Nyt Baghdad Bureau Chief: The White House Lied To Americans For Years About What Bad Shape Iraq Was

Obama ignores every adverse thing until he has no choice but deal with it. It's the MO of his presidency. He's too busy shooting hoops, sinking balls, and raising money to focus on much else.

What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
We're not losing. We can't loose if we don't play. When we participate in these conflicts we are doing exactly what our enemies want us to do.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?

You have not paid attention to the 300,000 Afghan Army and Police who have been bearing the brunt of the fight ing for the past two years.

The Taliban can't over-run the ANA and AFP as the IS terrorists did to the Iraqi Army and Police in Mosul and Tikrit.

We arent losing in Afghanistan. The term 'losing' is leftwing anti/war hype strengthed by right wing anti-Obama hype. And the News media reports only negative news because positive news does not sell.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

There is no opinion among experts that Kabul will ever fall to the Taliban ever again.

The Taliban are now killing mostly their fellow Muslins that reject them. Millions of girls are attending schools across the entire country in defiance of Taliban ideology. The Afghans aren't going back to 2001 ever.
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Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

If Bush's surge was a total success why did the success not hold.

Look at the way you ignorantly think. Bush's surge you consider a success until he left office. So Obama's surge under the direction of the same general will be a success through 2016. Then if it does not hold the failure goes to the next president.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

So you think a US General knows less than you:

Where have you been?

You ought to listen to our Commander in Chief:

Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan - The Washington Post

US General Says Afghan Victory Coming. - February 10, 2013 3:53 PM

US General Says Afghan Victory Coming
The Left is hell bent on blaming Iraq and ISIS on Bush. The Blame Bush Card is getting almost as tired as the Race Card. The Left yearns for the days of Saddam. The Left needs to review History and facts to see that removing Saddam and regime change was an initiative with unified support by both Democrats and Republicans well prior to Bush taking office. I never thought Saddam had a role in 9/11 but feel as strong as I did then as I do today that Saddam seeing what primitive pigs could punch US only served to embolden him. The World (UN) was against US removing Saddam because many nations were undermining US by profiting from Oil for Food. A regime change simply met no more profits. Take profits from someone, of course you are going to be hated and disliked.
The person that throws the first stone is going to be blamed for all that follows which is why a president should consider their options very carefully before launching the country into a war of choice.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

If Bush's surge was a total success why did the success not hold.

Look at the way you ignorantly think. Bush's surge you consider a success until he left office. So Obama's surge under the direction of the same general will be a success through 2016. Then if it does not hold the failure goes to the next president.
Bush win the war. Obama lost it. Pretty simple. Had Obama had the guts to negotiate the SOF we wouldn't be going back into Iraq this very minute.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

So you think a US General knows less than you:

Where have you been?

You ought to listen to our Commander in Chief:

Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan - The Washington Post

US General Says Afghan Victory Coming. - February 10, 2013 3:53 PM

US General Says Afghan Victory Coming
A SecDef trumps a general.
Robert Gates says Barack Obama lost faith in US strategy in Afghanistan - Telegraph
9788655 What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
We're not losing. We can't loose if we don't play. When we participate in these conflicts we are doing exactly what our enemies want us to do.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.
Well, I agree with part of your post. The Taliban is as strong today as it every was. The reason being the present of the US is the catalyst needed to to raise funds, recruit fighters, and fill the media with anti-American propaganda.
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
We're not losing. We can't loose if we don't play. When we participate in these conflicts we are doing exactly what our enemies want us to do.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.
Well, I agree with part of your post. The Taliban is as strong today as it every was. The reason being the present of the US is the catalyst needed to to raise funds, recruit fighters, and fill the media with anti-American propaganda.
So having our army there fighting the Taliban has made them stronger.
Is that your final answer?
The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
We're not losing. We can't loose if we don't play. When we participate in these conflicts we are doing exactly what our enemies want us to do.
ROFLMFAO!!! You really believe that crap??
The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived. As soon as we leave they'll be back in power in Kabul. This is why the US has been negotiating with them.
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.
Well, I agree with part of your post. The Taliban is as strong today as it every was. The reason being the present of the US is the catalyst needed to to raise funds, recruit fighters, and fill the media with anti-American propaganda.
So having our army there fighting the Taliban has made them stronger.
Is that your final answer?
No, I didn't say stronger. I agreed with your comment, "The Taliban is every bit as strong as the day we arrived."
Obama's surge was a total failure, as much as Bush's was a total success.

If Bush's surge was a total success why did the success not hold.

Look at the way you ignorantly think. Bush's surge you consider a success until he left office. So Obama's surge under the direction of the same general will be a success through 2016. Then if it does not hold the failure goes to the next president.
Bush win the war. Obama lost it. Pretty simple. Had Obama had the guts to negotiate the SOF we wouldn't be going back into Iraq this very minute.

When Bush negotiated the final SOFA that called for the removal of combat forces from the cities in the summer of 2009 and all troops out by the end of 2011, was there a sticking point that the Iraqis refused to budge on that stopped Bush from getting a SOFA that included the much talked about residual force? Something about immunity for our troops from Iraqi law?

Bushes invasion and occupation of Iraq is his "Humpty Dumpty"

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