NYC's Racial Profiling Experiment is a Huge Failure


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
'Stop and Frisk': Racial Profiling and the Abuse of Power | Toronto Standard
T]he study shows that out of those stopped only 0.15 per cent resulted in firearms charges. This number stands to directly contradict Commissioner Kelly’s statements that the stops are responsible for the fall in gun crime. Also of note is the fact that out of all ethnicities stopped, white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched.

Link to the actual study:
Study suggests that if you're scared of black people, at least in NYC, you're scared of the wrong people.
Just what I glanced is bullshit. If I was reading a chart right, it looks like 9 out of 10 stops are of males. Why no complaint that the police are biased against males?

The claim "white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched" begs for some details. I don't know what part of the source PDF that claim comes from.
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Just what a glanced is bullshit. If I was reading a chart right, it looks like 9 out of 10 stops are of males. Why no complaint that the police are biased against males?

The claim "white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched" begs for some details. I don't know what part of the source PDF that claim comes from.

Maybe you should fucking learn to read, instead of just posting crap like this, which suggests you wouldn't know how to read a research study if you had a tutor helping you.
Just what a glanced is bullshit. If I was reading a chart right, it looks like 9 out of 10 stops are of males. Why no complaint that the police are biased against males?

The claim "white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched" begs for some details. I don't know what part of the source PDF that claim comes from.

what are the chances of that happening, you fucking moron?
So I should be afraid of a white dude who got a parking ticket ?

As I noticed, it's bullshit. There's a complaint that someone is more likely to be arrested at a sobriety checkpoint than from being pulled over. Well, yeah, you probably got pulled over for speeding, which normally usually doesn't result in arrest. At a check point, you're busted for drunk driving because you were driving drunk at a time and place with the most drunk drivers.

There's a complaint that Afros are more likely to be handled harshly than whites when arrested? Well, yeah, blacks are more likely to resist arrest.

I didn't find the part of the report that said whites commit more crimes but are less likely to be arrested. But, I didn't give it too much time. The crime is probably speeding, so there shouldn't be an arrest (in most cases). What I saw showed the report is classic abuse of statistics by Liberals.
But, I didn't give it too much time. The crime is probably speeding, so there shouldn't be an arrest (in most cases). What I saw showed the report is classic abuse of statistics by Liberals.

The idiocy above is what happens when you are so invested in your paradigm that you refuse to examine new information that might threaten your views. YOu're reacting off of assumptions, without even bothering to even read the inforamtion that was provided to you. THE STATISTICS IN QUESTION WERE COLLECTED BY NYPD...hardly a liberal advocacy group.

NYPD officers do very little traffic enforcement of the type you describe. In fact, NYPD beats are so small that most patrol officers WALK THEIR BEAT. As it is applied in NYC, Stop and frisk is the policy of stopping people ON THE STREET because you suspect them of criminal behavior, and searching them without placing them under arrest.

IN NYC, this policy has been advocated to reduce FIREARM and DRUG RELATED OFFENSES. In other words, police officers see people on the street who look like they may be carrying a weapon or engaged in drug trafficking, stop them, search them for illegal weapons and drugs, and if those items are found, arrest them. This policy is not about traffic enforcement.

Currently, there is a class action lawsuit occurring in NY state about the procedure, and I strongly believe that the ability of NYPD to use this "tool" will be overturned in court because of constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure. However, such processes can take a long time, and in the meantime, NYPD officers will likely continue to search around 700,000 people a year because they believe those individuals are involved in some kind of criminal act and are looking for evidence that supports that suspicion.

Unsurprisingly, NYPD officers tend to find blacks and brown people more inherently suspicious (hence, searching disproportionately higher numbers of them). The stats on actual arrest for criminal involvement, however, do not bear those suspicions out. White people, who were searched proportionally less often, had higher rates of involvement in criminal activities. Brown and black people, who were more likely to be searched, were actually significantly less likely to be arrested as a result of the search (meaning that the officer's suspicions were not justified). About 90% of the people who were stopped and frisked were guilty of NOTHING, and it is argued by many constitutional law types that these types of searches are unconstitutional.

IN short, NYPD has been engaging in EXACTLY the practice that you and the rest of the white moron posse advocate for several years now, to the tune of searching millions of people. And, as it's played out, a lot of these stop and frisks have occurred on the basis of racial profiling, with the apparent assumption that blacks and brown people are more criminally involved than white people, and thus, should be treated with special caution and suspicion. Research on the actual results of this policy show that racial profiling DOES NOT WORK, because most of the minorities who were stopped and frisked were innocent of wrongdoing.

Stop and Frisk legal definition of Stop and Frisk. Stop and Frisk synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

I've written this in hopes that other people will read this explanation, if not the entire study, because I have few hopes that you and others like you have the intellectual capacity to comprehend it. But then, you just never know.
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Just what I glanced is bullshit. If I was reading a chart right, it looks like 9 out of 10 stops are of males. Why no complaint that the police are biased against males?

