NY Times says that Trump asked Comey to stop Flynn investigation. But why are all sources anonymous?

Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!

Please post the law, you seem to have forgotten to do so.

Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

28 U.S. Code § 1361 - Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty
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Once the memo - if it exists - is produced, Trump is gone.

Care to wager your user account on that? Apparently the memo exists, but it's not as portrayed by the left.

HUH??:!! Your last sentence is ridiculous. Care to rephrase?
[if you don't know of its existence, how can you assert what's in it, is not as portrayed by others?]

It's simple. Supposedly the memo says "I hope you can let this go". Good luck impeaching Trump for that. Again, care to wager your user account on this? If Trump is impeached for this I'm gone. If not, you are.

No, I'm not going anywhere. Obviously you've never been in an executive position, I have.

The first thing I learned from my mentor, the man who ran IA before I did, was to interview & record everyone involved first, review the records, and interview everyone a second time, as well as those whose names came up during the first round. Only then decide where the evidence has taken me.
Oh, IA huh? That fits. But what law would you claim Trump broke, mr. exec.? And where was your concern when obie wanted Hillary's case closed?
Anonymous Sources = Blatant Lies and Made up Bullshit.

If you have something factual to say, then man up and prove you aren't a lying scumbag.

Chelsea "I Love Sausage" Manning committed espionage and treason, and Obama gave "IT" a pardon, and pardon my French here, but "SHE" has more "BALLS" than 99% of The Scum Sucking Liberals on this planet, because "IT, HE, SHE" had the courage to at least come out and state what "IT, HE, SHE" knew and where "IT, HE, SHE" got the information from.

Verify your claims and back up your bullshit or Shut The Fuck Up. Otherwise it's FAKE NEWS to me and most of America.
Also I am going to tell you clueless libs what is going on in "REAL AMERICA" not your Metrosexual Urban Stinkholes, where the men wear maxi pads and the women wear strapons.

I see this all the time. People are no longer watching The News. Too many fake news stories over and over. Too much hysterical hyperventilating.

You done cried wolf too many times. No one is listening anymore.

You lost the attention of hard working tax payers and now you are only preaching to a Leftist Radical Choir.

Saw it with my own eyes, my mom and dad trying to watch the news. As soon as a report came out about "Anonymous Sources" they rolled their eyes and turned the channel.

Millions of Americans are doing the same.

The Media should be focused on winning back the hearts and minds of America, and reestablishing themselves as Impartial Journalists.

Instead they act like buffoons and have sunk to a level of credibility BELOW The NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

The Media might as well start off their broadcasts with clowns pouring out of a clown car...
Comey took notes of his interaction with President Trump, or so it is claimed. Such notes are evidence, and if they were time stamped in February, President Pence seems to have gotten the gold ring.

Then we have to worry about Ayatollah Pence and his believe in holy ghosts. Good grief, where is Nixon now that we need him.

ok - i write down a bunch of stuff on paper and tell you this is what someone said.

that's suddenly proof? i'm sure to liberals and anti-trump people its more than enough. hell, trump breathing is enough for them to want him gone.

but i fail to see how handwritten notes are damning to anything or anyone and can be counted on to be the truth.

Comey: Hey Trump - remember when you said xyz... (pointing to notes)
Trump: No.

ok - so what makes it factual and actual proof? other than trump hatred which is not good enough. there's a reason lady justice is blind and people on both sides keep forgetting that little fact. the laws are not written for a single side to take advantage of - they're written for us all to follow and be held to.


so if in these notes it can be proven trump said what he wrote down, how do we know he really wrote those notes and how do we know he didn't just say what he felt like saying? suddenly comey's word is gold when to libs just a few months ago it was nails on a chalkboard.

not followed much this am on the ties here so i'll go do some reading but it will take a stretch for me to go from "notes" to "facts" just because comey said so.

Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and thus didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered
Last edited:
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.

I'm thinking in two weeks at most this will all be done and the libtards will be on something else like Melanie Trump bathes in orphan blood and. Barron eats deep fried puppies or something.
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and this didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered

That can be said about allot of things. This is nothing more then character assassination. To say there is anything more is just not true.
Comey took notes of his interaction with President Trump, or so it is claimed. Such notes are evidence, and if they were time stamped in February, President Pence seems to have gotten the gold ring.

Then we have to worry about Ayatollah Pence and his believe in holy ghosts. Good grief, where is Nixon now that we need him.

ok - i write down a bunch of stuff on paper and tell you this is what someone said.

that's suddenly proof? i'm sure to liberals and anti-trump people its more than enough. hell, trump breathing is enough for them to want him gone.

but i fail to see how handwritten notes are damning to anything or anyone and can be counted on to be the truth.

