Oaklands lawsuit against Raiders heating up.

tomorrow is a huge day for oakland

*As a reminder, Rob's goal is to get the Oakland City Council to Move Forward with this Next Step. The media always asks about forcing the team to stay here. We dont care about the current Upper management of the Raiders. We care about our "Oakland Raider identity". Being a Professional, State Assemblyman and lawyer, Rob Made it clear "This scenario can present many possibilities " that the City of Oakland needs to pursue. Money damages alone can cripple the Oakland Raiders and NFL's efforts. Read between the lines.There is always more behind the scenes then whats projected on TV thru the media.
*Make no mistake about it, the Citizen Driven initiaitve is providing a " Gift " that serves both the "Money Damages for our Politicians and Tax payers as well as serves the Community by Protecting our Identity". Damages, Name and Colors is our Pursuit.!!!!
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) released its updated visitor statistics just moments ago, today, and they report the continuance of a bad trend: visitors to Las Vegas down again for the 10th month in a row compared to the previous year.

In this case, Las Vegas, Mesquite, and Laughlin hotels that comprise the LVCVA report total visitors down by -.09 percent: 3,749,800 for March 2018 versus 3,783,900 for March 2017. The main cause of the reduction was what the LVCVA reported as the loss of 129,000 convention goers due to the “rotation out” of the Con Expo / Con Agg event.

But even if the loss of those 129,000 convention attendees was added back in to the total number of convention goers, thus bringing that total from 652,400 to 781,400, that would put 2018 over 2017 by 24,000 visitors, yet not be enough to make March 2018 better than March 2017: it's still down by 10,000 visitors. But why, you may ask, is all of this important with respect to the stadium bonds?

The public side of the financing for the Raiders / UNLV stadium is the much-talked-about $750 million bond issue. It's a financial instrument designed such that a special hotel stadium tax was approved by the Nevada Legislature and signed into law by Govenor Brian Sandoval October 16th 2016. For over a year, I've told anyone who would even not listen that the tax rate approved by the Nevada Legislature of 88 100ths of 1 percent is not large enough to bring in enough money to retire the monthly bond debt service for that $750 million.

Toi get around the problem of the too small tax rate, the consultants to the Southern Nevada Tourism and Infrastructure Committee, or “SNTIC”, that formed the large and detailed set of recommendations that became what's called “Senate Bill One”, formed a plan to collect stadium money for two years before bonds were actually floated. Then, they reduced the size of the actual bond issue from $750 milllion to $650 million. I argued that was still too small – one of the SNTIC consultants told me I didn't know what I was talking about. (As a note, that was not Guy Hobbs, who's as class an act as you're going to find in this business.)

The problem is that when the actual monthly revenue from the hotel stadium tax came in, it wasnt' even enough to cover what's called a “level monthly debt service” (where the monthly debt service remains the same through the 30-year tax collection period). In anticipation of this problem, the SNTIC Consultants made the monthly debt service not level: it starts out lower than the average, and then increases to a point where, about 15 years down the road, it is higher than the average. But the bottom line remains: because there's not enough money being collected, the tax shortfall problem is effectively kicked down the road.

The more this visitor problem continues, the closer Clark County comes to having the stadium bond tax revenue need be so great it calls for using tax dollars from the Clark County General Fund. At this rate, that Clark County taxpayer money will be used will happen – it's just a matter of when. For the present, it's also clear that the March 2018 revenue from the hotel stadium tax will be less than the $5.015 million of 2017, it's just a matter of how much less. March of 2017 marked the best year for revenue collected from the tax in the short history of the stadium project. Three months later, the beginning of what has to be called a long-term economic problem started.

From June 2017 to March of 2018 there has been an unbroken string from 10 months of decline in hotel vistation rates for Las Vegas – a problem not seen since the great recession. The problem causing this for Las Vegas are generally seen as a combination of the following: the development of casino resort alternatives in America and China, the rise of Internet gambling, and the constantly increasing Las Vegas Strip hotel room resort fees, as well as the high room charges levied during big conventions, like CES Las Vegas.

All of that combined with high housing costs in California (the number one source of tourists for Las Vegas) and a metropolitan population still a million short of where it needs to be contributes to this problem where Las Vegas hotel visitor rates are on the decline.

Some Las Vegas economists argue that new hotel resorts will dig the region out of the problem. But there are also hotel closures, too. In the end, the number of new hotel rooms will not be enough to offset what is a glacial trend. It's took over Reno, and is due to take over Las Vegas, too: the decline of Nevada's rule over the casino tourism industry.

And the Raiders are trapped in the middle of it.

Stay tuned.

this is a MAJOR thorn l in the foot for the Raiders to go to vegas the fact they are counting on tourism dollars to fund the stadium.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:

Incredible that people here STILL think the raiders are going to vegas.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

So The Oakland Raiders don't want people on social media see their lack of progress in Las Vegas?

