NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive
actually i love it because it does show COLLUSION of USA Government Officals with 'muslims' or enemies who want to kill , murder Americans and destroy the USA . Funny video , i like the flaming shoes .
Another case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome of someone infected with Mad Muslim Disease.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

If a person commits and happens to be a Muslim the only possible motive is Jihad? Any one else it would be different.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

If a person commits and happens to be a Muslim the only possible motive is Jihad? Any one else it would be different.

No one said it was the only motive. But in this case they’re ignoring the elephant in the room. Just like you.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Muslims are not allowed to have mental illness -- anything they do is because they are inherently evil because they are all muslim'ly and stuff

Even if a muslim does something good, it can be discounted because whatever good they do is just a secret plot to bring about sharia Law and destroy the world

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Muslims are not allowed to have mental illness -- anything they do is because they are inherently evil because they are all muslim'ly and stuff

Even if a muslim does something good, it can be discounted because whatever good they do is just a secret plot to bring about sharia Law and destroy the world

Take it up with the 80 million Muslim terrorists.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Muslims are not allowed to have mental illness -- anything they do is because they are inherently evil because they are all muslim'ly and stuff

Even if a muslim does something good, it can be discounted because whatever good they do is just a secret plot to bring about sharia Law and destroy the world

Take it up with the 80 million Muslim terrorists.

1.8 billion muslims in the world, 80 million are terrorists -- according to your made up stats...Why not boost that number up to 1.2 billion, who's counting anyway

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Let them in, let them in. ........ Where is your love for the pyro. Arent you willing to sacrafice your cars, family I mean this is how you prove your support for them you give up your land, country, and family to show the love.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Let them in, let them in. ........ Where is your love for the pyro. Arent you willing to sacrafice your cars, family I mean this is how you prove your support for them you give up your land, country, and family to show the love.

Well, he could have set a forest on fire and burned up 38,000 acres instead...but on the bright side, this guy has a beard, that could make him kind of muslim'ly -- and on top of that, he is in the country illegally

But he isn't the scary kind of illegal so oh well..

Man arrested for starting Colorado wildfire
muslims ARE the worldwide Problem since their invention 1400 years ago and i am happy that it is that way Biff.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Muslims are not allowed to have mental illness -- anything they do is because they are inherently evil because they are all muslim'ly and stuff

Even if a muslim does something good, it can be discounted because whatever good they do is just a secret plot to bring about sharia Law and destroy the world

Take it up with the 80 million Muslim terrorists.

1.8 billion muslims in the world, 80 million are terrorists -- according to your made up stats...Why not boost that number up to 1.2 billion, who's counting anyway

50% share terror views not necesserily terrorists.

I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?

He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.

Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.

More @ NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive

Muslims are not allowed to have mental illness -- anything they do is because they are inherently evil because they are all muslim'ly and stuff

Even if a muslim does something good, it can be discounted because whatever good they do is just a secret plot to bring about sharia Law and destroy the world

Take it up with the 80 million Muslim terrorists.

1.8 billion muslims in the world, 80 million are terrorists -- according to your made up stats...Why not boost that number up to 1.2 billion, who's counting anyway

50% share terror views not necesserily terrorists.


Guess we better exterminate them then.. and outlaw muslims in America..

That'll show em!
muslims ARE the worldwide Problem since their invention 1400 years ago and i am happy that it is that way Biff.
I am a policy person, I have no desire for these coy beat around the bush comments..

Policy wise, are we talking about extermination of all muslims? 50% of muslims? how many? --Can you at least commit to outlawing the practice of Islam in America?? Simply saying "ooohh, look at what this muslim did" -- isn't a policy
as far as muslims in America , simply stop importing MORE muslims into America . They have no RIGHT to enter the USA . Extermination , only on a basis similar to 'hiroshima' , nagasaki and 'dresden Germany and only in War Fighting and Self Defense when muslims attack from foreign lands Biff . [so , self defense Biff]
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as far as muslims in America , simply stop importing MORE muslims into America . Extermination , only on a basis similar to 'hiroshima' , nagasaki and 'dresden Germany and only in War Fighting and Self Defense Biff .
Let me guess, you will make sure to only drop these bombs on all countries that are not Saudi Arabia? correct?

So are we talking about dropping the bombs on Turkey? Iran? Jordan?

Are we going to leave out those pesky muslims Chechnya, how about Malaysia?

I like how you are so casual about committing genocide in the name of self defense -- very white of you
as far as muslims in America , simply stop importing MORE muslims into America . They have no RIGHT to enter the USA . Extermination , only on a basis similar to 'hiroshima' , nagasaki and 'dresden Germany and only in War Fighting and Self Defense when muslims attack from foreign lands and wage violent war Biff . [so , self defense Biff]
------------------------------------- can't you read , see above Biff . That being said , it was pretty neat the way that muslim arsonist shoes caught on fire eh ?? [chuckle]
our friends the Russians may eventually take care of the 'chechens' and our 'Saudi' friends may help to take care of 'iran' Biff . But the others , hey , they aren't attacking the USA from their foreign zhitholes as far as i am aware , are they Biff .

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