NY to LA for Free: Tesla Plans Dramatic Expansion of Charger Network

It only takes a free 20 minute charge to drive for 3 hours. Most people have to take a piss stop ever 2 hours. Who the hell drives that far anyway? I have never driven across the country in my life. But hey if it can now be done for free more people might try it.

"95% of trips are less than 30 miles. More astonishingly, around 98 percent of all single-trip journeys were under 50 miles in length, with trips over 70 miles in length accounting for just one percent of all single-trip journeys." GM determined 80% drive less than 40 total miles a day. It would take all week to drain the Tesla battery at that rate so 1 weekly 20 minute stop at a free recharge station will save you $40k in 200k miles.

And what if there is four other Teslas ahead of you? That would be an eighty minute wait providing people move their asses and you still have to wait another twenty to recharge your car. I'm sure these charging stations won't have an infinite numbers of access points. Are you willing to throw the dice every time you reach a charging station (every three hours)? I'm not. My time is far more important to me, than some Feel good green technology, but I'll be sure to wave as I pass you by.

There will be more available recharge ports than gas stations had available pumps. It is cheaper to build these charging stations than a multi million dollar gas station. These charging stations don't have to deal with EPA underground tank, fuel storage, fire & spill regulations. They also don't need cash registers or attendants.

If they don't have attendants, the stations will be stolen. Like the bikes are stolen from bike share stations.

This is going to be one of those things that looks real good on paper. Not so much otherwise.
Tell me why anyone would want to steal one of these? There's no money as it is free.
$40,000, 200-Mile Electric Car From Tesla?

May 31, 2013 Zachary Shahan

Back in early April, we wrote about Elon Musk’s statement that Tesla would manufacture an affordable electric car about half the price of the Tesla Model S by 2017. At the time, questions that popped up were: Which Model S (i.e. how much, exactly)? What kind of range would it get? Is it really going to happen — should we actually trust Elon this time? And, of course, will you please, please just give me one?

Back in April, Nathan wrote: “As of now, a new Model S ranges between $70,000 and $100,000 before tax credits and rebates (such as the $7,500 federal tax credit and the $2,500 California rebate).” So, the $40,000 number definitely seems reasonable, especially if it’s offering a range of 200 miles!
Read more at $40,000, 200-Mile Electric Car From Tesla? | CleanTechnica

200 miles for under 40k within the next few years. This will probably we rechargeable in less then 20 minutes by that time.
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They don't care....they're indoctrinated by right wing media...they're Koch Suckers.

Wow...What a completely irrational, adolescent, and off topic response.

No it isn't. You know it's true....there's not a right wing meme that you fuckers don't embrace with all your being. Any innovation that gradually steers us away from fossil fuels...you hate....and it's not just you...it's your political peers too...every one of you has the same groupthink mentality.

The right wing is the equivalent of the Catholic Church executing people as heretics for saying the Earth is round and the Earth revolves.around the Sun.

Sorry, until the technology gets the same range, and power as gas motors do, you can keep your little buzz cars and shove them up your ass... They are certainly small enough to fit.
CA to NY for free. As long as you have a Tesla S and as long as you are able to go directly from charging station to charging station with no side trips.

This is clearly unworkable for anyone who thinks. What is it about the liberal mind that hears the word "free" and stops all cognition after that?

And what happens when the power goes out do to any number of unforeseen circumstances and they can't make it to the next power station? Sorry... It's gas for me.
Wow...What a completely irrational, adolescent, and off topic response.

No it isn't. You know it's true....there's not a right wing meme that you fuckers don't embrace with all your being. Any innovation that gradually steers us away from fossil fuels...you hate....and it's not just you...it's your political peers too...every one of you has the same groupthink mentality.

The right wing is the equivalent of the Catholic Church executing people as heretics for saying the Earth is round and the Earth revolves.around the Sun.

Sorry, until the technology gets the same range, and power as gas motors do, you can keep your little buzz cars and shove them up your ass... They are certainly small enough to fit.

150-300 miles for the Telsa
Full charge in 30 minutes

Double this for the volt with better and better charging technology hitting the market.

Wait another 3-4 years and you will find electric cars and hybrids being charged in 10-15 minutes. Possibly with more range!
CA to NY for free. As long as you have a Tesla S and as long as you are able to go directly from charging station to charging station with no side trips.

This is clearly unworkable for anyone who thinks. What is it about the liberal mind that hears the word "free" and stops all cognition after that?