Comey: Hey Trump - remember when you said xyz... (pointing to notes)
Trump: No.

ok - so what makes it factual and actual proof? other than trump hatred which is not good enough. there's a reason lady justice is blind and people on both sides keep forgetting that little fact. the laws are not written for a single side to take advantage of - they're written for us all to follow and be held to.


so if in these notes it can be proven trump said what he wrote down, how do we know he really wrote those notes and how do we know he didn't just say what he felt like saying? suddenly comey's word is gold when to libs just a few months ago it was nails on a chalkboard.

not followed much this am on the ties here so i'll go do some reading but it will take a stretch for me to go from "notes" to "facts" just because comey said so.

Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Two things will stop an honest person, or one who is fearful of prison:
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
Now for the "breaking news": Putin is offering to turn over transcripts of Trump's talk with Russian Diplomats.
That is too funny - and yet I believe Trump's surrogates and Trump himself will accept these documents as evidence, and throw Comey under the bus once again.

Does anyone believe Putin and his diplomats will respond to a subpoena and testify under oath? Maybe, his diplomats have immunity.

This would make a very good movie, sadly it's real life and not a comedy of errors.

  • "Obstruction of Justice"

Can you imagine????

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Soooo.....wadda ya' say, you dunce.....Obama putting his thumb on the scales of justice?
Can you spell o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n?
How is obama stating what he believes in an interview obstructing justice? If you believe that is a crime then what do you think of the president having a private meeting with the director of the FBI to influence him to back off an investigation. You must be furious at Trump if your upset at Obama, right?
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.

I'm thinking in two weeks at most this will all be done and the libtards will be on something else like Melanie Trump bathes in orphan blood and. Barron eats deep fried puppies or something.
they don't keep their conspiracies or come back to clean up. they drop 'em like the turdballs they are and go pick up todays rage and act like THIS IS THE ONE that will give them what they want and scream MY PRECIOUS to the latest "conspiracy" while never remembering not long ago THEY were the ones saying "put the tin foil hat down"

guess they were saying that cause they needed to pick it up and borrow it for awhile.
ok - i write down a bunch of stuff on paper and tell you this is what someone said.

that's suddenly proof? i'm sure to liberals and anti-trump people its more than enough. hell, trump breathing is enough for them to want him gone.

but i fail to see how handwritten notes are damning to anything or anyone and can be counted on to be the truth.

Comey: Hey Trump - remember when you said xyz... (pointing to notes)
Trump: No.

ok - so what makes it factual and actual proof? other than trump hatred which is not good enough. there's a reason lady justice is blind and people on both sides keep forgetting that little fact. the laws are not written for a single side to take advantage of - they're written for us all to follow and be held to.


so if in these notes it can be proven trump said what he wrote down, how do we know he really wrote those notes and how do we know he didn't just say what he felt like saying? suddenly comey's word is gold when to libs just a few months ago it was nails on a chalkboard.

not followed much this am on the ties here so i'll go do some reading but it will take a stretch for me to go from "notes" to "facts" just because comey said so.

Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Two things will stop an honest person, or one who is fearful of prison:
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
Now for the "breaking news": Putin is offering to turn over transcripts of Trump's talk with Russian Diplomats.
That is too funny - and yet I believe Trump's surrogates and Trump himself will accept these documents as evidence, and throw Comey under the bus once again.

Does anyone believe Putin and his diplomats will respond to a subpoena and testify under oath? Maybe, his diplomats have immunity.

This would make a very good movie, sadly it's real life and not a comedy of errors.

  • "Obstruction of Justice"

Can you imagine????

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Soooo.....wadda ya' say, you dunce.....Obama putting his thumb on the scales of justice?
Can you spell o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n?
How is obama stating what he believes in an interview obstructing justice? If you believe that is a crime then what do you think of the president having a private meeting with the director of the FBI to influence him to back off an investigation. You must be furious at Trump if your upset at Obama, right?

Except that diddnt happen. Comey said so 4 times under oath and his replacement said the same last week.
ok - i write down a bunch of stuff on paper and tell you this is what someone said.

that's suddenly proof? i'm sure to liberals and anti-trump people its more than enough. hell, trump breathing is enough for them to want him gone.

but i fail to see how handwritten notes are damning to anything or anyone and can be counted on to be the truth.

Comey: Hey Trump - remember when you said xyz... (pointing to notes)
Trump: No.

ok - so what makes it factual and actual proof? other than trump hatred which is not good enough. there's a reason lady justice is blind and people on both sides keep forgetting that little fact. the laws are not written for a single side to take advantage of - they're written for us all to follow and be held to.


so if in these notes it can be proven trump said what he wrote down, how do we know he really wrote those notes and how do we know he didn't just say what he felt like saying? suddenly comey's word is gold when to libs just a few months ago it was nails on a chalkboard.

not followed much this am on the ties here so i'll go do some reading but it will take a stretch for me to go from "notes" to "facts" just because comey said so.

Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Two things will stop an honest person, or one who is fearful of prison:
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
Now for the "breaking news": Putin is offering to turn over transcripts of Trump's talk with Russian Diplomats.
That is too funny - and yet I believe Trump's surrogates and Trump himself will accept these documents as evidence, and throw Comey under the bus once again.

