NYC to pay reparations effective immediately

Will this pass court scrutiny, or be tossed out?

  • It’s so stupid and unfair, It will be upheld.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It will be struck down by every court up to the USSC

    Votes: 4 100.0%

  • Total voters
/—-/ As you all know, I’m no Biden supporter, but that little stunt was harmless and self effacing.
Yes, completely out of character for Biden, another symptom of his dementia
Yes, completely out of character for Biden, another symptom of his dementia
View attachment 1011059

He wanted to win the crowd over, they were completely silent when he and Harris walked in, some people didn't even turn around to acknowledge them. He made a bee line for my brother in law, who was wearing that hat and asked him if he could have it. They were urging him to put it on, he enjoyed the applause and recognition he got when he did so. It always boils down to ego.
He wanted to win the crowd over, they were completely silent when he and Harris walked in, some people didn't even turn around to acknowledge them. He made a bee line for my brother in law, who was wearing that hat and asked him if he could have it. They were urging him to put it on, he enjoyed the applause and recognition he got when he did so. It always boils down to ego.
I feel bad for Biden, he should be retired, biden does not know what he is doing and our politicians do nothing.

In a 100 years it would be interesting to see how history reflects on the USA's rapid decline
I feel bad for Biden, he should be retired, biden does not know what he is doing and our politicians do nothing.

In a 100 years it would be interesting to see how history reflects on the USA's rapid decline

He was very respectful to my brother in law, gave him a presidential hat to replace it when my b-i-l told him he wouldn't give it to him, but would trade it... and then he signed it for him, and shook his hand. So I'll give him credit for that at least.

It's actually quite hilarious to our family, because my b-i-l is a complete Trump supporter, he fits every stereo type that the left spews hatred about for a Trump supporter. But he's a proud man, worked hard all of his life, he has a gay grandson who has a partner, and he loves him and welcomes his partner to his home, he's not racist at all, he's welcomed black friends to his family reunions. The 'left' is so wrong on so many levels, they're just too dumb and blind to see it.
True. To owners for the loss of their property.

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty on 1868 with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars..

Cobell v Salazar was a 3.2 billion dollar settlement to Native American tribes in this century for what occurred as result of the Dawes Act of 1877. And there are many more. Unlike some whites, we don't have the bellief of we are entitled. If no one else had got reparations we would not be asking for them.

So understand this the next time one of you Republicans talk that Democratic slavery bullshit: Republicans were for reparations. In fact, Repubicans offered the first reparations proposals, Special Field Order 15 and Circular 13.
He was very respectful to my brother in law, gave him a presidential hat to replace it when my b-i-l told him he wouldn't give it to him, but would trade it... and then he signed it for him, and shook his hand. So I'll give him credit for that at least.
Sure, still out of character, Biden does have Dementia and can not lead the nation. He should be resting
Sure, still out of character, Biden does have Dementia and can not lead the nation. He should be resting

I completely agree, he was respectful to my b-i-l though at least. My b-i-l is quite the character, when he asked Biden if he would sign the presidential hat he was going to give him, he asked him if he remembered what his name is... lol and then called him an old fart.. lol Biden took it all in good grace..
I completely agree, he was respectful to my b-i-l though at least. My b-i-l is quite the character, when he asked Biden if he would sign the presidential hat he was going to give him, he asked him if he remembered what his name is... lol and then called him an old fart.. lol Biden took it all in good grace..
I dont disagree it was a nice moment.
So at least 10 generations of whites are low IQ.

Reparations are not something for nothing.
Yeah, actually it is. Blacks today, who were never slaves getting money from everyone else who never owned slaves, is getting money for nothing. How stupid are you? That's rhetorical, white guilt monkeys like you have no limit to their stupidity.

NYC to pay reparations effective immediately​

Well, NYC passed the bill and it starts now. I don’t know the details but it will be a disaster.
NYC council passes slavery reparations legislation to 'yield material solutions' from US history
NYC council passes slavery reparations legislation to 'yield material solutions' from US history
Councilmembers Crystal Hudson and Farah Louis sponsored a pair of bills to establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Commission and a reparations task force. Both bills passed on Thursday and will be effective immediately.

Between the New York based Trump lawsuits and this slavery reparations nonsense, New York has gone full retard.
Cool, fuck Nu Yawk.
From reading the article, it doesn’t say reparations will be paid immediately, it says the bill they passed, which includes a study of reparations, will start immediately.

So basically this is the dems doing another slow walk of reparations. They passed a bill to create a commission to study reparations, which will lead to a few years of information, but yield no results.

The package of legislation would establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation process on slavery within New York City (which had one of the highest rates of slave ownership in the country in the 1700s), a reparations study, informational signs at the City’s first slave market, and a taskforce to consider the creation of a 'freedom trail' commemorating abolitionist movement and Underground Railroad sites."
Yeah, actually it is. Blacks today, who were never slaves getting money from everyone else who never owned slaves, is getting money for nothing. How stupid are you? That's rhetorical, white guilt monkeys like you have no limit to their stupidity.
Since it has been explained that reparations is not just for slavery and you have been shown 2 exampes of reparations paid to group for things that happened before any of them were born that happened during the sme period, you can just STFU with this dumb ass over repeated bs argument.
Since it has been explained that reparations is not just for slavery and you have been shown 2 exampes of reparations paid to group for things that happened before any of them were born that happened during the sme period, you can just STFU with this dumb ass over repeated bs argument.
Nonsense, as always. Try harder. It is pathetic to attempt to profit off the suffering of people long dead.
So at least 10 generations of whites are low IQ.

Reparations are not something for nothing.
The money should be available to black panhandlers payable in cash from any bank in africa

Just renounce your American citizenship and the money is all yours

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