Nyt Baghdad Bureau Chief: The White House Lied To Americans For Years About What Bad Shape Iraq Was

Obama wanted to cut and run in Iraq first chance he got, its no secret in 2007 he was adamant that we leave Iraq "immediately" and said so. Biden called Obama's foreign policy positions "naïve and dangerous".

And yet the bastard sold-out and agreed to play Second Fiddle to that 'naive and dangerous' world view.
Finally they've gotten rid of Booosh's a-hole Maliki- and guess who was lying about Iraq the most lol...now there's hope for change, and very few in the whole ME are for fundie terrorists after getting a load of ISIS....American boots on the ground in the ME, the Pub chickenhawk way, is always idiocy...thank god for no drama Obama and intelligence, not RW ugly American jingoist idiocy...
Finally they've gotten rid of Booosh's a-hole Maliki- and guess who was lying about Iraq the most lol...now there's hope for change, and very few in the whole ME are for fundie terrorists after getting a load of ISIS....American boots on the ground in the ME, the Pub chickenhawk way, is always idiocy...thank god for no drama Obama and intelligence, not RW ugly American jingoist idiocy...
True. Now we get LW ugly American jingoist idiocy.
Finally they've gotten rid of Booosh's a-hole Maliki- and guess who was lying about Iraq the most lol...now there's hope for change, and very few in the whole ME are for fundie terrorists after getting a load of ISIS....American boots on the ground in the ME, the Pub chickenhawk way, is always idiocy...thank god for no drama Obama and intelligence, not RW ugly American jingoist idiocy...
True. Now we get LW ugly American jingoist idiocy.
Actually, we've been begged to help by all sides but ISIS, brainwashed dingbat. Everyone but hater dupes see Obama as a centrist pragmatist. AND NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND, just airpower as asked for. Just like the good old USA before lying GOP a-holes took over...
Obama ignores every adverse thing until he has no choice but deal with it. It's the MO of his presidency. He's too busy shooting hoops, sinking balls, and raising money to focus on much else.

What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.
Finally they've gotten rid of Booosh's a-hole Maliki- and guess who was lying about Iraq the most lol...now there's hope for change, and very few in the whole ME are for fundie terrorists after getting a load of ISIS....American boots on the ground in the ME, the Pub chickenhawk way, is always idiocy...thank god for no drama Obama and intelligence, not RW ugly American jingoist idiocy...
True. Now we get LW ugly American jingoist idiocy.
Actually, we've been begged to help by all sides but ISIS, brainwashed dingbat. Everyone but hater dupes see Obama as a centrist pragmatist. AND NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND, just airpower as asked for. Just like the good old USA before lying GOP a-holes took over...

We already have boots on the ground. do you keep up with the news?
Obama ignores every adverse thing until he has no choice but deal with it. It's the MO of his presidency. He's too busy shooting hoops, sinking balls, and raising money to focus on much else.

What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
We already have boots on the ground. do you keep up with the news?

If you don't know the difference between adviser boots and combat boots why are you even commenting on the subject.

And 'combat trained and ready troops' do act in an advisory role at times, but in this case the boots on the ground are limited to an advisory role and not directly engaging the enemy themselves. The troops they advise engage the enemy. Air Force pilots are not considered 'boots on the ground' either. .
Obama wanted to cut and run in Iraq first chance he got, its no secret in 2007 he was adamant that we leave Iraq "immediately" and said so. Biden called Obama's foreign policy positions "naïve and dangerous".
The hell he did. That was Palin lol, queen of the hater dupes...

You people have Palin on the brain. Do you deny Biden called Obama's foreign policy on both Iran and Pakistan "naïve"? Please don't embarrass yourself further its on video tape. As is Biden saying Obama's foreign policy shows inexperience. Clinton called Obama's foreign policy “irresponsible and frankly naïve
Obama wanted to cut and run in Iraq first chance he got, its no secret in 2007 he was adamant that we leave Iraq "immediately" and said so. Biden called Obama's foreign policy positions "naïve and dangerous".
The hell he did. That was Palin lol, queen of the hater dupes...

You people have Palin on the brain. Do you deny Biden called Obama's foreign policy on both Iran and Pakistan "naïve"? Please don't embarrass yourself further its on video tape. As is Biden saying Obama's foreign policy shows inexperience. Clinton called Obama's foreign policy “irresponsible and frankly naïve
Let's see the link, brainwashed functional SHYTTEHEAD.
Finally they've gotten rid of Booosh's a-hole Maliki- and guess who was lying about Iraq the most lol...now there's hope for change, and very few in the whole ME are for fundie terrorists after getting a load of ISIS....American boots on the ground in the ME, the Pub chickenhawk way, is always idiocy...thank god for no drama Obama and intelligence, not RW ugly American jingoist idiocy...
True. Now we get LW ugly American jingoist idiocy.
Actually, we've been begged to help by all sides but ISIS, brainwashed dingbat. Everyone but hater dupes see Obama as a centrist pragmatist. AND NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND, just airpower as asked for. Just like the good old USA before lying GOP a-holes took over...