The claim "white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched" begs for some details. I don't know what part of the source PDF that claim comes from.

What KIND of crime are these horrible whites committing. Ax murders or did they smuggle trans fats into the Big Apple ?
'Stop and Frisk': Racial Profiling and the Abuse of Power | Toronto Standard
T]he study shows that out of those stopped only 0.15 per cent resulted in firearms charges. This number stands to directly contradict Commissioner Kelly’s statements that the stops are responsible for the fall in gun crime. Also of note is the fact that out of all ethnicities stopped, white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched.

Link to the actual study:

The reason for it was to drop the crime rate in high crime areas.

that's what it did.

the rest is just the aclu crying like the bitches they are. NYC hasn't cared about the Constitution in a very long time.
The reason for it was to drop the crime rate in high crime areas.

Actually, it didn't. Only .15% of weapons offenses were from stop & frisks.

that's what it did.

You want to make this claim? Prove it with evidence. The study I linked to shows that the stop and frisks did not accomplish their intended goal. Further, have you considered the lunacy of undermining the constitution with the goal of preventing future crime? That's not how it works, bro. Or at least, that's now how it is supposed to work.

The 4th and 5th amendments protect against unreasonable search and seizure by governmental entities (such as law enforcement) and protect the right of an individual to due process. I don't care how law & order you are (and I'm more pro-law enforcement than most), letting law enforcement agencies flagrantly violate these constitutional protections, regardless of their goals, is frankly...anti-American.

the rest is just the aclu crying like the bitches they are. NYC hasn't cared about the Constitution in a very long time.

So, you don't care about agencies undermining constitutional protections?
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The reason for it was to drop the crime rate in high crime areas.

Actually, it didn't. Only .15% of weapons offenses were from stop & frisks.

that's what it did.

You want to make this claim? Prove it with evidence. The study I linked to shows that the stop and frisks did not accomplish their intended goal. Further, have you considered the lunacy of undermining the constitution with the goal of preventing future crime? That's not how it works, bro. Or at least, that's now how it is supposed to work.

The 4th and 5th amendments protect against unreasonable search and seizure by governmental entities (such as law enforcement) and protect the right of an individual to due process. I don't care how law & order you are (and I'm more pro-law enforcement than most), letting law enforcement agencies flagrantly violate these constitutional protections, regardless of their goals, is frankly...anti-American.

the rest is just the aclu crying like the bitches they are. NYC hasn't cared about the Constitution in a very long time.

So, you don't care about agencies undermining constitutional protections?
New York Crime Rates 1960 - 2010

Look at the second chart, it breaks it down per 100k

In 1987 violent crime =/ 1000 per
in 2010 it's =/ 390

solid evidence that it's working.

I fully support the Constitution. I will always pick the shitty results of freedom over great results of tyranny.


NYC is the liberal holy land. You can't smoke outside for krist sake.

they have extreme gun laws. They either loosen up all their anti freedom ways or suffer under the SS.

they made this bed, let them lay in it.
New York Crime Rates 1960 - 2010

Look at the second chart, it breaks it down per 100k

In 1987 violent crime =/ 1000 per
in 2010 it's =/ 390

The largest drop in NYC crime occurred well before Bloomberg was even elected, and definitely prior to when he instituted stop and frisk in 2006. Those drops are well-studied, and criminologists generally agree that these drops were caused by "broken windows" and community oriented policing strategies.

solid evidence that it's working.

Crime in New York City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a bad article about how NYC radically dropped crime rates (even though it's on Wikipedia)...but the biggest drops in crime occurred under the tenures of Dinkins and Giuliani. If you would prefer a different, more scholarly source, let me know, there are many out there.

If you look at the data on actual offenses, you'll see that the most drastic impact happened between 1987-2001. Crime rates continued to drop under Bloomberg, but under Giuliani and Dinkins, they dropped by 50% or more in most offense categories.

You can't give a Bloomberg strategy, instituted in 2006, credit for crime drops that occurred 5 years prior to the strategy. Stop and frisk didn't exist, as a strategy, during the time periods in which crime dropped the most significantly.

I fully support the Constitution. I will always pick the shitty results of freedom over great results of tyranny.

Then you should not support warrantless searches. Ever.

NYC is the liberal holy land. You can't smoke outside for krist sake. they have extreme gun laws. They either loosen up all their anti freedom ways or suffer under the SS.

they made this bed, let them lay in it.

Actually, what's going to occur in this case is that a large class action lawsuit is going to result in NYPD/NYC paying hefty fines to people who were stopped/searched without cause, and as a result of that lawsuit, policies will likely be changed.

That's one thing I like about the American system of causes financial pain to evil-doers.
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