it's true.

Obama served two terms aka 8 years.

Did you notice the starting point? 7949? Not 7550.
If you look at the above bolded & underlined it states, "138% increase. 11.4% average annual increase."

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

So, you graduated what, 1st grade?

138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................

Are you dividing because you're an idiot?

So, you don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period?


Well; that is pretty special

I do understand, that's why I know a moron who divides by 8 is a moron.

So, you still don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period.

Well, I would say there is basically no hope for you, when it comes to second grade level mathematics.

Maybe you would be better adapt at something like learning first grade reading basics?
Just incase
Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its credit crisis slump and fell to 7,550.29, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation in 1896.

Someone in this conversation does NOT understand simple division. :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 280081

How did the Dow Jones Industrial do under Barack Obama vs. past presidents?

Obama served two terms aka 8 years. I know that's a tuff one for you to get but it's true.

Obama served two terms aka 8 years.

Did you notice the starting point? 7949? Not 7550.
138/8 = 17.25%

How in Hell did you come up with, "11.4% average annual increase" when the math tells US it is 17.25%?

Wow. You're a fucking moron.

And you are the one in the conversation that claims I have issues with math.

Huge issues, obviously.
Print out your post and show it to your math teacher tomorrow.
They might even give you extra credit if you can figure out your error.

Toro Check out the idiot.

Why don't you tell US all what 138 divided by 8 equals? We can wait .................

Are you dividing because you're an idiot?

So, you don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period?


Well; that is pretty special

I do understand, that's why I know a moron who divides by 8 is a moron.

So, you still don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period.

Well, I would say there is basically no hope for you, when it comes to second grade level mathematics.

Maybe you would be better adapt at something like learning first grade reading basics?

So, you still don't understand how to determine an annual average, based on an 8 year period.

I'll try to dumb it down enough for you to understand.
I'm not hopeful.

Let's pretend, after years of yelling,
your Mother finally gets you to contribute to your 401K at the McDonalds you work for.

You contribute $1000 and somehow, put in into a decent fund.
Every year your investment is going to grow by 10%.

Start the year with $1000 and, with no new contributions, earn 10%, at the end of year 1 you have $1100.

With me so far? Let me know if that's too complicated.

Now, year 2, starting with $1100, you earn 10%. End year 2 with $1210.
Still with me?

Now, you post the results of years 3,4,5,6,7 and 8.

Post your result in the thread.

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