NYPD turn their backs to Mayor DeBlasio during press conference

Speed limits are set to protect innocent careful drivers from erratic drivers.

It's cute that you think that.

Those that aid an abet those that speed SHOULD be arrested for they are aiding and abetting those that are selfishly endangering the lives of others on the road.

So, standing on the side of the road and exercising your right to free speech is now a crime? There you go again, demonstrating how much of a big government statist fuck you are.

Seems you consider those that try to "outsmart the police as individuals doing nothing wrong.

It's cute how you seem to think that the people are inherently evil and the police are inherently the good guys. But that's to be expected from a statist fuck like you.
Speed limits are set to protect innocent careful drivers from erratic drivers.

It's cute that you think that.

Those that aid an abet those that speed SHOULD be arrested for they are aiding and abetting those that are selfishly endangering the lives of others on the road.

So, standing on the side of the road and exercising your right to free speech is now a crime? There you go again, demonstrating how much of a big government statist fuck you are.

Seems you consider those that try to "outsmart the police as individuals doing nothing wrong.

It's cute how you seem to think that the people are inherently evil and the police are inherently the good guys. But that's to be expected from a statist fuck like you.
SwimExpert said:

Speed limits are set to protect innocent careful drivers from erratic drivers.
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It's cute that you think that.

I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Those that aid an abet those that speed SHOULD be arrested for they are aiding and abetting those that are selfishly endangering the lives of others on the road.
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So, standing on the side of the road and exercising your right to free speech is now a crime? There you go again, demonstrating how much of a big government statist fuck you are.

No. They are not exercising their right to free speech. They are aiding and abetting one breaking the law. Telling a bank robber that the cops are coming is exercising your right to free speech? Really? Man, you are a sick fuck.

Seems you consider those that try to "outsmart the police as individuals doing nothing wrong.
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It's cute how you seem to think that the people are inherently evil and the police are inherently the good guys. But that's to be expected from a statist fuck like you.

Interesting how you see it that way. I never said I see people as inherently evil. I said those that aid and abet those that are breaking the law, are breaking the law themselves. And yes, I see the cops as good guys. They have never given me reason to see them otherwise.
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.
They have NEVER....EVER....showed me anything but respect during every incident.

That is not an adversarial relationship.

Except they don't show blacks any respect on any level, in fact in many cases they are stopped and arrest for nothing more than being black in the "wrong neighborhood".

This isn't a new phenomenon, this has been going on for decades and decades. When you keep trivializing what an entire race of people experience because YOU have never faced doesn't help the problem because they do face those problems. That's the reality.

I know, I know. They deserve it because they are just bad people and can obviously change their skin color.
de Blasio is an idiot, just like Holder and Obama in his undisguised efforts of promoting racial tension.

The policemen should not only show their backs to him...but their asses too!

He deserves it!
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
I lost a family member (14 year old cousin)to an erratic driver when I was 11 years old. She was crossing the street and hit by a car driving at 45 in a 25. if the driver was going 35, her chance of survival would have more than tripled. So yeah, I see speed limits as a way to save lives. Saying "it is cute you think that" is saying nothing to support your point.

Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?
Here's a better way to save lives: Teach children how to cross the street the correct way.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?

Hence an illegal NYPD procedure. And I never said I advocated for murder of black female officers or any officers but nice straw man
Actually he's not exactly blameless. Instead of supporting the police ... he sided against them. The blame here belongs to Democrats and their race-baiting lapdogs. And the media as well. Their decision to literally condemn the findings of the grand jury ... ignore the culpability of the administration ... and act as facilitator for folks like Al Sharpton ... directs a good share of the blame at them

He is blameworthy for many things. And he sucks as Mayor. What a buffoonish loser he is. NEVERTHELESS, he obviously bares zero blame for the assassination of two members of his own Police Department. The rhetoric is simply over the top when that kind of claim is leveled at him.

For siding against his own police force he is individually responsible.

Nah. He didn't actually side against them. He pontificated quite liberally trying to straddle the divide in his pc way.

. . . . Now, let me say that in Spanish,

Suffice it to say that he is an assclown. He has no business running a large city. He couldn't run a small movie theater. But unlike the rabid racist scumbag Al 'not so' Sharpton, Kaiser Wilhelm doesn't actually have metaphorical blood on his hands.
He's a politician, and was trying to appease an angry and highly volatile situation. He didn't see the murders coming, but as the mayor of the largest city in the US, maybe he should have. I sure did.

He did try to appease. And in the process he ASSumed that the Staten Island Grand Jury had somehow "gotten it wrong." My words, not his. He DID verbally seem to suggest that blacks need to be taught to fear police. There may even be a kernel of truth in that for children raised in largely black communities where SOME police officers have behaved poorly or criminally over the years.

