NYPD sued for forcing Muslim women to remove headscarves in arrest photos)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What a nutty age we live in . Americans of past centuries (even the 20th) would think our nation has gone crazy. I know I do. So now 2 Muslim women arrested by New York City police, are all up in arms that they were forced to remove their headscarves, for their mug shot pictures. Well, everybody else has to remove headwear for police photos, so what makes these two think they're so special ?

Answer: they are Muslims. And as such, they think that all of America is supposed to adapt TO THEM, instead of the other way around. Yup. It's another case of attempted Islamization. I wonder where Muslims get their gall. I guess its a combination of centuries of conditioning, leftist ass kissing, and simple stupidty.

NYPD sued for forcing Muslim women to remove headscarves in arrest photos
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What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’
What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’
Everything you just said is wrong.

1. Most on the right don't show ignorance regarding Islam. Actually, those on the right (especially me) have studied Islam far more than those on the left, who generally are clueless about Islam and Islamization. I have proven this repeatedly with my Islamization Quiz which leftists flunk constantly. 10% is highest grade any of them have gotten. Most got zero.

2. Anytime someone expects treatment that others don't get, that is them believing they're special.

3. Islam is not a religion, according to most people around the world, including some entire nations (ex. Italy)

4. Nobody said anything about being guilty.

5. Actually, being Muslim IS a crime. It is a violation of the Consitution's Supremacy Clause (Article 6, section 2, part 1) + a violation of the sedition law (US Code 18, Section 2384)

Supremacy Clause - Wikipedia

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
The police have a job to do.
They have to be able to identify suspects.
Head scarves disguise a person’s identity.
They will lose their case.
There are rules for conducting searches, particularly of religious groups. In New York, the guiding principle if the NY Human Right Charter and applicable laws.

Where practical ...

  • Searches should be conducted as privately as possible ... respecting the privacy of the individual.

  • Searches should be same sex (whatever sex with which the suspect identifies).

  • Respect should be giving to the religious sensibilities of the suspect.

The important thing to remember is where practical. If the suspect resists or becomes uncooperative, the law allows the use of reasonable force to ensure compliance.

Safety of the police members and duty of care to those in police custody supersede religious compliance rights. A suspect must be identifiable to the police to ensure the right person is charged. A person in custody should not be allowed to retain items with which they can do harm to themselves or others if a reasonable belief exists that they may do so.

Of course, no search without warrant may be conducted in the absence of probable cause that an offense has been or may be committed.

If this ends up in court, a judge or jury will decide if the NYPD followed their own policies and the applicable laws.
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What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’

When left wing bigots force Christians to bake them a gay wedding cake it's a 1st amendment violation.
The Police making suspects show their true identity for a booking photo is perfectly legal.
The City of course will make the argument that the hijab must be removed in order to ensure proper identification.

The women will respond that because they always wear a hijab out of the home they can still be adequately identified, and forcing them to remove the garment is a violation of religious liberty.

Needless to say, the courts will sort the issue out consistent with the law.

Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.
The City of course will make the argument that the hijab must be removed in order to ensure proper identification.

The women will respond that because they always wear a hijab out of the home they can still be adequately identified, and forcing them to remove the garment is a violation of religious liberty.

Needless to say, the courts will sort the issue out consistent with the law.

Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.

Yea, where does all of this "unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims" come from?

What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’

When did you join the right?

Silly far left drone!
What a nutty age we live in . Americans of past centuries (even the 20th) would think our nation has gone crazy. I know I do. So now 2 Muslim women arrested by New York City police, are all up in arms that they were forced to remove their headscarves, for their mug shot pictures. Well, everybody else has to remove headwear for police photos, so what makes these two think they're so special ?

Answer: they are Muslims. And as such, they think that all of America is supposed to adapt TO THEM, instead of the other way around. Yup. It's another case of attempted Islamization. I wonder where Muslims get their gall. I guess its a combination of centuries of conditioning, leftist ass kissing, and simple stupidty.

NYPD sued for forcing Muslim women to remove headscarves in arrest photos

They won't win the lawsuit. It is not Islam that requires headscarves. It is a cultural thing. So the cops were not violating freedom of religion.

Key point here: don't break the law and get arrested.
What a nutty age we live in . Americans of past centuries (even the 20th) would think our nation has gone crazy. I know I do. So now 2 Muslim women arrested by New York City police, are all up in arms that they were forced to remove their headscarves, for their mug shot pictures. Well, everybody else has to remove headwear for police photos, so what makes these two think they're so special ?

Answer: they are Muslims. And as such, they think that all of America is supposed to adapt TO THEM, instead of the other way around. Yup. It's another case of attempted Islamization. I wonder where Muslims get their gall. I guess its a combination of centuries of conditioning, leftist ass kissing, and simple stupidty.

NYPD sued for forcing Muslim women to remove headscarves in arrest photos

I underwent two craniotomies----some time ago---my head was sawed opened-----the scars remained in a gross manner-------and -------at one point I had to go to the local
municipal building---------to get in I had to remove the beanie
covering the bald spots and the scars--------CAN I SUE?
As a Muslim I actually agree with the NYPD asking them to remove their headscarf. Islam allows for you to remove your hijab for identification purposes. Islam isn't so strict that it doesn't allow room for for flexibility.

Many women look different in hijab. I wear hijab when I go to the mosque and I look different.
Even if they lose, watch the Mayor waive them having to pay court costs in order to suck up to the terrorist cells; it's an election year, and the local terrorist votes matter.
In the course of US law, I see nothing wrong or illegal about this. Considering she was arrested, totally justifiable.
Wow, you would think that they would be more than happy to take them off.

God bless you always!!!!

What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’
^^^ The Left has gone completely mad and lost all reason. I am embarassed for your foolishness.
What’s nutty is the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Seeking to defend one’s religious liberty doesn’t mean one believes he’s ‘special.’

Individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law; being arrested doesn’t mean one is ‘guilty.’

And although many rightwing bigots would like it to be the case, being Muslim isn’t a ‘crime.’
^^^ The Left has gone completely mad and lost all reason. I am embarassed for your foolishness.

They're just sociopaths who get vicarious thrills and joy from mass murders and their perpetrators, is all.
it should be a law that NYPD beat the crap out of them if they don't want to comply
these 2 are jackasses--arrested and then wanting to sue ..F them
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it should be a law that NYPD beat the crap out of them if they don't want to comply
these 2 are jackasses--arrested and them wanting to sue ..F them

the problem is not limited to Hijab rags. Muzzies are demanding "same sex doctors" too. Cities run on three
Firemen and The Hospitals. Anything that interrupts or
complicates the workings of the three-----should be taken as
a capital crime. Disruptions ENDANGER EVERYONE

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