Umm.. I believe as long as no one is on their property the public has a right to take photos or videos and post them on social media.

So continue parking your non working cranes in the same spot and moving around dirt like you are actually working.

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so far all this time a lot of people have said it was just all TALK that the Raiders were going to sue mark davis and the NFL which is true it was but the difference between the posters that have come on here and said its just all talk and obviously did not think there would ever be any action is where the difference is between THEM and me. i MYSELF knew that oakland wanted to cross all their tees and do the I's before they went ahead with it to make sure they had covered everything to make sure they win the lawsuit so unlike everybody else here,i KNEW the lawsuit WAS going to come eventually.unlike everyone else i did not have any doubts.

well the cat is out of the bag,it really is getting ready to happen now.,its official.watch the video and see for yourself.

Once the lawsuit gets going,its game over for the Raiders and the NFL. some people here obviously dont want them to stay in oakland the fact they ignore facts that this lawyer has been krptonite against the NFL in years past and has won EVERY case against them and does not take a case like this if he is not sure he will win.

lots of people here obviously have reading comprehension problems the fact this facts always goes ignored and pretends never posted this fact about this attorney.:rolleyes:

like the guy said in the video,the lawsuit just hasnt been filed yet is WHY people here think its a done deal the raiders are going.:rolleyes:

my guess why they havent is they are waiting till they try to move,we shall see.
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Raiders will look like fools in court! Jim Quinn will have Mark Davis for lunch

most people here just dont get that obviously.:rolleyes:

as you can hear in the video,the Rams as i said before,are doing very well in their lawsuit against the Rams.whats sad about this is Oakland has an even stronger case against the NFL in relocation guideline violations and yet they are sitting on their asses and have NOT sued them as they promised a year ago when the relocation was announced.sucks for the bay area fans oakland has such corrupt politicians who wont do anything.
Hmmm this is starting to get very interesting. I was wondering why we had not heard anything of this in a long time.

Oakland lining up lawsuit against Raiders, so team threatens to leave town early

Can Oakland actually win a lawsuit against the Raiders and NFL?

The browns did. Oakland can win also. . And that was in the contract when they moved back to Oakland. That the name will always stay in Oakland..

Wow that is VERY interesting,I did not know that.if this guy is really on the level and this is really true about the Raiders,I dont see how Oakland could even possibly lose in court.I mean how could the NFL possibly get around this one ESPECIALLY after violating NFL relocation rules? I just dont see it. I was thinking the Raiders were as good as gone as everyone else does here but if this guy is on the level and thats true,I just dont see how Oakland could lose this case.Not UNLESS that is AS LONG AS IT GOES TO A JURY TRIAL.

a jury trial and its game over for the NFL.But if its in federal court then the NFL will probably win since our federal courts and judges are so fucking corrupt OR as i have said recently,there might NOT be a lawsuit against the NFL because the oakland officials are so corrupt,they have been bought off by the NFL which is what a lot of oakland residents think is the case because WHY did they not file this suit a long time back ESPECIALLY since st louis is kicking ass in their lawsuit and Oakland has an even stronger case against the NFL than st louis does.:rolleyes:

Thats the ONLY thing that makes since is they indeed HAVE been bought off by the NFL.:mad:
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Oakland Suing Raiders, NFL For Leaving City, Secures Legal Team: Report

would love to say this is great news but we have heard this same old song and dance too many times to remember,oakland should have filed the lawsuit over a year ago and STILL has not done so.no reason to think this time will be any different.the NFL has bought off the corrupt oakland officials if this time is not any different obviously.i mean they have a very strong case that would be successful.NO REASON not to file it as they have yet to do.

Oakland Suing Raiders, NFL For Leaving City, Secures Legal Team: Report
As a resident of Oakland, all I can say is that the Raiders can't leave soon enough pour moi.

If you were a betting person,my advise would be dont bet on the Raiders leaving.The REASON? Like I said,Oakland has got the best Anti Trust lawyer in the business representing them and mark davis violated NFL relocation rules not even trying to get somethign done in Oakland as they are required to do.never once meeting with oakland officials to try and work something out.

Plus like i said, Ronnie Lott contrary to the lies of that facist pig Roger Goddel,,he put together with the help of a ban,a very viable long term plan for a new stadium to have. But the MAIN reason I would not put my money on the raiders going to vegas and would put my money on them staying is the lawyer they have hired to represent them,is the best ANTI trust lawyer in the business.