Does anyone believe Putin and his diplomats will respond to a subpoena and testify under oath? Maybe, his diplomats have immunity.

This would make a very good movie, sadly it's real life and not a comedy of errors.

  • "Obstruction of Justice"

Can you imagine????

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Soooo.....wadda ya' say, you dunce.....Obama putting his thumb on the scales of justice?
Can you spell o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n?
How is obama stating what he believes in an interview obstructing justice? If you believe that is a crime then what do you think of the president having a private meeting with the director of the FBI to influence him to back off an investigation. You must be furious at Trump if your upset at Obama, right?

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice?
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and this didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered

That can be said about allot of things. This is nothing more then character assassination. To say there is anything more is just not true.
Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?

If you objected to Bills meeting with Lynch you shouldn't be saying what you're saying right now. Makes you a complete hypocrite
Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Two things will stop an honest person, or one who is fearful of prison:
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
Now for the "breaking news": Putin is offering to turn over transcripts of Trump's talk with Russian Diplomats.
That is too funny - and yet I believe Trump's surrogates and Trump himself will accept these documents as evidence, and throw Comey under the bus once again.

Does anyone believe Putin and his diplomats will respond to a subpoena and testify under oath? Maybe, his diplomats have immunity.

This would make a very good movie, sadly it's real life and not a comedy of errors.

  • "Obstruction of Justice"

Can you imagine????

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Soooo.....wadda ya' say, you dunce.....Obama putting his thumb on the scales of justice?
Can you spell o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n?
How is obama stating what he believes in an interview obstructing justice? If you believe that is a crime then what do you think of the president having a private meeting with the director of the FBI to influence him to back off an investigation. You must be furious at Trump if your upset at Obama, right?

Except that diddnt happen. Comey said so 4 times under oath and his replacement said the same last week.

Just one more episode in the daily attempt to invalidate the election.
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and this didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered

That can be said about allot of things. This is nothing more then character assassination. To say there is anything more is just not true.
Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?

If you objected to Bills meeting with Lynch you shouldn't be saying what you're saying right now. Makes you a complete hypocrite

"Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?"

He did.
Notes are Documentary Evidence. It is up to the trier of facts to determine their value. Keep in mind, nearly every person indicted pleads not guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution. One factor the judge, or a jury, will consider is the veracity of the accuser and the accused.

Comey spoke out of school IMO when he gave his personal opinion about HRC, and did not limit his address to the nation on the legal decision why she was not indicted. There was no lie there, it was his personal opinion. The legal opinion was based on the work of others who concluded no crime had been committed.

Consider this, if the notes in question were written shortly after the meeting(s), and thus before Comey was fired, they would have considerably more weight than what may come of he said, he said testimony. I would expect Comey to have an executive secretary/clerk to keep track of his correspondence and notes on many issues, and especially those of a political nature.

sounds good - but handwritten notes i don't see how they can hold up in a court of law. what's to stop people from writing any note they want, true or not, and calling it evidence?

Two things will stop an honest person, or one who is fearful of prison:
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
Now for the "breaking news": Putin is offering to turn over transcripts of Trump's talk with Russian Diplomats.
That is too funny - and yet I believe Trump's surrogates and Trump himself will accept these documents as evidence, and throw Comey under the bus once again.

Does anyone believe Putin and his diplomats will respond to a subpoena and testify under oath? Maybe, his diplomats have immunity.

This would make a very good movie, sadly it's real life and not a comedy of errors.

  • "Obstruction of Justice"

Can you imagine????

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Soooo.....wadda ya' say, you dunce.....Obama putting his thumb on the scales of justice?
Can you spell o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n?
How is obama stating what he believes in an interview obstructing justice? If you believe that is a crime then what do you think of the president having a private meeting with the director of the FBI to influence him to back off an investigation. You must be furious at Trump if your upset at Obama, right?

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

Were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice?
Is your record skipping? I just addressed that and you copy and pasted your old statement. Sober up please
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and this didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered

That can be said about allot of things. This is nothing more then character assassination. To say there is anything more is just not true.
Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?

If you objected to Bills meeting with Lynch you shouldn't be saying what you're saying right now. Makes you a complete hypocrite

If there was such an attempt by Trump, Comey was obligated to report it to DoJ.

He didn't.

There wasn't.
Comey has committed 'Obstruction of Justice' plain and simple. He should have reported Trump's alleged request about Flynn back on Feb 14. Under the law Comey is required to inform the Dept of Justice of any attempts to Obstruct Justice. He didn't!
Trumps comment was inappropriate but not an order and not a direct obstruction of justice. I don't believe Comey has claimed that it was and this didn't have a responsibility to report it.

The case for obstruction is not very strong but it does exist when all factors are considered

That can be said about allot of things. This is nothing more then character assassination. To say there is anything more is just not true.
Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?

If you objected to Bills meeting with Lynch you shouldn't be saying what you're saying right now. Makes you a complete hypocrite

"Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?"

He did.
What did he do and were you cool with it?

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