NYPD shoots random tourists

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This si why we need gun control, to keep them out of the hands of people that shoot into crowds.

Officers fired three shots at 35-year-old Glenn Broadnax in the Saturday night confrontation a block west of the famous tourist district, hitting two women on a nearby corner in the process, a police statement said Sunday. Broadnax was walking into traffic in front of the Port Authority bus terminal, apparently trying to be hit by cars, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
He dodged police who tried to take him into custody, then mimicked shooting a gun at officers, prompting the officers to return fire with real bullets, Kelly said.
"At some time he reached into his pocket, took out his hand and simulated as if he was shooting at them," Kelly told reporters late Saturday.
Two officers fired three shots before the unarmed Broadnax was brought down with a Taser, the NYPD said. He has been charged with menacing, obstructing governmental administration, riot, criminal possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, the NYPD said in a statement issued Sunday morning. Those charges may change once he goes to court, however.

Police wound 2 bystanders near Times Square - CNN.com
The NYPD could do with serious target practice, vision review and a whole lot more common sense..

These trigger happy cops should be maximum security prison guards.
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Police use hollow-point rounds to prevent ricochets which is fine unless they are firing directly at "random tourists" which results in massive tissue loss and probable death. It's why experienced officers will rarely fire their weapons in urban areas unless they are being fired upon. It's amazing this doesn't happen more often since cops stopped going to Dunkin Doughnuts and started hitting the weights....many are now looking for trouble instead of preventing trouble and those should be checked for HGH and steroid use.
Take guns away from police & lock them away in the trunk until a judge says they can use them in an emergency after citizens have been given a chance to hide. Police have tazers they can use for every day criminals.
Take guns away from police & lock them away in the trunk until a judge says they can use them in an emergency after citizens have been given a chance to hide. Police have tazers they can use for every day criminals.

Most police departments now depend on "S.W.A.T" teams to handle spooky situations when back in the day, a couple smart officers could diffuse or end a scenario without waiting for massive backup. You can hand out all the high-tech gear you can afford to an officer with little training in how to use it and you get what you often see these days....a higher body-count waiting for the boys in the black moving van to come in and shoot everybody in sight. :cuckoo:
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