NY governor bans medical help for homosexuals

Obviously, even legitimate psychological therapy isn't "medical"

Btw, do they have Nazi conversion therapy?
Obviously, even legitimate psychological therapy isn't "medical"

Btw, do they have Nazi conversion therapy?
Funny how libtards HATE government intervention in "abortion" aka baby murder yet LOVE government intervention in the personal lives of a homosexual minor whose parents want him or her to get help OR an ADULT homosexual wanting help...Hypocrisy at its best again libtards.
Medical help? Go fuck yourself OP, gay conversion therapy is horrible and needs to be stopped. Homosexuality isn't a "medical problem." If two men fucking makes you uncomfortable, get over yourself. Watch some nice traps banging it out..
What the hell is gay conversion therapy? Is this some kind of joke?
Nope not a joke. Its a medical/mental health help to cure someone of the disease known as homosexuality. Google ex homosexuals.
Trying to suppress the sexual inclination of your child should be seen as child abuse.
Medical help? Go fuck yourself OP, gay conversion therapy is horrible and needs to be stopped.
How do you feel about abortion? Same shit as this is. You libtards are hypocrites. I guess YOUR conversion therapy didn't work LOL
Medical help? Go fuck yourself OP, gay conversion therapy is horrible and needs to be stopped.
How do you feel about abortion? Same shit as this is. You libtards are hypocrites. I guess YOUR conversion therapy didn't work LOL
I am as pro choice as they come. Hypocrite? On what? Yeah, I've never gone through "conversion therapy." I find myself attracted to both sexes, no shame here.
Trying to suppress the sexual inclination of your child should be seen as child abuse.
Allowing a child to become a homosexual in the first place is child abuse. Try loving your child more and raising them correctly.
Medical help? Go fuck yourself OP, gay conversion therapy is horrible and needs to be stopped.
How do you feel about abortion? Same shit as this is. You libtards are hypocrites. I guess YOUR conversion therapy didn't work LOL
I am as pro choice as they come. Hypocrite? On what? Yeah, I've never gone through "conversion therapy." I find myself attracted to both sexes, no shame here.
I guess you don't see it. Simple really. Do you believe government should be allowed to control abortion? I bet you say no. But you DO agree government should be allowed to tell AN ADULT if they can have this therapy or not. That makes ANYONE that thinks that a hypocrite.
I find myself attracted to both sexes, no shame here.
Thats Very nice. But if you trying to entice us, it will only work if 1. You're female, 2. You're not fat, and 3. You have long hair and wear a little makeup.

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