NY Times Journalist Behind Comeys Memo Interviewed-Admits He Was Only Told About It And Never Saw It

Deplorables definition of fake news: any story that doesn't fawn over the president.
Dictators always go after the press first. How does it feel you're an accessary to

Fake news is virtually everything the leftwing propaganda organs publish. They have been caught lying so many times that they are assumed to be lying if they have no corroboration for legitimate (ie, rightwing) news sources. They Comey memo is the latest example.
You mean the memo he'll produce on Monday to crush Trump's ass ?

The person's ass that will get crushed is Comey's
My God... you are so uniformed. Let me guess. You watch Hannity. Lol

Let e guess: you're mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby.
Embarrassed to admit he watches Hannity. Too damn funny.
He should be fired, but he won't be. The New York Times no longer cares about outdated notions like journalistic ethics.
The NYT is STILL the paper of record in this country and you won't get an argument among most inCongress and sane people.
I guess you haven't heard of DeepThroat either.
"Paper of record" is a euphemism meaning "fake news."

Deplorables definition of fake news: any story that doesn't fawn over the president.
Dictators always go after the press first. How does it feel you're an accessary to that?

Fake news is virtually everything the leftwing propaganda organs publish. They have been caught lying so many times that they are assumed to be lying if they have no corroboration for legitimate (ie, rightwing) news sources. They Comey memo is the latest example.
You mean the memo he'll produce on Monday to crush Trump's ass ?
He's not going to produce any memo, pipsqueak!
He should be fired, but he won't be. The New York Times no longer cares about outdated notions like journalistic ethics.
The NYT is STILL the paper of record in this country and you won't get an argument among most inCongress and sane people.
I guess you haven't heard of DeepThroat either.
They're called the Jew York Slimes!
Only to ignorant racist motherfuckers like you.
I 'Triggered' you! Most excellent.

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