He has been KRYPTONITE in lawsuits against the NFL.He has had like 6 lawsuits against the NFL and was one EVERYONE of them.He does not take on a case against the NFL unless he is for sure he can win. the fact he has not lost a case against them in the past having won all six of them,dont you agree it would be foolish to bet against him now?:D

everytime i bring up those pesky little facts to the vegas apologists who are so certain it is a done deal,they troll and act like they did not even see any of the points i mentioned that favor the raiders staying in oakland.:rolleyes: I know thats not what you wanted to hear but it is what it is.This lawyer has been a nightmare for the corrupt NFL.:D

I'll take that bet. The Raiders are moving to Vegas.
They are building the stadium right next to 15....
As a resident of Oakland, all I can say is that the Raiders can't leave soon enough pour moi.

If you were a betting person,my advise would be dont bet on the Raiders leaving.The REASON? Like I said,Oakland has got the best Anti Trust lawyer in the business representing them and mark davis violated NFL relocation rules not even trying to get somethign done in Oakland as they are required to do.never once meeting with oakland officials to try and work something out.

Plus like i said, Ronnie Lott contrary to the lies of that facist pig Roger Goddel,,he put together with the help of a ban,a very viable long term plan for a new stadium to have. But the MAIN reason I would not put my money on the raiders going to vegas and would put my money on them staying is the lawyer they have hired to represent them,is the best ANTI trust lawyer in the business.

He has been KRYPTONITE in lawsuits against the NFL.He has had like 6 lawsuits against the NFL and was one EVERYONE of them.He does not take on a case against the NFL unless he is for sure he can win. the fact he has not lost a case against them in the past having won all six of them,dont you agree it would be foolish to bet against him now?:D

everytime i bring up those pesky little facts to the vegas apologists who are so certain it is a done deal,they troll and act like they did not even see any of the points i mentioned that favor the raiders staying in oakland.:rolleyes: I know thats not what you wanted to hear but it is what it is.This lawyer has been a nightmare for the corrupt NFL.:D

I'll take that bet. The Raiders are moving to Vegas.
They are building the stadium right next to 15....

i know that but IF the city offiicals in oakland would actually file the lawsuit they should have filed several months ago,davis would have to do what art modell had to do when he was going to take the browns to baltimore but the city filed a lawsuit against them and he moved but he had to leave the name and logo in cleveland.the raiders could do that as well IF they filed the damn lawsuit but they have not filed it so the only thing that makes since is they are corrupt and have been bought off by the NFL because they have an even stronger case against mark davis than cleveland did against modell when they won their lawsuit against him forcing him to change the name.

btw i am sure you have hear that it is no longer a secret that the NFL owners are pissed at dean spanos and want him to move the chargers back to SD? lol head on over to the charger thread for that.
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As a resident of Oakland, all I can say is that the Raiders can't leave soon enough pour moi.

If you were a betting person,my advise would be dont bet on the Raiders leaving.The REASON? Like I said,Oakland has got the best Anti Trust lawyer in the business representing them and mark davis violated NFL relocation rules not even trying to get somethign done in Oakland as they are required to do.never once meeting with oakland officials to try and work something out.

Plus like i said, Ronnie Lott contrary to the lies of that facist pig Roger Goddel,,he put together with the help of a ban,a very viable long term plan for a new stadium to have. But the MAIN reason I would not put my money on the raiders going to vegas and would put my money on them staying is the lawyer they have hired to represent them,is the best ANTI trust lawyer in the business.

He has been KRYPTONITE in lawsuits against the NFL.He has had like 6 lawsuits against the NFL and was one EVERYONE of them.He does not take on a case against the NFL unless he is for sure he can win. the fact he has not lost a case against them in the past having won all six of them,dont you agree it would be foolish to bet against him now?:D

everytime i bring up those pesky little facts to the vegas apologists who are so certain it is a done deal,they troll and act like they did not even see any of the points i mentioned that favor the raiders staying in oakland.:rolleyes: I know thats not what you wanted to hear but it is what it is.This lawyer has been a nightmare for the corrupt NFL.:D

I'll take that bet. The Raiders are moving to Vegas.
They are building the stadium right next to 15....

i know that but IF the city offiicals in oakland would actually file the lawsuit they should have filed several months ago,davis would have to do what art modell had to do when he was going to take the browns to baltimore but the city filed a lawsuit against them and he moved but he had to leave the name and logo in cleveland.the raiders could do that as well IF they filed the damn lawsuit but they have not filed it so the only thing that makes since is they are corrupt and have been bought off by the NFL because they have an even stronger case against mark davis than cleveland did against modell when they won their lawsuit against him forcing him to change the name.

btw i am sure you have hear that it is no longer a secret that the NFL owners are pissed at dean spanos and want him to move the chargers back to SD? lol head on over to the charger thread for that.

Still think the Raiders aren't leaving, dill weed?

Raiders leave Oakland for final time to chorus of boos, trash in chaotic loss
The socialist regime has done nothing to reduce the crime and are obviously not business friendly.

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