NYT Breaking — John Durham seeks spygate indictment of Hillary Clinton lawyer…

Saw this last night. This may blow up in Trump's face spectacularly. Because it looks like in the gathering of evidence, Durham may have unintentionally uncovered a real link between the Trump campaign and a Russian bank...LOL. Whoops. This is why I like Rachael Maddow. She explains things in detail. Something you won't get from your alt-right publication. Apparently the statute of limitations is running out at the end of the week. That's why all the activity.

But you hold on to hope. Any day now.
You are partly right. The Durham probe uncovered Michael Sussman's phony link between Trump and that German bank.
Durham seeks indictment against lawyer at Steele dossier-linked law firm over Alfa Bank matter: Report. Now Sussman is facing prosecution. It sure blew up spectacularly.
Glad to see some of the Obamagate gang members and their attempt coup coming to justice.

Just the tip of the iceberg, these folks will start turning on their "bosses"
Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....
Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....Any day now....
That appears to be the case, according to the article
Which didn't happen. That was brought up during Maddow's segment last night. The best Durham can hope for here is a conflict of interest catch on the lawyer.
But even that's pretty thin. Everything that happened to Trump was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Why? Because, he was incompetent and fundamentally corrupt.
You don't get an indictment for "conflict of interest"

I don't disagree with you about Trump, he made, and well a lot of the country made, a horrible choice thinking we could trust the holdovers from the Obama admin. Obviously, we couldn't
Which didn't happen. That was brought up during Maddow's segment last night. The best Durham can hope for here is a conflict of interest catch on the lawyer.
But even that's pretty thin. Everything that happened to Trump was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Why? Because, he was incompetent and fundamentally corrupt.
Why complicate your position and confuse others of your ilk?

Just stick with orange man bad....then no one can challenge your fallacious rumifications.
Why complicate your position and confuse others of your ilk?

Just stick with orange man bad....then no one can challenge your fallacious rumifications.
Don't care about the orange man. Orange Man done. Orange Man gone.
I just like to see that his supporters such as you as continuing to rub your palms together with glee and deluding yourself that
there's some kind of grand conspiracy that's about to be revealed...when there isn't. It brings a smile to my face. :)
Saw this last night. This may blow up in Trump's face spectacularly. Because it looks like in the gathering of evidence, Durham may have unintentionally uncovered a real link between the Trump campaign and a Russian bank...LOL. Whoops. This is why I like Rachael Maddow. She explains things in detail. Something you won't get from your alt-right publication. Apparently the statute of limitations is running out at the end of the week. That's why all the activity.

But you hold on to hope. Any day now.
Maddow is a head case, and spin shit---you are very silly to trust her. She has an agenda and she is manipulative.
Which didn't happen. That was brought up during Maddow's segment last night. The best Durham can hope for here is a conflict of interest catch on the lawyer.
But even that's pretty thin. Everything that happened to Trump was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Why? Because, he was incompetent and fundamentally corrupt.

You're a shrill little liar.

No one give a fuck about Madcow, not us, not her 10 viewers.

The SUBJECT is the indictment of a Clinton lawyer involved in the attempted coup.

If you want to vomit out your conspiracy theory idiocy, start a thread in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

The reality is you are melting down and throwing a tantrum to try to distract from facts that expose your filthy Reich.
Everything that happened to Trump was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Why? Because, he was incompetent and fundamentally corrupt.
yet, the democrats had to cheat to steal the election and have yet to find anything corrupt. Impeachments, the muellor investigation, and you got is nothing, yet trump is fundamentally corrupt.

Now, someone like Biden, that is a democrat that is fundamentally corrupt.
yet, the democrats had to cheat to steal the election and have yet to find anything corrupt. Impeachments, the muellor investigation, and you got is nothing, yet trump is fundamentally corrupt.

Now, someone like Biden, that is a democrat that is fundamentally corrupt.
Meuller indicted 34 people. Yes Trump is corrupt.
Meuller indicted 34 people. Yes Trump is corrupt.
Indicted? American Marxism hard at work, now all the Democrats have to do is accuse somebody and they are guilty.

No trail, just accuse, and they are guilty.

History always repeats itself.
Indicted? American Marxism hard at work, now all the Democrats have to do is accuse somebody and they are guilty.

No trail, just accuse, and they are guilty.

History always repeats itself.
Trump`s campaign manager and personal lawyer spent last Christmas in jail and some of his other goons were pardoned. You really don`t know anything obviously.
Well, in addition to the Trump Tower meeting (we know it was about adoption..wink :)),. . .

Regarding the Durham investigation, the story of a "Trump Tower meeting" that you should be on the lookout for is one I can gurantee Rachael Maddow has never spoken of (on the air), the one that happened on November 17, 2016.

That's the day that the guy who discovered the Obama FBI's illegal mining and harvesting of NSA data . . .

That's the day that the guy who informed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of the illegal mining and harvesting of NSA data . . .

That's the day that the guy who discovered the FBI gave unfettered access to the NSA databases to a "private contractor" and then who ordered it stopped on April 18, 2016 . . .

That's the day that the guy who did all that, went, in 'white hat' frustration, to Trump Tower and told Trump about the spying that had been done on him and that it was ongoing and Trump abandoned Trump Tower the next day and moved transition work to Bedminster . . .

That guy was Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, who it has been known is assisting Durham.

Which didn't happen. That was brought up during Maddow's segment last night. The best Durham can hope for here is a conflict of interest catch on the lawyer.

Sussman is the easy thread that is getting pulled first, it will unravel -most- of the corruption because Sussman was an octopus that had tentacles in many aspects of it.

