NYC set to settle suit over making Money slim women remove hijab for mugshot photos

Silly bit of rightist outrage. Hijab doesn’t cover the face, only the hair, and this applies to all people who wear a head cover for religious reasons such as orthodox Jewish women. If the argument is you need to see their hair to identify them…what about people who shave their heads?
Silly bit of rightist outrage. Hijab doesn’t cover the face, only the hair,

False. It depends on the specific culture and how the hijab is worn.
and this applies to all people who wear a head cover for religious reasons such as orthodox Jewish women.
No. It doesn’t; except for those that cover the face.
If the argument is you need to see their hair to identify them…what about people who shave their heads?
I never suggested anything about needing to see the hair for an ID. So much for your fallacious argument.
the hijab is a sign of subservience to Muslim men


Michelle looks unhappy about it


Nancy loves it
so does Hillary


False. It depends on the specific culture and how the hijab is worn.

False. You are thinking of a niqab, a different head covering than hijab.

No. It doesn’t; except for those that cover the face.

Of course it does. It doesn’t grant any exception that allows the face to be covered, only head coverings and it isn’t specific to any one religion. There ARE other religions that mandate head coverings for women you know.

From your article:

In response to the lawsuit, New York's police department agreed in 2020 to let men and women wear head coverings during mugshots, so long as their faces could be seen.
"This settlement resulted in a positive reform for the NYPD," said Nicholas Paolucci, a spokesman for the city's law department. "The agreement carefully balances the department's respect for firmly held religious beliefs with the important law enforcement need to take arrest photos."

I never suggested anything about needing to see the hair for an ID. So much for your fallacious argument.
I don’t think I said you did, so what difference does it make if they have a hijab?
False. It depends on the specific culture and how the hijab is worn.

False. You are thinking of a niqab, a different head covering than hijab.

No. It doesn’t; except for those that cover the face.

Of course it does. It doesn’t grant any exception that allows the face to be covered, only head coverings and it isn’t specific to any one religion.

I never suggested anything about needing to see the hair for an ID. So much for your fallacious argument.
This one is too stupid to believe.

What’s the purpose of a mug shot that hides the face?

View attachment 928176
Now granted, ^ that’s a burka.

But if a Muslim woman wants to wear a hijab, some of them conceal the face, not just the hair.
Not all guys can land a fox so what's wrong with covering the ones too homely for public display?
False. You are thinking of a niqab, a different head covering than hijab.

Of course it does. It doesn’t grant any exception that allows the face to be covered, only head coverings and it isn’t specific to any one religion. There ARE other religions that mandate head coverings for women you know.

From your article:

In response to the lawsuit, New York's police department agreed in 2020 to let men and women wear head coverings during mugshots, so long as their faces could be seen.
"This settlement resulted in a positive reform for the NYPD," said Nicholas Paolucci, a spokesman for the city's law department. "The agreement carefully balances the department's respect for firmly held religious beliefs with the important law enforcement need to take arrest photos."

I don’t think I said you did, so what difference does it make if they have a hijab?
Nope. I’m thinking (as I noted in my OP) of the hijab. While it is true that they normally cover the hair and maybe the shoulder, they can also cover the face.

The "hijab" as a headscarf can come in several different types, such as an ordinary veil (which only covers the head), a niqab, a burka also known as an abayah, which covers the entire body, and any form of covering used to veil.[11] There are many styles to wear.
Don't want to take off the hijab? Then don't do things that get you arrested where you have to take it off.

That person is in America now, not some middle eastern shit hole. Here you follow rules in America, if you don't like them then don't come here.

Besides why even take a mugshot if all you're going to do is take a pic of a sheet?

This shit is ridiculous when criminals can comitt crimes then sue the cops when they get in trouble. She got rich by breaking the law, then further refusing to follow orders.
Nope. I’m thinking (as I noted in my OP) of the hijab. While it is true that they normally cover the hair and maybe the shoulder, they can also cover the face.

Well, we have contradictory information and we are both correct. That said it's a moot point since specifically stated the face has to be visible. Remind me...why the outrage?
Well, we have contradictory information and we are both correct. That said it's a moot point since specifically stated the face has to be visible. Remind me...why the outrage?
Remind me. Who says I am or have expressed any “outrage?”
As I pointed out to all, the meaning of hijab can include face covering.
You are overlooking the fact they specifically stated head coverings will be allowed as long as you can still see the face…i.e. no burkas please.

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