NYC mayor tells illegals "New York is your home too"

NYC mayor tells illegals "New York is your home too"

as long as you are not conservative minded

Ain't not no conservative illegals none. They are all america-hating liberals who want to come here and go on welfare and screw the white man.
I'll be moving out of NYC by year end. True story.

If you live in NYC you have a problem with illegals and minorities? Lol
You must hate life every day. Of course that is what I loved about it, diversity and great food. Plus those illegals work pretty hard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
This violates Title 8 Section 1324 of the US Code which makes it a federal crime to encourage illegals to reside in america. As usual, obozo will let the mayor continue to brazenly break the law.

FEB. 10, 2014

Mayor Bill de Blasio charted a robust liberal agenda for New York City on Monday, pledging to bypass Washington to address economic and social disparities by expanding benefits for illegal immigrants and pressing for a higher local minimum wage.

In his first State of the City address, Mr. de Blasio said New York would become the largest municipality to offer identification cards to residents regardless of their legal status, making it easier for undocumented immigrants to open bank accounts, lease apartments or borrow library books.

“To all of my fellow New Yorkers who are undocumented, I say: New York City is your home, too,” Mr. de Blasio said, “and we will not force any of our residents to live their lives in the shadows.”

NYC is about to become another in a long list of "sanctuary cities".
I'm hoping this Mayor is the one to finally run Limbaugh out screaming and pulling out his hair. Maybe Limbaugh and Hannity can go together.

Hey stupid. Rush Limbaugh has not lived or worked in New York City in years.
Hannity lives on Long Island.
Such is liberal intolerance.
You people are bigoted judgmental and highly strung emoting non thinkers.
And you are hypocrites.
I read your posts.
You post shit that so God Damned stupid, one has to wonder how a person as bereft of intelligence as you can operate a computer.
I think if you and a wet paper bag had an IQ test, it would be a dead heat.
NYC mayor tells illegals "New York is your home too"

as long as you are not conservative minded

Ain't not no conservative illegals none. They are all america-hating liberals who want to come here and go on welfare and screw the white man.

Shitshisspeedos playing the 'victim' card again (not to mention continuing his long-established pattern of being an ignorant douche).
Mayor Sandinista strikes again.

Hopefully the people of NYC will realize their error in electing this far left radical, they will give him the boot in Nov 2017. One term.
Or maybe, DiBlasio will screw up and get caught doing something that will result in his ouster from office.
How is he going to prevent any residents from living in the shadows with all those tall buildings around? You see, as the earth rotates relative to its position to the sun....
I'll be moving out of NYC by year end. True story.

If you live in NYC you have a problem with illegals and minorities? Lol
You must hate life every day. Of course that is what I loved about it, diversity and great food. Plus those illegals work pretty hard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

So that's the key economic prosperity. Flood the labor market with illegals.
And your side is complaining about the shrinking middle class, jobs going to China, etc?
Mayor Sandinista strikes again.

Hopefully the people of NYC will realize their error in electing this far left radical, they will give him the boot in Nov 2017. One term.
Or maybe, DiBlasio will screw up and get caught doing something that will result in his ouster from office.

He'll probably get caught doing something stupid (like any of the things he's promised to do, for example) and still get reelected. No reason to believe New Yorkers are any brighter than the country as a whole and obama got reelected.

But ya never know, people might learn eventually.
I'll be moving out of NYC by year end. True story.

If you live in NYC you have a problem with illegals and minorities? Lol

You must hate life every day. Of course that is what I loved about it, diversity and great food. Plus those illegals work pretty hard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

So that's the key economic prosperity. Flood the labor market with illegals.

And your side is complaining about the shrinking middle class, jobs going to China, etc?


Yes, I wanted to get a job at a bodega or selling merchandise on the street.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Mayor Sandinista strikes again.

Hopefully the people of NYC will realize their error in electing this far left radical, they will give him the boot in Nov 2017. One term.
Or maybe, DiBlasio will screw up and get caught doing something that will result in his ouster from office.

I doubt that. He's got the vote of all the welfare bums plus millions of illegals who aren't supposed to vote but do. It's hopeless.

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