NYPD turn their backs to Mayor DeBlasio during press conference

He is blameworthy for many things. And he sucks as Mayor. What a buffoonish loser he is. NEVERTHELESS, he obviously bares zero blame for the assassination of two members of his own Police Department. The rhetoric is simply over the top when that kind of claim is leveled at him.

For siding against his own police force he is individually responsible.

Nah. He didn't actually side against them. He pontificated quite liberally trying to straddle the divide in his pc way.

. . . . Now, let me say that in Spanish,

Suffice it to say that he is an assclown. He has no business running a large city. He couldn't run a small movie theater. But unlike the rabid racist scumbag Al 'not so' Sharpton, Kaiser Wilhelm doesn't actually have metaphorical blood on his hands.
He's a politician, and was trying to appease an angry and highly volatile situation. He didn't see the murders coming, but as the mayor of the largest city in the US, maybe he should have. I sure did.

He did try to appease. And in the process he ASSumed that the Staten Island Grand Jury had somehow "gotten it wrong." My words, not his. He DID verbally seem to suggest that blacks need to be taught to fear police. There may even be a kernel of truth in that for children raised in largely black communities where SOME police officers have behaved poorly or criminally over the years.

BUT, cops in GENERAL are not the enemy. And the Grand Jury did NOT necessarily get anything wrong in their decision not to vote an indictment against the officer in the Garner case. The Grand Jurors were privy to information to which Mayor Wilhelm had NOT been privy. So the stupid twit should have been FAR more circumspect in what he chose to say.

Race-baiters and peddlers and merchants like fucking Sharpton did stir up racial animus over the Ferguson case (a NON race case) and the Staten Island case (also a NON race case) and outside agitators danced their dance. Now we see what stirring up shit with vitriolic lies can do. Metaphorical blood IS on the hands of assholes like Sharpton.

He not only made peace-----the POSTPONED the riots until--the end of the funeral services for the two fallen
policemen -------for he's a jolly good fellow. I wonder if
Al Sharpton attended the funerals

I just saw the nut on TV news------and actually heard the words-----he is pretending everything is fine-----and this time
I watched him make that idiotic statement postponing the riots until after the dead bodies are in the ground. ------I am
remaining in my apartment for the next seven days
The notion that the Mayor or protesters are somehow 'responsible' for the deaths of the two police officers is unmitigated idiocy.
If the shoe were on the other foot (yours) you wouldn't be saying that.

not entirely unmitigated clayton-----I predict riots-----to commence just when the LEADER said they should----when
the still warm bodies of the fallen men are in the ground. The potential rioters LOVE HIM
You see how they turn tail when that shoe hits them in ass?

Remember, they blamed a woman candidate Sarah Palin for Gabby Giffords being shot because of some targets on a map...

Stop letting them get away this. It's now time to stand UP to them
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The notion that the Mayor or protesters are somehow 'responsible' for the deaths of the two police officers is unmitigated idiocy.
I agree.

The culpability lays with Obama and Holder. ...... :cool:

who lays with whom? I have just seen a report from Iraq----in which the brave mujahadeen were learning SHARIAH-----the laws which advise------of the Christians, Yazidis and Jews---you can lay with them as soon as you got them----or sell them or give them away-------one little yazidi girl described the fact that she was passed around to several different brave and holy mujahads-----a friend of hers committed suicide
I know it's difficult for you irosie but try and stay on the thread's topic. ..... :cool:
I know it's difficult for you irosie but try and stay on the thread's topic. ..... :cool:

I was responding to your post----in a general manner-----another EXAMPLE of who lays with whom. In the field of psychology---
that connection is sometimes called LOOSENING OF ASSCIATIONS
PS------for my age I have remarkably smooth skin----no wrinkles at all--------longevity tends to be hereditary----my mom is 95---
she did not have grey hair until her 70s. Her mom lived to 97 and her hair did not turn grey until she was about 80
Like rioters and looters that take advantage of civil protests, who should be arrested.. That Fox, Rush, etc call protesters, the swine. My eyes are fine.

No one should be calling names. That won't solve anything. You could take note of that, Franco. Calling people names is not nice.
My name calling is of people's politics, which are a disgrace- I notice RWers on here go personal. Many of my friends are hater dupe New BS GOP. Their greedy idiot billionaire leaders are swine, like the ones who run Fox, Beck, Rush, Heritage etc etc etc. I'm sure hater dupes are lovely people otherwise. READ SIG LAST LINE.
The notion that the Mayor or protesters are somehow 'responsible' for the deaths of the two police officers is unmitigated idiocy.
I agree.

The culpability lays with Obama and Holder. ...... :cool:

Where is Holder anyway? I thought he had the protesters' backs. Did he slip out a side door again?

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They've also told him to no longer bother showing up to Police funerals. He's been exposed for being the Communist Race-Baiter degenerate he is.

So stating the obvious truth is race baiting? That blacks get stopped more than whites? That these stops result in the harassment and death of many black people with exactly zero accountability for the bad actors that are cops.

But yeah it's totally made up and black people deserve it

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