BUT, cops in GENERAL are not the enemy. And the Grand Jury did NOT necessarily get anything wrong in their decision not to vote an indictment against the officer in the Garner case. The Grand Jurors were privy to information to which Mayor Wilhelm had NOT been privy. So the stupid twit should have been FAR more circumspect in what he chose to say.

Race-baiters and peddlers and merchants like fucking Sharpton did stir up racial animus over the Ferguson case (a NON race case) and the Staten Island case (also a NON race case) and outside agitators danced their dance. Now we see what stirring up shit with vitriolic lies can do. Metaphorical blood IS on the hands of assholes like Sharpton.

It's a sad day when IlarMeilyr Liability is the calm, rational voice of reason on the Right.
Yeah, I guess we could also teach adults to not resist arrest.

Adults should be easier to teach than children.

Maybe not in your sick world.

We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?

Hence an illegal NYPD procedure. And I never said I advocated for murder of black female officers or any officers but nice straw man
It. is. not. illegal.

It is against policy, meaning he can be punished or fired from the NYPD for using it, but he can't be prosecuted for a crime.

It's a moot point, anyway. The grand jury decided he did not use a chokehold.
We could also teach police to not use dangerous, prohibited tactics to illegally apprehend individuals who exercise their constitutional right to not tell the police what they want to know.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?

Hence an illegal NYPD procedure. And I never said I advocated for murder of black female officers or any officers but nice straw man
It. is. not. illegal.

It is against policy, meaning he can be punished or fired from the NYPD for using it, but he can't be prosecuted for a crime.

It's a moot point, anyway. The grand jury decided he did not use a chokehold.
The medical examiner revised his opinion saying there was no chokehold.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?

Hence an illegal NYPD procedure. And I never said I advocated for murder of black female officers or any officers but nice straw man
It. is. not. illegal.

It is against policy, meaning he can be punished or fired from the NYPD for using it, but he can't be prosecuted for a crime.

It's a moot point, anyway. The grand jury decided he did not use a chokehold.
The medical examiner revised his opinion saying there was no chokehold.
we don't need to.
You are still regurgitating what was already proven to be NEVER the case as it pertains yto the situation.
They were NOT asking him for information regarding a fight.
They were there to arrest him. He was warned several times earlier he would be arrested if he did not leave the front of that hair salon...and after 3 separate warnings, they came to arrest him.
His large presence in then doorway of the hair salon as well as his attraction to the homeless who were also congregating in the doorway of the salon was affecting business for the store owner.
They were doing their job.
No tacticvs were used that were prohibited.

You must be a child who does not watch the news or read newspapers.

Your version was found to be a lie weeks ago and reported as such.

Go back to your cartoons as I put you on ignore. I do not interact with ignorant children such as yourself on here. This board is for adults.

Wow, so many lies.

1. The chokehold is an ILLEGAL procedure in the NYPD. That's a fact your precious Fox News won't tell you.

2. He was doing nothing wrong but standing there. All they could have done was leave him alone and he would be alive today. But no, for a petty misdemeanor they decided "Take him down by chokehold." that's totally appropriate.

3. And that's the problem that you fail to realize. The excessive force against a person who isn't doing anything violent.

But it's doesn't matter to you. The ends justify the means. Who cares that a person's life was lost, how dare you question the infallible police officer! They are gods that shall never be questioned.

You right winger bitch about the "police state", yet black people are experiencing that as we speak but you don't care.
1. No it isn't. It's against NYPD policy. It is not illegal.

Why do you advocate for the murder of all black female police officers?

Hence an illegal NYPD procedure. And I never said I advocated for murder of black female officers or any officers but nice straw man
It. is. not. illegal.

It is against policy, meaning he can be punished or fired from the NYPD for using it, but he can't be prosecuted for a crime.

It's a moot point, anyway. The grand jury decided he did not use a chokehold.
The medical examiner revised his opinion saying there was no chokehold.

They have NEVER....EVER....showed me anything but respect during every incident.

That is not an adversarial relationship.

Except they don't show blacks any respect on any level, in fact in many cases they are stopped and arrest for nothing more than being black in the "wrong neighborhood".

This isn't a new phenomenon, this has been going on for decades and decades. When you keep trivializing what an entire race of people experience because YOU have never faced doesn't help the problem because they do face those problems. That's the reality.

I know, I know. They deserve it because they are just bad people and can obviously change their skin color.
Hey sparky...

I live in the NYC area. When there are "false arrests" and instances of "police harassment", it is posted all over facebook and Sharpton and other activists are all over it. Problem is...they are VERY few and far between.
so Sharpton, and assholes like you are forced to jump all over the few incidents that may be something and blow them up to big things.

Funny how everyone has video phones....yet no one EVER gets the videos of the alleged "police harassment" and "false arrests".

You are a tool. A loser. Blaming something that isn't there for your own failures.

That is why you will always be a failure. Own up to it pal. You are a "woe is me" failure.

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