For Christmas the J6 Prisoners Are Raising Money for Children of General Population

They sent them to prison to silence them but only wound up multiplying their numbers.

American Gulag: For Christmas the Jan. 6 DC Prisoners Are Raising Money for the Children of General Population — Please Donate to the Children


For the last three years, The Gateway Pundit has helped J6 political prisoners raise funds for the children of prisoners in the general population of the DC jail where the Patriot Pod is located.

Rather than focusing on their own plight, the J6ers continue to think about others. In 2022, they helped raise $21,000 for Angel Tree. In 2021, $14,000 was raised.

Let’s help raise even more this Christmas.

This letter is from Jon Mellis in the Patriot Pod at the DC jail.

"I’m a J6 detainee being held in the DC jail. I’ve been locked up for nearly 3 years. I live in a pod with dozens of other J6ers that has become known as the Patriot Pod. I have seen dozens of men come through this pod on their way to prison. I’ve watched a retired NYPD officer get sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for one scuffle with a cop, and I’ve watched a man who was not even in DC on January 6, 2021, receive 22 years in prison. I have seen every race, religion, and creed come through this pod. White, black, Latino, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, gay, straight, and even transgender. We are all patriots. We J6ers have been called names like “terrorists,” “insurrectionists,” “racists,” and any other terrible lie.

Most of the men I’ve met are middle-aged, middle-class, blue-collar family men. These are good men who care about their communities. We all love to help others and volunteer for our churches, food banks, disaster relief, etc. Volunteering for a noble cause is one of my favorite things to do. Helping my immediate community brings me a satisfaction that only God can give. Most of the J6ers I’ve met feel the same way. Right now, we live in DC, and this city has become our local community. So, for the Christmas season, we want to show some support for those good people of DC who are having a tough time. I encourage everyone reading this to please help make Christmas a little brighter for them by donating to Angel Tree.

What astonishes me about this city is how the levers of power could exist so close to a desperate population living in poverty and crime. It is also quite astonishing that almost every city in America deals with the same issues: fatherless homes, gang problems, drug dealers, shootings, school-to-prison pipeline, and bad police relations. Every city in America is run by Democrats. The judges are Democrats, the Police Chiefs are Democrats, and the Mayors are Democrats. Their solution is to spend more tax dollars on growing the government as they scream that the government is systemically racist or corrupt. That doesn’t make any sense.

I am a proud Trump supporter. I am what Joe Biden calls “ultra MAGA”. I believe in the power of the people. We can make change without growing a corrupt government. For example, we J6ers have brought an amazing amount of positive change to this DC jail. Everything from changing the policy on solitary confinement to exposing the jail conditions resulted in massive changes. For example, the jail is replacing all of the plumbing for better water. The general population inmates thank us all the time. They even express their support for Donald Trump. I’d also like to mention how we J6ers have impacted the DC correctional officers. At first, they hated us. But since then, we have earned their respect, and they love working on our unit. We are the most respectful and well-behaved inmates they’ve ever seen. And we are nothing like CNN was telling them."

Peaceful J6 Protesters Enter Capitol Walking Past Welcoming Police

Who gives a fuck what they do ?
As best as I can tell, around 40.
Howja come up with that number?
What's your sourcing?

Mostly moms and pops who just followed a crowd into the building with cops waving them in.
No kidding, munkle, of poster relluc's "40" still in this imagined gulag, most of them are "moms and pops"??
How do you know that?
Who knows that other than you?

We were told on this board repeatedly they were all Antifa, or alternatively government agent provocateurs.
Yeah, I read that too.
So the plea is that J6 attackers ---who are allegedly ANTIFA and/or FBI .... need money to give to someone else's children?

I encourage you to find Jesus.

So poster 'koshergrl'..... would Jesus hit a Capitol police officer with a steel rod because he didn't like Joe Biden?
Spray him in the face with MACE?
Howja come up with that number?
What's your sourcing?

No kidding, munkle, of poster relluc's "40" still in this imagined gulag, most of them are "moms and pops"??
How do you know that?
Who knows that other than you?

Yeah, I read that too.
So the plea is that J6 attackers ---who are allegedly ANTIFA and/or FBI .... need money to give to someone else's children?

So poster 'koshergrl'..... would Jesus hit a Capitol police officer with a steel rod because he didn't like Joe Biden?
Spray him in the face with MACE?
Maybe...He scourged the money lenders at the temple...
Nobody because it didn't happen. Jesus flogged the scum. Scum sometimes get what they deserve on earth.
exactly k girl. EXACTLY what this scum deserves on earth and in the dc jail.

but if i were the devil we'd open a new wing at guantanamo just for some waterboarding fun.
exactly k girl. EXACTLY what this scum deserves on earth and in the dc jail.

but if i were the devil we'd open a new wing at guantanamo just for some waterboarding fun.
Yes you're would have called for the imprisonment, torture and death of Christ, and endorsed the nazis. I have zero doubt.
Jesus flogged the scum.

koshergurl....Jesus flogged nobody.

ps...just for fun: Sounds to me like some pigeon-farmers were at a spot where people buy pigeons. The farmers had the supply, the demand was there. Sounds like the Christianist entrepreneurship of today.
koshergurl....Jesus flogged nobody.

ps...just for fun: Sounds to me like some pigeon-farmers were at a spot where people buy pigeons. The farmers had the supply, the demand was there. Sounds like the Christianist entrepreneurship of today.
Can't keep up, it seems.
Still, we urge you to keep tryin'.

