NY Times....Hillary Clintons support erodes in National Poll

The election Is roughly 14 months away and polls supposedly matter:rofl:

In 2007 Hillary was leading Obama, and look what happened??

In 2007 Guiliani was leading in the polls, and later was crushed by McCain.

The Dems haven't even had any debates yet, polls don't mean shit..

Funny thing is I keep reading the BS, about how Hillary is tanking in the polls, yet national polls have her ahead of Sanders by 20 points:oops-28:

The Repukes, and the Redneck party are obsessed with Clinton when they should be worring about their own backyard, Perry is gone and the other turds are gonna start dropping like flies soon, Jindal, and fat old fuck Huckabee are gonna be toast soon..
The election Is roughly 14 months away and polls supposedly matter:rofl:

In 2007 Hillary was leading Obama, and look what happened??

In 2007 Guiliani was leading in the polls, and later was crushed by McCain.

The Dems haven't even had any debates yet, polls don't mean shit..

Funny thing is I keep reading the BS, about how Hillary is tanking in the polls, yet national polls have her ahead of Sanders by 20 points:oops-28:

The Repukes, and the Redneck party are obsessed with Clinton when they should be worring about their own backyard, Perry is gone and the other turds are gonna start dropping like flies soon, Jindal, and fat old fuck Huckabee are gonna be toast soon..
This FBI investigation is not a poll, people are going to jail as result of this, it will take some time because every person who conversed with Hillary is now a Federal suspect.
The election Is roughly 14 months away and polls supposedly matter:rofl:

In 2007 Hillary was leading Obama, and look what happened??

In 2007 Guiliani was leading in the polls, and later was crushed by McCain.

The Dems haven't even had any debates yet, polls don't mean shit..

Funny thing is I keep reading the BS, about how Hillary is tanking in the polls, yet national polls have her ahead of Sanders by 20 points:oops-28:

The Repukes, and the Redneck party are obsessed with Clinton when they should be worring about their own backyard, Perry is gone and the other turds are gonna start dropping like flies soon, Jindal, and fat old fuck Huckabee are gonna be toast soon..
This FBI investigation is not a poll, people are going to jail as result of this, it will take some time because every person who conversed with Hillary is now a Federal suspect.
Ohhh I bet Hillary is sooooo scared she's shaking in her $2000 Shoes , :rofl:

I thought she was going to Jail in 2012, for Ben Gazzi ?? ( who's that a Mexican porn star)

Hillary has about as much chance of going to Prison, as Bill does staying celibate..

While I laud your enthusiasm, you really need to reread that poll; although polls mean little right now.

What it basically says is....................her lead is eroding, but they also added Biden into the poll sampling. Biden received around 20%. As of this time Biden is not running, so we must ask the logical question, "of those who supported Biden, what candidate did they take support from?" The point is, if he took all of his support, or most of his support from Hillary, this means if he chooses not to run, that support will instantly migrate back.

That being said, I agree with you that Hillary; and honestly the whole Democratic party, is in deep trouble, although the lefties on here will never admit it. The Democrats who would have been the most exciting to their base decided to sit out, because this was supposed to be a Hillary coronation. It still may be, but it is going to be a wounded Hillary that emerges, with much distrust from her own party. If Sanders or Hillary emerge as the Democratic nominee, regardless of what you have been told on here..........I do not think they have a snowballs chance in hell to win!
The election Is roughly 14 months away and polls supposedly matter:rofl:

In 2007 Hillary was leading Obama, and look what happened??

In 2007 Guiliani was leading in the polls, and later was crushed by McCain.

The Dems haven't even had any debates yet, polls don't mean shit..

Funny thing is I keep reading the BS, about how Hillary is tanking in the polls, yet national polls have her ahead of Sanders by 20 points:oops-28:

The Repukes, and the Redneck party are obsessed with Clinton when they should be worring about their own backyard, Perry is gone and the other turds are gonna start dropping like flies soon, Jindal, and fat old fuck Huckabee are gonna be toast soon..
This FBI investigation is not a poll, people are going to jail as result of this, it will take some time because every person who conversed with Hillary is now a Federal suspect.
Ohhh I bet Hillary is sooooo scared she's shaking in her $2000 Shoes , :rofl:

I thought she was going to Jail in 2012, for Ben Gazzi ?? ( who's that a Mexican porn star)

Hillary has about as much chance of going to Prison, as Bill does staying celibate..

Again this e-mail investigation is part of Benghazi, but now involves much more and now every person who sent or received an e-mail from her is now a Federal suspect. Obama administration missed chance to buy Clinton emails from hacker Face it her e-mails were sold to the Kremlin long ago. The FBI is trying to find out what the Kremlin knows at this point.

While I laud your enthusiasm, you really need to reread that poll; although polls mean little right now.

What it basically says is....................her lead is eroding, but they also added Biden into the poll sampling. Biden received around 20%. As of this time Biden is not running, so we must ask the logical question, "of those who supported Biden, what candidate did they take support from?" The point is, if he took all of his support, or most of his support from Hillary, this means if he chooses not to run, that support will instantly migrate back.

That being said, I agree with you that Hillary; and honestly the whole Democratic party, is in deep trouble, although the lefties on here will never admit it. The Democrats who would have been the most exciting to their base decided to sit out, because this was supposed to be a Hillary coronation. It still may be, but it is going to be a wounded Hillary that emerges, with much distrust from her own party. If Sanders or Hillary emerge as the Democratic nominee, regardless of what you have been told on here..........I do not think they have a snowballs chance in hell to win!
Obamas State Dept. now says that Hilly followed the law in giving info to Putin on a server less secure than Yahoo mail. The fact is that this might be the biggest spy case ever investigated, as the spymaster was the Secretary of State.

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