NYC prison protests..................

Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
The justification for it was created by the weather, something the liberal scum in NY cant control yet! lmao....
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Did the protest make the power suddenly work?
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Seeing how you know nothing about prison, when situations like that occur, the criminals are given extra clothing and blankets.
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Seeing how you know nothing about prison, when situations like that occur, the criminals are given extra clothing and blankets.
Its as if he thinks the guards like being there with no power or heat. ABikersailor is not much of a thinker. His hate blinds him from using logic.
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Seeing how you know nothing about prison, when situations like that occur, the criminals are given extra clothing and blankets.
Its as if he thinks the guards like being there with no power or heat. ABikersailor is not much of a thinker. His hate blinds him from using logic.

Wrong. I'm wondering why the prisoners in the parts of the building without heat couldn't have been transferred to other parts of the jail with heat, or to another jail?
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Seeing how you know nothing about prison, when situations like that occur, the criminals are given extra clothing and blankets.
Its as if he thinks the guards like being there with no power or heat. ABikersailor is not much of a thinker. His hate blinds him from using logic.
We had several outages when I worked in the prison. We had a huge generator but it couldn't produce all the power needed to keep thousands of people warm so we simply issued heavy coats, thermal under garments and extra blankets. Liberals can't think like that, they can only want to protest out in the freezing cold instead of acting to put a temporary fix in place until power comes back on.
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Seeing how you know nothing about prison, when situations like that occur, the criminals are given extra clothing and blankets.
Its as if he thinks the guards like being there with no power or heat. ABikersailor is not much of a thinker. His hate blinds him from using logic.

Wrong. I'm wondering why the prisoners in the parts of the building without heat couldn't have been transferred to other parts of the jail with heat, or to another jail?
Because you don't know jack squat about prison reality. Certain groups of inmates are housed together based on gang affiliations and other reasons. Only an idiot would place rival gangs in the same area.
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Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
I miss the good old days, racks, iron maidens, Judas cradles, heretic's forks, iron chairs.......... *sigh*
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.

You Texan pussies. 49 degrees with a blanket ain't shit. :tongue:
.....when I was in the military, we had to sleep on rocky ground--when we were ALLOWED to sleep
.....we were told when to eat--if you were last in line, you didn't get much time
....we slept out in the cold--no heat/etc...we wanted to build a fire one time and the PLT Sgt said negative
..etc etc
.....they should be lucky they have it as good as they do
losing power??? !!!!! what do you want?
Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
In my opinion, poor treatment would be not restoring the power as soon as possible.

God bless you always!!!

Well, apparently, during the really cold snap we just went through, a jail in NYC ended up losing power, leaving the inmates and jail workers without heat or hot water.

Protests held outside NYC correctional facility with limited heat

And, while I understand that prisoners are in jail for a reason, is that justification for the poor treatment of these inmates for the past week?
Theres a difference between being treated poorly and a natural disaster. Furthemore, why is it even necessary for me to even point out such an obvious thing? What is wrong with you?

They didn't have light, and the temps were averaging 49 degrees. They also didn't have hot water. Would YOU be able to make it a week in a concrete box, with basic prison clothing, one blanket, one sheet, where the average temp is 49 degrees?

If you or a family member or friend was in that jail, wouldn't you protest? That almost qualifies and inhumane treatment.
Are you suggesting they be released because it was temporarily uncomfortable?
The prisoners have it no worse than people have it in a natural disaster who aren't in prison. Do the prisoners have it worse than the homeless who are out in the elements?

Stop being a candy ass.

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