And what happens when the power goes out do to any number of unforeseen circumstances and they can't make it to the next power station? Sorry... It's gas for me.

A lot of these powering stations are ran by solar. ;)
CA to NY for free. As long as you have a Tesla S and as long as you are able to go directly from charging station to charging station with no side trips.

This is clearly unworkable for anyone who thinks. What is it about the liberal mind that hears the word "free" and stops all cognition after that?

And what happens when the power goes out do to any number of unforeseen circumstances and they can't make it to the next power station? Sorry... It's gas for me.

A lot of these powering stations are ran by solar. ;)

That doesn't mean they are impervious to break downs, especially if they are unmanned. Maybe some disgruntled GM union worker takes a sledge hammer to it because it cost him his job.
NY to LA for Free: Tesla Plans Dramatic Expansion of Charger Network

Buy a Model S and Tesla promises that in six months you’ll be able to drive from Los Angeles to New York without paying a dime to top up your batteries.

That’s just one part of an ambitious plan to expand Tesla’s Supercharger network, a series of solar-powered charging stations that will stretch from coast to coast by next year and allow Model S owners to recharge their rides in 20 to 30 minutes. For free. Forever.

Tesla’s announcement, which Elon Musk hinted at during his talk at AllThingsD 11, is a dramatic acceleration of its initial Supercharger roll-out plan. When Tesla originally introduced the network last October, the automaker intended to line the major highways across the country with Superchargers over the course of a few years. But this new initiative ramps up that expansion considerably.

Currently, Superchargers serving the west coast are installed in parts of California and Nevada, with the east coast covered from Washington, DC to Boston. But by the end of next month, Tesla claims it will triple the number of Supercharger stations in the Golden State, along with adding new stations along the major corridors serving the northwest, connecting Vancouver, Seattle and Portland. Austin and Dallas, in Texas, and Illinois and Colorado are also on the near-term road map, including the addition of four new stations on the eastern seaboard to “provide for more convenient stopping points.”

In six months’ time, Tesla says Superchargers will “connected most of the major metro areas in the U.S. and Canada,” with expansions from Arizona to Florida, Ottawa to Montreal and throughout parts of the south, including Georgia and North and South Carolina. And within the next year, Tesla says Superchargers will cover “almost the entire population of the U.S. and Canada”, so “Model S drivers can take the ultimate road trip — whether that’s LA to New York, Vancouver to San Diego, or Montreal to Miami.”

“In addition to the expansion of the Tesla Supercharger network itself,” the automaker said in a statement, “Tesla is improving the technology behind the Tesla Supercharger to dramatically decrease the amount of time it takes to charge Model S, cutting charging time in half relative to early trials of the system.”

This new charging tech, which is currently in beta testing, claims to allow owners to add an additional three hours of drive time through a 120 kW line in “just over 20 minutes.” And in true Silicon Valley fashion, Model S owners will receive an update to their vehicle’s software this summer to implement the new fast-charging protocol.

NY to LA for Free: Tesla Plans Dramatic Expansion of Charger Network | Autopia | Wired.com


CA to NY for free. As long as you have a Tesla S and as long as you are able to go directly from charging station to charging station with no side trips.

This is clearly unworkable for anyone who thinks. What is it about the liberal mind that hears the word "free" and stops all cognition after that?

And what happens when the power goes out do to any number of unforeseen circumstances and they can't make it to the next power station? Sorry... It's gas for me.

You can't get gas when the power is out. But the Tesla charging station can stand alone & keep recharging during a blackout.
My God....the stupidity of our right wingers is astounding. They are so brainwashed by their oil addiction that even if Tesla would make a car the could travel coast to coast without charging at all...they'd still hate it.

My issue is....what good are those free charges when only a handful of people can afford the car.

That is not the case at all. Look at the number of cars on the road in that price range. There are quite a lot of them. My supervisor is planning on buying a Tesla S. It would save him over $200 a month on his commute.

Right now, you get free charging for life when you buy a Tesla. But, as they sell more, I imagine that will go away, and you will pay for the charge. Probably about 1/3 what gasoline would cost you.
And what happens when the power goes out do to any number of unforeseen circumstances and they can't make it to the next power station? Sorry... It's gas for me.

A lot of these powering stations are ran by solar. ;)

That doesn't mean they are impervious to break downs, especially if they are unmanned. Maybe some disgruntled GM union worker takes a sledge hammer to it because it cost him his job.

