NY Times Journalist Behind Comeys Memo Interviewed-Admits He Was Only Told About It And Never Saw It


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Yup... he's being a good reporter. Trusting sources if theyre trustworthy.
Ever hear of Deep Throat? How'd that work out for Tricky Dicky?

But what was hilarious was you could see how biased that story was in the very first sentence.
But it's not like the Gateway Pundit is a respected source. It's up there with InfoWars. Ha!

Did you actually think Putin's Puppet was going to get away with his deep Russian ties?
You do know the special counsel can subpoena Trump's taxes don't you?
Your orange boob is in deep shit.
Yup... he's being a good reporter. Trusting sources if theyre trustworthy.
Ever hear of Deep Throat? How'd that work out for Tricky Dicky?

But what was hilarious was you could see how biased that story was in the very first sentence.
But it's not like the Gateway Pundit is a respected source. It's up there with InfoWars. Ha!

Did you actually think Putin's Puppet was going to get away with his deep Russian ties?
You do know the special counsel can subpoena Trump's taxes don't you?
Your orange boob is in deep shit.
Reasonable, you're not.
They've abandoned all sense of right and wrong.
You mean like the 500 lies of Trump that have been documented since he took office? He was never an ethical person in any area. Business, marriage fidelity, Trump university etc etc.
These scandals of his couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
The MSM is fake news. No rational, reasonable person can deny that at this juncture!
They've abandoned all sense of right and wrong.
You mean like the 500 lies of Trump that have been documented since he took office? He was never an ethical person in any area. Business, marriage fidelity, Trump university etc etc.
These scandals of his couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
What are these 500 lies?

Never mind, give me one.
Yup... he's being a good reporter. Trusting sources if theyre trustworthy.
Ever hear of Deep Throat? How'd that work out for Tricky Dicky?

But what was hilarious was you could see how biased that story was in the very first sentence.
But it's not like the Gateway Pundit is a respected source. It's up there with InfoWars. Ha!

Did you actually think Putin's Puppet was going to get away with his deep Russian ties?
You do know the special counsel can subpoena Trump's taxes don't you?
Your orange boob is in deep shit.
Reasonable, you're not.
I know facts are unreasonable to Deplorables.
I bet you threw up a bit in your mouth when you found out this investigation might produce the orange clown's taxes didn't you.
and this snowflake douche bag sunk the market for three days? With a fake news story?
Yup... he's being a good reporter. Trusting sources if theyre trustworthy.
Ever hear of Deep Throat? How'd that work out for Tricky Dicky?

But what was hilarious was you could see how biased that story was in the very first sentence.
But it's not like the Gateway Pundit is a respected source. It's up there with InfoWars. Ha!

Did you actually think Putin's Puppet was going to get away with his deep Russian ties?
You do know the special counsel can subpoena Trump's taxes don't you?
Your orange boob is in deep shit.
Hey pipsqueak, Gateway Pundit is respected so much thay they are a member of the White House press corp.
He should be brought up on libel charges. Enough is enough.
Trump has no problems of going after unethical journalists for libel. I have a feeling this unethical reporter will be dealt with accordingly through other venues..
He should be fired, but he won't be. The New York Times no longer cares about outdated notions like journalistic ethics.
They've abandoned all sense of right and wrong.
You mean like the 500 lies of Trump that have been documented since he took office? He was never an ethical person in any area. Business, marriage fidelity, Trump university etc etc.
These scandals of his couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
What are these 500 lies?

Never mind, give me one.
You're still playing this game?
What planet do you live on.
Your pathological liar hit the ground running on day one with his " mine was the largest electoral victory since Reagan." Except for Obama twice, Clinton once and HW Bush. Lol
No, Trump's victory was not the biggest Electoral College win since Reagan

" I had 1.5 million people at my inauguration. "

Obama had 1.8 million. Put your glasses on. IMG_0423.JPG

the liar said " murder rate has been rising for the past 47 years.
Trump falsely claims US murder rate is 'highest' in 47 years - CNNPolitics.com

He's told about 5 lies just in the past seven days.
Thanks for showing you have no idea what's going on.
He should be fired, but he won't be. The New York Times no longer cares about outdated notions like journalistic ethics.
The NYT is STILL the paper of record in this country and you won't get an argument among most inCongress and sane people.
I guess you haven't heard of DeepThroat either.

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