NYC Man Reportedly Brain-Dead After Random, Possibly Racially Motivated, Attack

It's too bad there wasn't someone with an AR in the crowd to zip that ******. Hell, a tazer would have worked. And why didn't passerby intervene? What a bunch of cowards.

It is NYC. Impossible.

Bloomberg's nanny-city
well, the thug said he was going to punch the next white guy out.

Of course blacks are more important and a protected class within your mind.

Not at all, I just want to know if three 20 year old white men picking on a 14 year old black kid and his friends was racially motivated.
that is not true. two were white, one was asian
One punch.

"His 92 year old mother Hedda was by his side [at the hospital, where he was declared brain dead]. She shared a Sheepshead Bay apartment with her son. He was he primary care giver."

And who will look after her? Maybe there should be a so called "race war" in this country so we an actually thin out the racists on each side. Just let them go at it.
well, the thug said he was going to punch the next white guy out.

Of course blacks are more important and a protected class within your mind.

Not at all, I just want to know if three 20 year old white men picking on a 14 year old black kid and his friends was racially motivated.

Did they indicate in any way that there was a racial motivation?
Or was there another reason?
Just caught him stealing?

Then gobshite wannabe cop came along, all mouthy and threatening, stalking the guys, threatening them ?
Given his history ov violence, I'd call it self defense!!

And given your history of rambling complete and utter bullshit, I'd call you batshit crazy.
well, the thug said he was going to punch the next white guy out.

Of course blacks are more important and a protected class within your mind.

Not at all, I just want to know if three 20 year old white men picking on a 14 year old black kid and his friends was racially motivated.

Does it have anything to do with this incident?

This guy said "The next WHITE guy that walks by...".

Is THAT racially motivated regardless of your link?

Yes it is.

I know what the guy said and I'm not questioning the motivation, but the OP is a known racist and if this had been a white guy who said "The next BLACK guy that walks by...." he would not have started this thread.
Did they indicate in any way that there was a racial motivation?
Or was there another reason?
Just caught him stealing?

Then gobshite wannabe cop came along, all mouthy and threatening, stalking the guys, threatening them ?
Given his history ov violence, I'd call it self defense!!

And given your history of rambling complete and utter bullshit, I'd call you batshit crazy.
I'd call you retarded, and a fanatical liberal.
This guy got his ass kicked for trying to play hero.
Wannabe cop loser with a violent past!!
Like George Zimmerman!!

He's a marine, dick head, and he was trying to help a father and his son who were being harassed and physically threatened by three guys bigger than they were. I wish more people would step up and try to help the helpless instead of standing there filming it on their fucking phones.
I am just wondering where the Police were? They are every where in NYC.
But hey crime is actually down in NYC. Which is why it's funny that the same people who scream about these sort of crimes, while nanny state Bloomberg has been lowering crime.

Crime is down in NYC, but seeing Police every where you go is not a good feeling either.
I am just wondering where the Police were? They are every where in NYC.
But hey crime is actually down in NYC. Which is why it's funny that the same people who scream about these sort of crimes, while nanny state Bloomberg has been lowering crime.
Violent crime still going down in city, Mayor Bloomberg says* - NY Daily News

Crime is down in NYC, but seeing Police every where you go is not a good feeling either.

Reported crime is down.
If the press don't hear about it, it never happened.

Police are everywhere on manhattan.
You wouldn't see a cop in Brooklyn after dark.
You confuse the city with the island!!

Then why is crime down in Brooklyn? And I saw quite a bit of cops when I was there. Saw them everywhere.
A cop even shot a black kid in Brooklyn while I was there.
I am just wondering where the Police were? They are every where in NYC.
But hey crime is actually down in NYC. Which is why it's funny that the same people who scream about these sort of crimes, while nanny state Bloomberg has been lowering crime.
Violent crime still going down in city, Mayor Bloomberg says* - NY Daily News

Crime is down in NYC, but seeing Police every where you go is not a good feeling either.