I suggest you get a horse. More down the line of your mentality than either an ICE or EV.
Wait a few more years is all I'll say, Elon Musk is todays Rockefeller, Steve jobs, George Westinghouse. This guy wants to make renewable energy like electric cars and private space like the grass hopper successful and visionary move forward within each of these area's. You'd think you people would support such people that advance humanity....

A person that studies this can expect within 3 years you'll be able to fill up every 50 miles all across this country, on top of the fact that the car will be able to easily go 200+ miles per charge.

Any restuarant chain that gives it any thought would be installing several of these chargers if they are near an Interstate. They could charge for the charging and people would be quite happy with that arrangement. Win-win for everybody concerned.
That is not the case at all. Look at the number of cars on the road in that price range. There are quite a lot of them. My supervisor is planning on buying a Tesla S. It would save him over $200 a month on his commute.

Right now, you get free charging for life when you buy a Tesla. But, as they sell more, I imagine that will go away, and you will pay for the charge. Probably about 1/3 what gasoline would cost you.

$200 a month.
What will his monthly payments be?
That is not the case at all. Look at the number of cars on the road in that price range. There are quite a lot of them. My supervisor is planning on buying a Tesla S. It would save him over $200 a month on his commute.

Right now, you get free charging for life when you buy a Tesla. But, as they sell more, I imagine that will go away, and you will pay for the charge. Probably about 1/3 what gasoline would cost you.

$200 a month.
What will his monthly payments be?

That's the real issue. I went in the website and for one equipped with just the larger capacity battery, Navigation and and the sound package it was like $89k. It boasts supercar performance though, so anyone who can afford that kind of vehicle and is looking for one the idea of not having to pay for gas and getting the same performance as a gas powered supercargo could be pretty attractive.

My biggest issue with electrics is the cost of purchasing one. What.needs to happen is for the price of these things to come down to.Prius levels. I can't afford the $40k for a Volt....well, I could...but it would put our budget to an uncomfortable range. A medium grade Prius $25-27k would be a lot more doable.
OK, you fellows have had your fun. Now, while you are doing your left field neener-neener, Mr. Musk is putting himself in the drivers seat for the next twenty years selling energy. You see, I'll be you get a card with your new Tesla. Then you get free energy, but you pull up with a Leaf, you can also get energy, but you will pay the going price, and be happy for it.

Now, numbers. They are the true arbitrators on new technology. Depending on where you are, time of day, ect., a full charge for an 85 kWhr battery, would cost from $4.50 to $16.50. That will get you about 265 miles at 70 mph.

Now if you are driving in town most of the time, those numbers are rather impressive. For that is where the EV really shines, and the ICE just goes glug-glug.
That is not the case at all. Look at the number of cars on the road in that price range. There are quite a lot of them. My supervisor is planning on buying a Tesla S. It would save him over $200 a month on his commute.

Right now, you get free charging for life when you buy a Tesla. But, as they sell more, I imagine that will go away, and you will pay for the charge. Probably about 1/3 what gasoline would cost you.

$200 a month.
What will his monthly payments be?

That's the real issue. I went in the website and for one equipped with just the larger capacity battery, Navigation and and the sound package it was like $89k. It boasts supercar performance though, so anyone who can afford that kind of vehicle and is looking for one the idea of not having to pay for gas and getting the same performance as a gas powered supercargo could be pretty attractive.

My biggest issue with electrics is the cost of purchasing one. What.needs to happen is for the price of these things to come down to.Prius levels. I can't afford the $40k for a Volt....well, I could...but it would put our budget to an uncomfortable range. A medium grade Prius $25-27k would be a lot more doable.

True, and I certainly cannot afford one. However, priced a new Buick SUV. $52,000+. And if you price other cars that have the performance and agility of the Tesla S, you will see that it is not overpriced. Just that most of us are not in that category.
That is not the case at all. Look at the number of cars on the road in that price range. There are quite a lot of them. My supervisor is planning on buying a Tesla S. It would save him over $200 a month on his commute.

Right now, you get free charging for life when you buy a Tesla. But, as they sell more, I imagine that will go away, and you will pay for the charge. Probably about 1/3 what gasoline would cost you.

$200 a month.
What will his monthly payments be?

Not much differant than what he pays for his Toyota Land Cruiser. Which he really has no use for.

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