Good luck.
I caught up already. You aren't ahead, you're just tedious. No sense throwing pearls before swine. I don't waste time trying to teach tree stumps, either.
It's hard to believe that there are still people being held in DC Gulag.

Oh if you want a real exercise try to figure out how many.....As best as I can tell, around 40.
Every POS inside the Capitol should have gone the way Assley Babbitt went. Suicide by cop. We wouldn`t have to be feeding these traitorous scumbags.
"Court records state that other video footage of the incident reviewed show Mellis repeatedly striking and making stabbing motions towards the officers with the large wooden stick in hand. Mellis can also be seen attempting to strike at the officers’ necks, between their helmets and body armor."

Three of the blob supporting right wing loons claim to be worth millions. Perhaps your an fleece...err ask them.

BTW...Isn’t the blob himself supposedly worth a lot of money?
why was security so lax that day when every vip was in town with a half million at a rally after weeks of warnings from law enforcement and the refusal of 10,000 guaards?
"I caught up already."
That's so cool, gurlfriend.

Now....just who was it that your Jesus flogged?
Or, are you trying to slide away from that allegation of yours?
I'm mildly sure you can be value-added poster than evidenced to date.
Good luck.
They sent them to prison to silence them but only wound up multiplying their numbers.

American Gulag: For Christmas the Jan. 6 DC Prisoners Are Raising Money for the Children of General Population — Please Donate to the Children


For the last three years, The Gateway Pundit has helped J6 political prisoners raise funds for the children of prisoners in the general population of the DC jail where the Patriot Pod is located.

Rather than focusing on their own plight, the J6ers continue to think about others. In 2022, they helped raise $21,000 for Angel Tree. In 2021, $14,000 was raised.

Let’s help raise even more this Christmas.

This letter is from Jon Mellis in the Patriot Pod at the DC jail.

"I’m a J6 detainee being held in the DC jail. I’ve been locked up for nearly 3 years. I live in a pod with dozens of other J6ers that has become known as the Patriot Pod. I have seen dozens of men come through this pod on their way to prison. I’ve watched a retired NYPD officer get sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for one scuffle with a cop, and I’ve watched a man who was not even in DC on January 6, 2021, receive 22 years in prison. I have seen every race, religion, and creed come through this pod. White, black, Latino, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, gay, straight, and even transgender. We are all patriots. We J6ers have been called names like “terrorists,” “insurrectionists,” “racists,” and any other terrible lie.

Most of the men I’ve met are middle-aged, middle-class, blue-collar family men. These are good men who care about their communities. We all love to help others and volunteer for our churches, food banks, disaster relief, etc. Volunteering for a noble cause is one of my favorite things to do. Helping my immediate community brings me a satisfaction that only God can give. Most of the J6ers I’ve met feel the same way. Right now, we live in DC, and this city has become our local community. So, for the Christmas season, we want to show some support for those good people of DC who are having a tough time. I encourage everyone reading this to please help make Christmas a little brighter for them by donating to Angel Tree.

What astonishes me about this city is how the levers of power could exist so close to a desperate population living in poverty and crime. It is also quite astonishing that almost every city in America deals with the same issues: fatherless homes, gang problems, drug dealers, shootings, school-to-prison pipeline, and bad police relations. Every city in America is run by Democrats. The judges are Democrats, the Police Chiefs are Democrats, and the Mayors are Democrats. Their solution is to spend more tax dollars on growing the government as they scream that the government is systemically racist or corrupt. That doesn’t make any sense.

I am a proud Trump supporter. I am what Joe Biden calls “ultra MAGA”. I believe in the power of the people. We can make change without growing a corrupt government. For example, we J6ers have brought an amazing amount of positive change to this DC jail. Everything from changing the policy on solitary confinement to exposing the jail conditions resulted in massive changes. For example, the jail is replacing all of the plumbing for better water. The general population inmates thank us all the time. They even express their support for Donald Trump. I’d also like to mention how we J6ers have impacted the DC correctional officers. At first, they hated us. But since then, we have earned their respect, and they love working on our unit. We are the most respectful and well-behaved inmates they’ve ever seen. And we are nothing like CNN was telling them."

Peaceful J6 Protesters Enter Capitol Walking Past Welcoming Police

Lol, traitors call themselves patriots. What idiots.

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