Reported crime is down.
If the press don't hear about it, it never happened.

Police are everywhere on manhattan.
You wouldn't see a cop in Brooklyn after dark.
You confuse the city with the island!!

Reported crime? The link I posted gives exact numbers. You are an idiot.
NYC Man Reportedly Brain-Dead After Random, Possibly Racially Motivated, Attack
CBS News ^ | September 07, 2013

NYC man reportedly brain-dead after random, possibly racially motivated, attack - CBS News

NYC Man Reportedly Brain-Dead After Random, Possibly Racially Motivated, Attack

A man allegedly went on a rampage in Union Square on Wednesday afternoon that left a complete stranger critically hurt, reports CBS New York.

Jeffrey Babbitt, a 62-year-old retired train conductor, was walking through the crowd near tables set up with chess boards when the suspect in the attack - 31-year-old Lashawn Marten - shouted a racial comment before hitting Babbitt in the head.

"He said 'The next white person who walks by, I'm going to [expletive],'" one female witness told WCBS-TV. "His fist went in and the man's head bobbed and he hit the ground and you could hear his skull hitting the ground."

The man continued his rampage before demanding to see police officers.

"He stood there and hit two more people and asked for the police to come," Michael Benson said.

Marten, who is apparently homeless, was watching people play chess in the park and reportedly complained that nobody wanted to play chess with him prior to the attack, according to 1010 WINS' Carol D'Auria.

Police are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime, according to NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Of course, in NYC no one but the criminals are armed so no one could do anything to stop him.

Yea, open fire in Union Square.
This must make you proud....ALL of you who helped in turning this case into NATIONAL race baiting hate festival...give yourselves a hand you were good useful tools and this is the finished product...


'For Trayvon' becomes theme of beatings

Clash between teen, neighborhood watchman, inspires violence against innocent
Published: 16 hours ago

The cry “For Trayvon” has become a theme in violent attacks against innocent people who happened to be in the presence of someone seeking revenge for the shooting death of Florida black teen Trayvon Martin.

It’s an alarming trend, says Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity.

“A pattern of racially motivated attacks is cause for serious concern,” he said. “And the evidence of racism is much stronger in these instances than in the Trayvon Martin case itself.”

The ebook version of “If I Had a Son,” by investigative reporter Jack Cashill, is available now. The hardcover will be available at the WND Superstore shortly.

Since Martin was killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in February 2012, there have been at least eight attacks in which the perpetrators reportedly invoked Martin’s name. Zimmerman was acquitted by a six-member, all-female jury last month that concluded he was acting in self-defense. The most recent case of violence against an innocent victim was the murder of white college student Christopher Lane in Oklahoma.

all of it here
Read more at ?For Trayvon? becomes theme of beatings
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Any lib have a theory of why this is still local news? If the roles were reversed, do you think it would be a local story given that it was even international headlines when Henry Gates got arrested at his home, then released without being charged? Obama even commented on that one. In this case, far more serious, and man is now brain dead after being beaten. Gee, libbies, limp wristers, any theories? Remember, you even ignore when certain people attack gays. How many people will you throw under the bus because facts offend you? What's it like being such spineless limp wristed pussies?
Any lib have a theory of why this is still local news? If the roles were reversed, do you think it would be a local story given that it was even international headlines when Henry Gates got arrested at his home, then released without being charged? Obama even commented on that one. In this case, far more serious, and man is now brain dead after being beaten. Gee, libbies, limp wristers, any theories? Remember, you even ignore when certain people attack gays. How many people will you throw under the bus because facts offend you? What's it like being such spineless limp wristed pussies?

The link posted in the Op is national news. ;)
Pure, manufactured hate by the Jews in Hollywood like the Weinstein brothers and that piece of shit J. Fox.

And that is just one example. They whip these monkeys into an 80 IQ frenzy.

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