NYC Cop-Killer a Muslim


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've been watching the coverage all morning and not a single mention of this has been made on FoxNews, CNN, or other internet outlets. Not one word!

And you Islam apologists can scream that this comes from Creeping Sharia, but the remainder of you check out the pictures and links.

Read the story @ Man who assassinated 2 NYPD cops spoke Arabic had picture of Koran terror verses on Facebook Creeping Sharia

Cop killer Brinsley stopped fight with panhandler, found he was “Muslim Too” @ You are being redirected...
yep , good info Longknife . I also like how most posters on other boards talk about how the murderer was mentally messed up as an excuse for why he killed the cops . Yep , no mention of the guy being muslim on the news that I've seen this morning .
The fear the media has of posting anything that might be construed as anti-Islam is incredible.
Islamists and progressives have a common goal. That is why you see the progressive shits defending Islam at every chance.
I've been watching the coverage all morning and not a single mention of this has been made on FoxNews, CNN, or other internet outlets. Not one word!

And you Islam apologists can scream that this comes from Creeping Sharia, but the remainder of you check out the pictures and links.

Read the story @ Man who assassinated 2 NYPD cops spoke Arabic had picture of Koran terror verses on Facebook Creeping Sharia

Cop killer Brinsley stopped fight with panhandler, found he was “Muslim Too” @ You are being redirected...

That was a given...
So now, the media has instigated Blacks against cops, saving the Muslims against cops (and everyone else in the US).
Islamists and progressives have a common goal. That is why you see the progressive shits defending Islam at every chance.

Islam is socialism... they are synonymous.
Firstly, have you ever read the Qoran?
Secondly, have you ever read Capital: Critique of Political Economy?
It's very ignorant to compare Islam and Socialism.
Thirdly, look at Saudi Arabia. They are capitalist and fundamental muslims (wahhabists) simultaneously.
Islamists and progressives have a common goal. That is why you see the progressive shits defending Islam at every chance.

Islam is socialism... they are synonymous.
Firstly, have you ever read the Qoran?
Secondly, have you ever read Capital: Critique of Political Economy?
It's very ignorant to compare Islam and Socialism.
Thirdly, look at Saudi Arabia. They are capitalist and fundamental muslims (wahhabists) simultaneously.
I have read the Quran, that is why I know Islam is satans religion, but that is another thread.
Islamists and progressives have a common goal. That is why you see the progressive shits defending Islam at every chance.

Islam is socialism... they are synonymous.
Firstly, have you ever read the Qoran?
Secondly, have you ever read Capital: Critique of Political Economy?
It's very ignorant to compare Islam and Socialism.
Thirdly, look at Saudi Arabia. They are capitalist and fundamental muslims (wahhabists) simultaneously.
I have read the Quran, that is why I know Islam is satans religion, but that is another thread.

1)Sooo, please, sir, tell me what satanic features have you found in Quran that you are so exited?
2)My dear friends, some of us say that Islam is similar with socialism, some of us say that it is satan religion, some of us are against islamic fundamentalists and some of us think that islamists and progressives have a common goal? Are you kidding me?
Islamists and progressives have a common goal. That is why you see the progressive shits defending Islam at every chance.

Islam is socialism... they are synonymous.

No, it's not. At its best it is a religious theocracy, at it's worst it is a totalitarian dictatorship.

I got news for you, progressives are also religious zealots that want a theocracy. They may not worship any god, but they certainly have a set of beliefs that is fanatical. They will stop at nothing to impose their beleifs on others. They cannot be reasoned with by logic, as their devotion to their beliefs is just as fanatical as an Islamist. They have already proven they are perfectly willing to take away people's personal freedoms as long as it suits their beliefs.
Thank you for the reply.

This killer took his own life because he was instructed to do so. By whom?
ISIS leadership?
Possibly. I think it was well planned, even the killer's social media comments were staged in advance to make him appear that he was acting alone. I also think he was compensated- maybe his family was promised a tidy sum. Who knows?

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