Oath breaker pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy.

No what I want is a new immigration law that spells it all out how to handle illegals.

The right wing doesn't want a new law because they can use it as a political issue every two to four years.

Make a new law that is solid on how immigrants are handled.

Whats the point?
Dems are already ignoring our immigration laws.
No what I want is a new immigration law that spells it all out how to handle illegals.

The right wing doesn't want a new law because they can use it as a political issue every two to four years.

Make a new law that is solid on how immigrants are handled.

You view illegals as democrat voters. Hand them a welfare check and a ballot.
3rrd world countries do it every day. Confess to a conspiracy or we will keep your sorry ass in prison for as long as it takes.
I don't believe we have open borders. Open borders would allow everybody in that came to the border.
Well it's true that a few people have been arrested & detained, but right now at least 99% of all those who are coming to the border are allowed to cross and are given food, water, some get phones, money and transportation to other parts of the country. A conservative estimate of 2 million illegals in 2021. If Biden ends Title 42 the Border Patrol is braced for an estimated 18,000 illegals per day. You do the math for what that adds up to in a year's time.

If every Oathkeeper pleads guilty to seditious activity and/or treason and goes to jail, it won't make one bit of difference to the average American. But all those millions of illegals is hurting us all as well as the illegals.
it's written into the Declaration of Independence. He actually didn't violate anything. The trial is illegal.

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

The American people didn't vote for a seditious conspiracy. They voted for Joe Biden. The will of the people was ignored, as were their right to be governed by the person they chose.
It seems the tards are unable to stay on topic and talk about the seditious asshole who got his just deserves.

They divert because they cannot allow reality to infringe on their delusions.

The American people didn't vote for a seditious conspiracy.

You mean like releasing a deadly virus created in a CCP lab in Wuhan and funded by the American NIH?

They voted for Joe Biden.

Especially dead voters and illegal aliens.

The will of the people was ignored, as were their right to be governed by the person they chose.

They will of the people? When you used biological weapons to skew the election?

A rigged election, followed by the FBI transforming into the Gestapo to take 700 political prisoners as warning to all to NEVER protest against the ruling Nazi party.

The Nazis lose in November.

Even if/when you launch more biological attacks (new variant discovered in October - Biden calls for universal mail in voting and lockdowns across the nation) the nation will not submit this time.

You stole one election and created the biggest disaster in history.

Fuck Joe Biden
Fuck the Nazi party
Fuck the Gestapo
You mean like releasing a deadly virus created in a CCP lab in Wuhan and funded by the American NIH?

Especially dead voters and illegal aliens.

They will of the people? When you used biological weapons to skew the election?

A rigged election, followed by the FBI transforming into the Gestapo to take 700 political prisoners as warning to all to NEVER protest against the ruling Nazi party.

The Nazis lose in November.

Even if/when you launch more biological attacks (new variant discovered in October - Biden calls for universal mail in voting and lockdowns across the nation) the nation will not submit this time.

You stole one election and created the biggest disaster in history.

Fuck Joe Biden
Fuck the Nazi party
Fuck the Gestapo

Repeating the seditious lies of the Trump Cabal doesn't make they true. You're just tossing around every ridiculous debunked conspiracy theory that Donald Trump and Vladimiri Putin came up with in, all in one laughable post.

"Did you do that, agree with [Oath Keepers leader Stewart] Rhodes and develop a plan to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power, by force, on January 6, 2021" US District Judge Amit Mehta asked during the hearing on Friday.

"Yes, your honor" Ulrich said.

Exactly right. That's exactly what this was, and he admitted it. More on the way.
I bet that gives you a woody huh!

There are people murdered and raped in this nation EVERY DAY and this is the SHIT you find important
I bet that gives you a woody huh!

There are people murdered and raped in this nation EVERY DAY and this is the SHIT you find important
Yes, this is important.

Two or more things can be important at the same time. This may be too complicated for someone like you to grasp, but it's true.
Yes, this is important.

Two or more things can be important at the same time. This may be too complicated for someone like you to grasp, but it's true.
There is nothing at all complicated about you busting a nut because a handful of morons who POSED NO THREAT acted like complete morons and were held accountable.

Silly boy, you give too much power to your political wet dreams

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