NYT serious headline....."With 200 LGBT Candidates, Advocates Hope for a ‘Rainbow Wave’ in November"

I don’t care about sexuality of candidates. All that matters is they serve their country and constituents with honor.
Are they all out of the CLOSET, or are they hiding in the CLOSET like QUEER-O???

You showed no evidence of Obama being gay.
Libtards don't accept evidence.

Not only did Joan Rivers "spill the beans" before QUEER-O had her offed for doing so, but Sly has also "let the cat out of the bag" so to say...

There are also more dead bodies than just Joan Rivers. There is the blogger who started to collect all the evidence of QUEER-O's stay in the CLOSET....

One of America's most notorious fake news writers found dead age 38

and, of course, if you tell the truth about QUEER-O, that's "fake news" until you get offed and it shuts itself up....

And QUEER-O used to take it up the rear from Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster, who also ended up DEAD....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out"

So, yeah, there is plenty of real evidence of QUEER-O being gay...

Now about Michelle's adam's apple.....

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