We already have boots on the ground. do you keep up with the news?
Probably not.

Francis is far too busy boring everyone with his repetitive 'hater-dupes' and 'pub-dupes' tag-lines.

It stopped being 'cute' after the 10,000th time or so...

Frannie is gonna have to shell out some money for somebody to write some new material for her...
Obama wanted to cut and run in Iraq first chance he got, its no secret in 2007 he was adamant that we leave Iraq "immediately" and said so. Biden called Obama's foreign policy positions "naïve and dangerous".
The hell he did. That was Palin lol, queen of the hater dupes...

You people have Palin on the brain. Do you deny Biden called Obama's foreign policy on both Iran and Pakistan "naïve"? Please don't embarrass yourself further its on video tape. As is Biden saying Obama's foreign policy shows inexperience. Clinton called Obama's foreign policy “irresponsible and frankly naïve
Let's see the link, brainwashed functional SHYTTEHEAD.

Calm down its only the internet.
Obama wanted to cut and run in Iraq first chance he got, its no secret in 2007 he was adamant that we leave Iraq "immediately" and said so. Biden called Obama's foreign policy positions "naïve and dangerous".
If we had stayed in Iraq, ISIS would have still invaded. They want a confrontation with US. Why do think there're beheading Americans? The American military is the catalysis they need to draw more support. Had we stayed in Iraq we would have more dead and maimed American soldiers and a public demanding we get the hell out..

US air power, military advisers, aid to Iraq, and a coalition of nations working to de-fund ISIS is what is needed, not thousands of US troops. 75% of Americans don't want to see American troops in Iraq. Republicans are pushing Obama to get back into Iraq because they know they can use it against him in the midterm elections.
Obama ignores every adverse thing until he has no choice but deal with it. It's the MO of his presidency. He's too busy shooting hoops, sinking balls, and raising money to focus on much else.

What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
Obama ignores every adverse thing until he has no choice but deal with it. It's the MO of his presidency. He's too busy shooting hoops, sinking balls, and raising money to focus on much else.

What was ignored when he tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and reversed the Taliban's momentum after six years of endless drift under Bush?
The fact that we were losing.

The fact that the US had been losing in Afghanistan for five years under Bush's command is precisely why Obama tripled the number of troops and turned the whole lost war around. Petraeus will tell you that. Obama ignored nothing in Afghanistan from the first days in office until now. Obama has ignored nothing in Iraq. Its right wing bs that Obama should take orders from the likes of Maliki as Bush had to kiss his ass for the last two years he was in office. If you want to call Obama's position on Maliki 'ignoring' him - then that was the right thing to do. Now he's gone. And Iraq will be better off for it.
If Obama turned the war around why are we losing?
We're not losing. We can't loose if we don't play. When we participate in these conflicts we are doing exactly what our enemies want us to do.
While far less egregious than George W. Bush’s errors, Obama’s have been egregious enough. By ignoring Iraq, and refusing to defend democratic principles there, he has helped spawn the disaster we see today.

It’s time people who aren’t Republican operatives began saying so.

We got into this mess because we took a brutal but strong dictatorship and turned it into a weak democratic republic. It was a huge mistake from the beginning.

Taking the troops out of Iraq was the right thing to do as is staying out. The best thing we can do is support the Iraqi government with air strikes, weapons, training, and intelligence. In the end, Iraq must defend itself or collapse.

Yes the Bush invasion an occupation was the original strategic blunder that started the whole mess but the Atlantic article cited in the OP offers several other ways President Obama failed to act against Maliki's actions prior to our troops departure.
Perhaps Obama put what was good for America ahead of what was good for Iraq, a point everyone should be able to agree on.
The Left is hell bent on blaming Iraq and ISIS on Bush. The Blame Bush Card is getting almost as tired as the Race Card. The Left yearns for the days of Saddam. The Left needs to review History and facts to see that removing Saddam and regime change was an initiative with unified support by both Democrats and Republicans well prior to Bush taking office. I never thought Saddam had a role in 9/11 but feel as strong as I did then as I do today that Saddam seeing what primitive pigs could punch US only served to embolden him. The World (UN) was against US removing Saddam because many nations were undermining US by profiting from Oil for Food. A regime change simply met no more profits. Take profits from someone, of course you are going to be hated and disliked.

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