The general framework of the Chicago Thugocray's "spying" and surrounding criminality has been known since before the 2016 election and we have a non-political document that lays it out and tells us the criminality dates back to 2012 (remember the IRS targeting scandal?) . . .

You could scan pages 81 -86 of the first Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court's orders pertaining to the Obama FBI's illegal mining of the NSA database and harvesting of private information on US Citizens:


Of course that isn't a charging document, it only explains facts the FISA court discovered / learned and ordered the Obama FBI to stop the data mining and harvesting and abuses of US citizen's rights (which of course the Obama admin. ignored).

Again, that spying on political opponents dates back to 2012, sped up when Trump became a candidate, went into hyper-drive when he became the presumptive nominee and then warp-speed as the election approached . . . And then disintegrated into panic and desperation when Trump won . . .

After months of harvesting and weaponizing raw NSA data on Trump and associates, by Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, Mary Jacobs and Nellie Ohr, it was then piped into the FBI's Counterintelligence Division through Agent Peter Strzok, DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr (husband of Nellie, a Fusion GPS employee), and DOJ/FBI lawyer Lisa Page. That information was hoped to be massaged and refined to become the “insurance policy” in case Trump won, to further the "Russia Collusion" hoax.

Once Trump won, panic set in. The Russia Hoax was nothing more than an elaborate cover-up for the illegal spying. They needed a FISA warrant on somebody, anybody in the Trump orbit because that would give the FBI an 18 month look back and the two-hop rule and could put, retroactively, put all the illegal spying on Trump under the "legal" umbrella of a secret FISA warrant.

By hook, crook, forgery and lying they got their warrant on Carter Page. That warrant got them the authority to examine the communications of Page and everyone Page talked, texted, emailed with and everyone they talked, texted and emailed, looking back 18 months and then they kept misrepresenting and lying to obtain renewals for that warrant -- IOW, the conspricy exended past the origination, the inception, so, about that "statute of limitations" expiring soon . . .

Understand what the the "two-hop rule" does . . . If Page talked to 200 people in that 18 months, and then those people talked to 200 people, that brings upwards of 40,000 people under the umbrella of that SECRET FISA warrant. That's why they needed that warrant on a Trump "insider" . . .

Understand, this all goes right into the Oval Office . . . Susan Rice and Samantha Powers and Ben Rhodes are neck deep They were central in the FISA §702(16)(17) abuse of NSA data-- AKA "unmasking" and the regular inclusion of illegally harvested information in Obama's Presidential Daily Briefing so it could be disseminated and weaponized within the thugocracy for political purposes in the most secure, "eyes only" manner. Understand, that was going on for years before Trump came on the scene. Hello Justice John Roberts!

Oh yeah, Sussman, almost forgot!

So when Admiral Rogers stopped "private contractor" access to the FBI's NSA database on April 18, 2016, Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, rushed to the White House the next day and spent 14 hours there.

By the end of April of '16, a week and a half after that White House confab, Fusion GPS was in the employ of the HRC campaign and the DNC, no doubt with Terabytes of pilfered NSA data, a deal brokered by a Perkins-Coie lawyer that was working for the HRC campaign and the DNC by the name of Michael Sussman . . . Who lied to the FBI, telling them he was not working for any client that had any interest in the information he was providing, while billing the HRC campaign for the time he was talking with the FBI.

Yeah, you keep waiting for Rachael Maddow to give you the latest news!

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Saw this last night. This may blow up in Trump's face spectacularly. Because it looks like in the gathering of evidence, Durham may have unintentionally uncovered a real link between the Trump campaign and a Russian bank...LOL. Whoops. This is why I like Rachael Maddow. She explains things in detail. Something you won't get from your alt-right publication. Apparently the statute of limitations is running out at the end of the week. That's why all the activity.

But you hold on to hope. Any day now.
Did they release Trump's tax returns too????
Regarding the Durham investigation, the story of a "Trump Tower meeting" that you should be on the lookout for is one I can gurantee Rachael Maddow has never spoken of (on the air), the one that happened on November 17, 2016.

That's the day that the guy who discovered the Obama FBI's illegal mining and harvesting of NSA data . . .

That's the day that the guy who informed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of the illegal mining and harvesting of NSA data . . .

That's the day that the guy who discovered the FBI gave unfettered access to the NSA databases to a "private contractor" and then who ordered it stopped on April 18, 2016 . . .

That's the day that the guy who did all that, went, in 'white hat' frustration, to Trump Tower and told Trump about the spying that had been done on him and that it was ongoing and Trump abandoned Trump Tower the next day and moved transition work to Bedminster . . .

That guy was Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, who it has been known is assisting Durham.

No, the Trump Tower meeting I am referring to occurred on June 9, 2016. And it was an attempt by the Trump campaign to lay their hands on stolen emails. Not about adoption. I think we can flush that turd now. Textbook collusion. :)
Durham's investigation is a snipe hunt. He's already put in more time and spent more money than Mueller did...and Mueller at least got Manafort to freight most of the bill for his work. Whoop-de-doo, you might get Sussman on a conflict of interest charge. That was so worth it...not.

Look, I get it. You believe your savior was the victim of some vast, grand conspiracy, when the fact of the matter, he and the people he surrounded himself with were deemed national security threats. It's not like he's some crucified, tortured soul who has the world against him. He did everything to himself. That's because, at his core, 1) He's fundamentally corrupt. 2) He's a moron. No self-awareness. No capacity for introspection. He was/is a textbook narcissist.

And I love he's dragging the Republican party down with him.

Durham's Excellent Adventure will end with a giant whimper.

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